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You can never have enough... - Printable Version

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You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 26-10-2021

Well, here we are, a home away from home from the TMMB. 

Morning ladies  Smile  If you are here, then you have made the switch.  Hopefully we can continue our morning chat.

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 26-10-2021

Since running out of very pretty big jigsaws I have taken up the needles again. Interesting the way a simple repetitive hands on occupation calms the internal beast during this period of enforced social quiet. I really do miss seeing people though, and it is starting to show in my short tempered responses to fools and idiots.
I am even starting to sympathise with the current crop of axe murderers on Netflix.

RE: You can never have enough... - Mica - 26-10-2021

Great thanks for starting the chat.

RE: You can never have enough... - trish44 - 26-10-2021

Thanks KM I was worried I would lose contact with the group.I enjoy watching all your crafts.
You are all so clever.

RE: You can never have enough... - Jan - 26-10-2021

Cheers Kiwimade - pleased the thread will survive even in a different format

RE: You can never have enough... - Outsider - 26-10-2021

Just a 'heads up' to anyone new to this forum.
Usually best to just hit the black New Reply button at bottom right and not the yellow reply button at the end of each post.
This is because the yellow one will repeat everything in that posts box, even when there are previous quotes in that box - then it starts to get messy.

But occasionally there will be something you want to quote to avoid misunderstandings, then you will need the yellow 'reply'.
I hope that's clear?
This thread is a joy so far! No endless quotes in messages and easy to read Smile

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 27-10-2021

morning ladies Smile Thanks for the heads up, outsider. As newbies here, I guess we have a bit of learning to do!

Wow, awesome to see you all here. It's a gorgeous, calm morning this morning but boy, was it muggy last night.

hunnihunni, there is nothing so calming as crafting. Whether it be knitting, sewing, jigsaws, whatever takes your mind elsewhere. Fingers and everything crossed you guys get to the magic 90% soon.

We need to figure out a way to show our pics. I like micas idea on the TMMB of using Flicker (spelling?) and posting the link. Does anyone have any other ideas or should we do it this way?

Happy crafting Smile

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 27-10-2021

I read an interesting article yesterday on the concept of 'enough'. We do not appreciate it as much as we should. If we did, enough would mean more to go round.
And a lot more room in my craft cupboard!

RE: You can never have enough... - crafters_corner - 27-10-2021

Oh cool ladies, so pleased that you have come over.

SOmeone just mentioned about getting some of the forums archived over to here, and I mentioned this thread, which I hadn't seen, until just now.

Would you like your thread archived to this site??

Welcome ladies (I assume you're all girls). I hope you get as much out of your "you can never have enough" thread, as you did on TM.


RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 28-10-2021

morning ladies Smile I think we are mostly ladies, crafters_corner. We have a lot of 'lurkers' too. Didn't realise we had so many who read our thread lol. It's just everyday, regular stuff with a teeeny tiny amount of drama when something dramatic happens to us. Maybe that's why so many read it. They are more than welcome to join in anytime they like Smile
I didn't know you could archive our thread from 'over there', that would be lovely, thanks.

Another damp, humid day today. We still can't get to Hamilton to help our son with his new venture (not that he can open anyway) or to Raglan to spread my sister-in-law's ashes. We just have to wait and be patient.

hunni_hunni, I know what you mean by 'enough'. If we all took just what we needed, there would be enough for everyone. It's one of the reasons I don't have a huge stash of crafting stuff and am trying to use what I do have. Although with lockdowns, having a decent stash can be a sanity saver.

The Furry One is stalking the rabbit, he was out looking for it at midnight last night. At least he is keeping the possums away from the garden while 'walking the perimeter'.

I've spotted some pure silk threads used in machine embroidery and am thinking how lovely they would look in my hand embroidery.

happy crafting Smile

RE: You can never have enough... - Mica - 28-10-2021

Morning all,

Overcast here.
thought I would trial posting a photo link so here is a photo of the baby shoes I made earlier this week
havent used my Flickr acct in a while so time to blow off the dust
have a great day

RE: You can never have enough... - crafters_corner - 28-10-2021

(26-10-2021, 05:49 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: Well, here we are, a home away from home from the TMMB. 

Morning ladies  Smile  If you are here, then you have made the switch.  Hopefully we can continue our morning chat.

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 28-10-2021

I love using silk, in embroidery, in all my making stuff. It is the sheen I think. My Mum made my wedding dress of silk, hand painted, and the robe I wore while carrying my daughter, lovely things I cannot bear to get rid of. Such a talented lady, no wonder I love the stuff.

RE: You can never have enough... - Jan - 28-10-2021

Afternoon all -just unpicked about a weeks crochet - I am making a blanket which is an optical illusion - I thought I would be clever and make it into a rectangle - the pattern is a square - but the extra ruined the illusion - so I have a mountain of grey and red tangle free to a good home 
Very muggy here

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 29-10-2021

morning ladies Smile ohhhh buggar, Jan! How disappointing for you! I'm sure someone will be happy to take the tangle off your hands.

I think it is the sheen of the silk, hunni_hunni. It just glows. I think I've found my Christmas pressie lol and will suggest to MrK 'he' can buy me some silk thread. I want to hand embroider a series of our garden birds so might start planning that so I know what colours to buy. Ooopps lol, I mean for MrK to buy Tongue

Mica, those baby shoes are just the cutest! Your Flickr link works perfectly.

It's a wet, grey day today so once housework is done, I'll finish the top to the small quilt I'm sewing. It's the Disappearing 9 Patch block using two tablecloths and a contrast fabric from Spotlight. It looks OK so far. One of the tablecloths really frays so I wanted a simple design that didn't involve fiddly cutting.

Happy crafting Smile

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 31-10-2021

morning ladies Smile just keeping the thread ticking along. Another wet day here so no gardening for me. I'll be sewing and ironing while MrK cleans up the rabbit the Furry One caught and dumped on the bedroom floor half eaten. It's the first time he's done that (bringing his rabbits inside) and we can only assume it was raining, he was peckish and he doesn't like being wet. We're just grateful it wasn't dumped on the bed.

Happy crafting Smile

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 31-10-2021

One of ours brought one home one day years ago when we lived in Long Bay. A baby wabbit, that my daughter insisted on wanting to adopt. Fortunately it didn't survive the experience.

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 02-11-2021

A late evening visit here this time Smile I thought I would share some pics from the garden Smile After all, the title of the thread is you can never have enough... and in this case, it's roses lol. I have some flowering already, two weeks early so thought these might brighten your day.

RE: You can never have enough... - Bracken - 03-11-2021

^ beautiful roses.

What is the apricot-coloured one? I had a similarly-coloured one, 'Lolita;, very sweetly-scented.

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 03-11-2021

morning ladies Smile Welcome Bracken! The apricot rose is Crepuscule (the one with the 'raggy' petals) and the brighter orange rose is a David Austin, Lady of Shallot. Crepuscule is a climber that will try and take over the world lol and this is my first season growing her. I planted her late last summer so too late for flowering. Albertine is due to flower any day now and is another climber trying to dominate the world. Can't wait for that to flower as she only flowers once for six solid weeks. Glad you enjoyed the pics Smile