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"They've burnt the house down" new govt - Lilith7 - 26-11-2023

The new govt's policies on various things will set back race relation by decades according to commentators.

David Syemour seems to be either an uninformed idiot or he's  a racist; I wonder which it is... Dodgy

'They've burnt the house down': Commentators fear new Govt will set race relations back by decades (

"Three parties have come together, but some fear their policies will tear the country apart.
"I think they've burnt the house down and literally repealing everything that they assume to be race-based," Māori affairs commentator Mihingarangi Forbes said.
"We've got to get away from the idea that all Māori are disadvantaged, they're not. And we've got to get away from the idea that disadvantaged people are Māori, that's not true either," said ACT leader David Seymour.

Several of the ACT Party and New Zealand First's policies being adopted by the new Government that relate to Māori and the Treaty of Waitangi include:
  • removing co-governance for public services
  • introducing a Treaty Principles Bill to define the Treaty
  • disestablishing the Māori Health Authority
[b].        [/b]changing a scheme that helps get more Māori and Pacific health professionals
  • re-writing the school history curriculum
  • scrapping the use of te reo Māori in Government departments
"This Government will restore the basic idea that we have nga tikanga katoa ritahi - the same rights and duties. It's not who you are that matters, it's what you do in life," Seymour said.
Critics say yesterday's announcements put Aotearoa's progress on race relations back several decades.
"Te Tiriti o Waitangi is a legislative, legal document, so I think we need to treat such documents the respect they deserve. They should be protected from Governments going this way or that way," said senior emergency medicine doctor Elspeth Frascatore.

"I think the Treaty has been robustly analysed and defined by our most brightest legal minds in the country, and historians both Māori and Pakeha," Forbes said.
"If it's up for more discussion, the place for that is with them not so much with the general public."
Throwing out 16 months of work creating the Māori Health Authority is devastating for Frascatore.
"It makes you worry, for will any health initiative be able to survive changes in Government? I strongly believe that health needs to follow the evidence," she said."

RE: "They've burnt the house down" new govt - Zurdo - 26-11-2023

Not to mention getting rid of Smoke Free NZ.

RE: "They've burnt the house down" new govt - Oh_hunnihunni - 26-11-2023

It will be interesting to see if the people bother to do anything about this...

RE: "They've burnt the house down" new govt - harm_less - 26-11-2023

This lot are terminally treacherous. Tonight's lead story on TVNZ was Willis bleating about the state of the government accounts that they've been left with from Labour. NZ is being groomed to accept financial pain. Hold on, it's going to get rough pretty soon.

RE: "They've burnt the house down" new govt - Lilith7 - 27-11-2023

They do seem keen on taking backward steps, but I suspect they might get rather a shock if they try mucking about with the treaty to any great extent. And their very promptly stated intention to remove/alter the anti smoking move by previous govts is concerning since it raises the spectre of them being a bit too chummy with Big Tobacco, who've shown themselves to be utterly ruthless bastards who are relentless in their pursuit of profit at the expense of people, up to & including death.

It does though seem traditional for an incoming govt (whether right or left) to immediately claim that the previous one has left things in a mess.

RE: "They've burnt the house down" new govt - Oh_hunnihunni - 27-11-2023

I guess we can forget any proactive measures against the vaping industry hooking our kids...

RE: "They've burnt the house down" new govt - harm_less - 27-11-2023

(27-11-2023, 12:05 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I guess we can forget any proactive measures against the vaping industry hooking our kids...
Unless of course vaping is impacting on tobacco sales/tax take.

RE: "They've burnt the house down" new govt - Oh_hunnihunni - 27-11-2023

Are vapes not taxed at that rate? Big mistake...

RE: "They've burnt the house down" new govt - Lilith7 - 27-11-2023

(27-11-2023, 12:10 PM)harm_less Wrote:
(27-11-2023, 12:05 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I guess we can forget any proactive measures against the vaping industry hooking our kids...
Unless of course vaping is impacting on tobacco sales/tax take.

It seems the tobacco industry is involve in vaping, the miserable bastards. They really do not care how they make money as long as they make lots of it. Dodgy



And it isn't just here.
Australia, 2023

Interesting, that it was a priority for this govt. It does raise the question of whether or not some among the new govt might have links to big tobacco.

RE: "They've burnt the house down" new govt - harm_less - 27-11-2023

(27-11-2023, 02:19 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Interesting, that it was a priority for this govt. It does raise the question of whether or not some among the new govt might have links to big tobacco.
Not this guy??:
Bishop is a former tobacco lobbyist for Phillip Morris.

RE: "They've burnt the house down" new govt - king1 - 27-11-2023

Funding tax cuts by encouraging smoking for another generation - legend 

Quote:public health experts have expressed shock at the policy reversal, saying it could cost up to 5,000 lives a year, and be particularly detrimental to Māori, who have higher smoking rates.
“This is major loss for public health, and a huge win for the tobacco industry – whose profits will be boosted at the expense of Kiwi lives,” said Prof Lisa Te Morenga, the chair of non-government industry group Health Coalition Aotearoa.
Te Morenga highlighted recent modelling that showed the regulations would save $1.3bn in health system costs over the next 20 years, if fully implemented, and would reduce mortality rates by 22% for women, and 9% for men.

RE: "They've burnt the house down" new govt - Lilith7 - 27-11-2023

(27-11-2023, 02:24 PM)harm_less Wrote:
(27-11-2023, 02:19 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Interesting, that it was a priority for this govt. It does raise the question of whether or not some among the new govt might have links to big tobacco.
Not this guy??:
Bishop is a former tobacco lobbyist for Phillip Morris.

an amazing coincidence... Rolleyes Big Grin

RE: "They've burnt the house down" new govt - C_T_Russell - 27-11-2023

(26-11-2023, 08:01 PM)harm_less Wrote: This lot are terminally treacherous. Tonight's lead story on TVNZ was Willis bleating about the state of the government accounts that they've been left with from Labour. NZ is being groomed to accept financial pain. Hold on, it's going to get rough pretty soon.

You seem surprised. I have been expecting them to come out with this news, expect the outlook to even be more bleak as they go through the books.
Winston told us that Labour was blowing money before covid, let alone during and after covid.

RE: "They've burnt the house down" new govt - Praktica - 28-11-2023

(27-11-2023, 09:59 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote:
(26-11-2023, 08:01 PM)harm_less Wrote: This lot are terminally treacherous. Tonight's lead story on TVNZ was Willis bleating about the state of the government accounts that they've been left with from Labour. NZ is being groomed to accept financial pain. Hold on, it's going to get rough pretty soon.

You seem surprised. I have been expecting them to come out with this news, expect the outlook to even be more bleak as they go through the books.
Winston told us that Labour was blowing money before covid, let alone during and after covid.

And you believe him, of course...

RE: "They've burnt the house down" new govt - Kenj - 28-11-2023

(28-11-2023, 06:04 AM)Praktica Wrote:
(27-11-2023, 09:59 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote: You seem surprised. I have been expecting them to come out with this news, expect the outlook to even be more bleak as they go through the books.
Winston told us that Labour was blowing money before covid, let alone during and after covid.

And you believe him, of course...

Of course. My wife had Covid earlier this year and was contacted by the Covid team saying they would come to our home and give her the 3rd dose. She said she could go to our local pharmacy and get it done, but, no way, they would come here. They arrived, gave her the jab then gave her $50 worth of petrol vouchers for getting it done.

In August last year, released data showed the Gummint had given $4.6M on freebies to people getting vaccinations. How much to date I wonder?

RE: "They've burnt the house down" new govt - Olive - 28-11-2023

(28-11-2023, 06:04 AM)Praktica Wrote:
(27-11-2023, 09:59 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote: You seem surprised. I have been expecting them to come out with this news, expect the outlook to even be more bleak as they go through the books.
Winston told us that Labour was blowing money before covid, let alone during and after covid.

And you believe him, of course...

It's worth remembering that PREFU by law disclosed every detail of the books before the election.   Nicotine Willis is bullshitting.  There were no surprises.   Government debt is relatively low and expenditure surprisingly conventional.

RE: "They've burnt the house down" new govt - king1 - 28-11-2023

(28-11-2023, 06:45 AM)Kenj Wrote:
(28-11-2023, 06:04 AM)Praktica Wrote: And you believe him, of course...

Of course. My wife had Covid earlier this year and was contacted by the Covid team saying they would come to our home and give her the 3rd dose. She said she could go to our local pharmacy and get it done, but, no way, they would come here. They arrived, gave her the jab then gave her $50 worth of petrol vouchers for getting it done.

In August last year, released data showed the Gummint had given $4.6M on freebies to people getting vaccinations. How much to date I wonder?

Which in the grand scheme of things is peanuts, but was used to incentivise some at risk groups to get vaccinated.  I would just say thanks and move on.  My wife and I had Covid for the first time a few months back - no-one has turned up on my doorstep handing out freebies...

RE: "They've burnt the house down" new govt - Oh_hunnihunni - 28-11-2023

So, some of us get home delivery vaxes, along with bribes, and they still whine on about the left.


RE: "They've burnt the house down" new govt - Bracken - 28-11-2023

Has smoking been made compulsory?

RE: "They've burnt the house down" new govt - Praktica - 28-11-2023

(28-11-2023, 09:25 AM)Bracken Wrote: Has smoking been made compulsory?

Shhh - don't give them ideas.