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RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 27-07-2022

Morning everyone

Gloomy and windy out there still.

A bit the same here too. After saving soo hard to be able to get a new lawnmower it looks like I might have been ripped off. Trade me is trying to help, but Im not holding my breath. I just soo upset and annoyed too. They are in trade as well.

Im loving the way my room is now. Heaps more room.

Stay warm and dry everyone

RE: You can never have enough... - Jan - 27-07-2022

Morning a lovely day here in the Bay - bit cloudy at the moment but supposed to be a 20deg bright sunny afternoon - my old boy planted freesias in a pot just before he died - they are flowering so I brought the pot inside yesterday so I can enjoy their perfume which is what he wanted - it’s certainly early - he planted a pot up for Mum as well must check with my sister if hers are flowering - they were multi coloured but for the last two years have been cream - I thought of you Popeye when I was dragging the pot up the steps - told myself if you can shift a couch I can shift a pot
Back in the day I made Hollie Hobby dolls for our local craft shop - she sold one to an American tourist about six months later I received a letter from a US lawyer telling me I couldn’t call them Hollie Hobby dolls - by that time I had moved on and was making Demelza out of Poldark
37 Monarchs on the shrub this morning - the neighbour has been here 30 years and has never seen them before - maybe with the tree where they used to rest being blown down they have chosen the shrub - they certainly are beautiful
Kapiti make a beautiful lemon curd yoghurt if ever any of you lemon lovers want a treat - it’s a two serving pot for about $5 so it’s expensive but it’s like a cheesecake -
Better get cracking venturing out this afternoon - the wife of the headmistress has summonsed me - I haven’t been going to breakfast club because of covid - but we are going to be outside so I should be OK

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 27-07-2022

Family tradition to make lemon curd, mid winter and at Christmas (for tiny tarts), and yes it is gorgeous with yoghurt. I have it on my porridge when I am in need of sunshine, but the best thing I ever made with it was a frozen mess of leftover curd, Christmas pavlova, whipped cream, and the last of the vanilla ice cream. I was cleaning up the kitchen after Christmas dinner and saw someone had left the ice cream out so slid the lot into that container and put it in the freezer to deal with later.

And deal with it I did! It was heaven!

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 27-07-2022

Back from Hamilton, boy what a difference to traffic the new bypass to Auckland makes. There's still lots of traffic but not nearly so many trucks and traffic seem to flow a lot better.

Omgg OHH, that all sounds divine! We have masses of lemons and I mentioned to MrK I should make some lemon curd the other day. And I'll take some into our local pub and see if they would like them. Heard on the grapevine they are always on the lookout for lemons.

Ohh buggar and damit, popeye. I hope TM are able to help. I'd be mad too.

RE: You can never have enough... - Lilith7 - 27-07-2022

Puhoi also make a yummy lemon yogurt. And Barkers of Geraldine make an excellent lemon curd spread.

Finally stopped raining so ventured out & did the dreaded shopping. Most of the puddles have gone, though some water still lying in the back yard here & in a few other places. No doubt the usual section of the park will be under water once again too, when we go for the walk later on.
Dunedin also copped loads of rain, & there was a photo or two on FB this morning of people kayaking down the Leith, which looked really rapid, far from its usual calmness.

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 27-07-2022

Wonders never cease to amaze me

After getting help from TM and me leaving phone messages, text messages emails etc. The seller who is in trade contacted me . Its on its way.
he has been sick apparently.. i suggested he get help with his business when he is sick, to at least keep customers informed.

Was probably cos TM contacted him.. its a privilege to be in trade on there and eh would lose a lot of custom.

Ohh all this talk of lemon curd. I haven't made any for years but may have to lol

Now I have to deal with a friend who has been sick for weeks but actually wishes she got covid.... Shes an odd one and seems to think once she has had it, wont get it again

RE: You can never have enough... - Roma - 27-07-2022

Good afternoon.

Sunny but some wind here. At least not raining. 

Good news Popeye. One of the advantages of going through TM and having some comeback when things go pear-shaped.

Not too much happening round here. DH got through the night feeling feverish, now has sore throat plus congestion. Looks like I will end up with Covid from him and not the visitor seeing as still testing negative. DH can confirm that Covid is more than "just a cold"!

Lemon curd is a useful sweet treat, yum. I make it in the microwave with no butter. My little tree is also covered with lemons this year and I made lemon muffins yesterday, will do curd next Smile

Back to my knitting needles.

Enjoy the rest of the day.

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 27-07-2022

I use heaps more juice than the recipe requires and really beat the eggs before including them and it makes the finished product much sharper in taste and a lot lower chance of scrambled eggs lol. I have used the microwave and it works well, but there is something about doing it the long way round that reminds me of family days.

Funny the way some things do that.

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 28-07-2022

morning ladies Smile Another wet day today. Just as well we have things to keep us busy inside.

I have a pile of ironing to do today and while the board is out, I'll prepare the other side of the tote bag for embroidering. And there's some baking to be done too as the last of the apricot loaf ended up as steamed pudding with homemade custard last night. Seeing as we are on a 'lemon' theme here lol and we have loads of lemons, it will be lemony.

That's great news about your lawn mower, popeye. Communication could have been better to prevent all the worry. Your friend is wrong, you can get covid more than once, our grandkids did.

Roma, I hope you and your husband are on the mend and have a negative test soon.

Happy crafting Smile

RE: You can never have enough... - Mica - 28-07-2022

Morning all
Still moist here.

Will be at conference today fe a bit like entering covid den time will tell no doubt.
Have a good day

RE: You can never have enough... - Roma - 28-07-2022

Good morning.

Raining again but not cold.

KM I still haven't had a positive test ... but expect I will eventually! DH's sore throat a bit better today, his most troublesome symptom. Yes, we know of people getting Covid 2x some unlucky ones 3! Horrible contagious virus.

I have veg soup on the go, good to be able to divide up and freeze. Will continue on with baby jacket ... up to all pieces on the needles for the yoke.

Enjoy your day and stay well.

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 28-07-2022

Did you see that item about some RATS being withdrawn because they are failing to recognise the latest mutations? Covid just keeps getting more complicated by the day. I have fingers crossed for you Roma...

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 28-07-2022

Morning everyone

The sun is just coming through but it is still a little windy.

Hope you get well soon Roma and Mr Roma. The friend I was talking about husband had it but she managed not to get it. I just dont feel she will. But I told her off and told her she her first grandie coming in October and she has to be around to treat it how to do all the norty stuff.

Im off to the home this morning to see grant Sharman. He's a wonderful speaker and certainly motivates people.

Nice to see Joelle King and Tom Walsh are our Flag bearers this time around.

Then Im off for my Hair Do this afternoon Yay.. I left it down all day yesterday and it really is a long mess of a nondescript colour so it will be nice to have it look like something lol.

37 kilos off now.. 2 pounds of butter to go and its 6 stone.. Not bad considering I've been massively limited with moving the last few weeks.

Have a fab day Everyone

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 28-07-2022

lemon curd made and omg it's delicious. I used Annabel Langbein's recipe as she never lets me down. Every recipe of hers we have used has been successful. There is enough to share around friends if we don't eat it by the spoonful first lol.

I should be trimming the edges and mowing the lawn while there is a lull in the weather but I really can't be bothered today. Just feel like a cruisey day, there has been a lot of driving and running round after people over the last few weeks.

We saw the RATs tests in Aussie being withdrawn on the news, OHH. It's a tricky virus, that's for sure. The second RATs test I did Monday evening showed a much stronger negative than the first so we are wondering if we did have some remnants of it after seeing that news item. We both go for our second booster next week.

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 28-07-2022

Me too for the second boost next week - but hey, with that and our increased vit c intake from the lemon curd we should be well prepared for any stray viruses!

RE: You can never have enough... - Venetian1 - 28-07-2022

All the discussion re lemons has enthused me to make a lemon slice which I haven’t made for years, it has a shortbread type base and you then pour a lemon mixture on top, has turned out well. The church is catering for a funeral tomorrow and I need to take a slice.

Not sure of the criteria but the anti-virals which some people can get free from the chemist are great if started early once covid hits. BiL who has numerous health issues took a course when his wife got covid and he dodged it, then he was in hospital for another medical condition and caught covid off a room mate so was given another course and he was virtually symptomless.  We were really worried as he has the potential to be very unwell with any infection.

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 28-07-2022

Yup, they are wonderful drugs. Saved my daughter a lot of trouble when she had covid. If I get it I'll be going for those for sure...

RE: You can never have enough... - Lilith7 - 28-07-2022

Raining & cold here yet again, we went for a walk-paddle in the park when it stopped for a bit but it seems to have eased again now so hoping that might be it - the last thing we needed was more rain, though I think most streets closed are open again.

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 28-07-2022

Its been a lovely day.

I always enjoy hearing Grant Sharman. There was a bit of time reminiscing with a couple pf old fellas there too and playing their sports in the 40s and 50s. When the medals went around again Grant told old Peter to pop it on. He did and he cried.. he played Soccer for England during the war. And cos he cried, I cried lol... It was lovely tho.

I haven't gone silver as we had talked. they thought I might get a little shocked, so Ive gone the ash blonde look with dark and lighter foils. It looks healthy now. But My goodness it had gotten long and grey and dead looking. Of course I walked out the door into the wind but it was 2 hours of pampering and I really enjoyed it. Ill do photos later. Need to show the friend who paid for it first and for some reason my texts arent working.

I miss my Lemon tree lol...

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 28-07-2022

This is really worth the read. If not for this Winter, then for next...