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RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 04-08-2022

Im home and absolutely screaming in pain.

Yes my arm is bad too OHH.. And I wear a back pack handbag so it wasn't helping at all. But yes its worth it, No sign of a rash for me so far.

The bulbs and container present went out the door. No plain purple iris's, and no freesias either... But I found a perfect little house sign with bee's on it. My friends dad was an apiarist so she loves bee's. And I got excited cos I found one of those chocolate oranges that are done in segments. Grabbed one for her.. Then at countdown they had heaps and slightly cheaper.
But I figure if I hadn't have gotten one, countdown wouldn't have had them.

How's this for Uncanny.. The head nurse just rang to keep me up to date on MrPs med increase, and I said to her that a Book Im reading was written by a lady with the same first name. Merin, and the nurse is Fijian Indian. She was chuffed when I told her and then I said Ohh it was Merin Thomas.. And blow me the nurses married name is Thomas lol So Im taking the book up to show her tomorrow..
Cos as it turns out tomorrow is her last day. They cant afford to buy a house up here so are going to Chch.

The fog was down by the time I left this morning. less than 100 meters visibility. Reminded me of living in South Waikato. But its a stunning day now.

I Love date scones and I agree with your grandfather Veneitisn1.

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 04-08-2022

Lovely man from Independent Living came and checked my batteries and yup, they're shot. So quotes coming then I shall ask WINZ nicely for an advance on my Super to pay for them, cheaper than getting a bank loan. Lovely man didn't charge me for doing the check either despite coming all the way from South Auckland, so I am very happy. Service like that is a rare thing these days...

RE: You can never have enough... - Lilith7 - 04-08-2022

Fingers crossed WINZ will help, Hunni - surely they should for something so necessary.

I must get around to having the second booster, need to check where, too.

Did a bit of digging & weeding earlier, having another bash at the oregano patch - got about halfway now so one or two more sessions should see it done - I hope. Its full of blasted twitch so takes some doing.
The a quick dash to Dr for prescription.... & now I'm knackered & won't be doing more digging today, dammit. Oh, for the energy I had at 25 - or even 35! I used to spend entire afternoons in the garden & it looked a lot better than it does these days.

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 04-08-2022

We're both boosted Big Grin now and am happy it's done and dusted. My arm feels fine and MrK has no after affects either so all good.

Damed twitch, I feel your pain, Lilith. I have it growing in part of our garden too and it's a PITA to dig out and weed.

OHH, WINZ should help you with paying for the batteries. Good luck getting through to them on the phone. If we need to phone, I find first thing in the morning the best time.

It was worth having the fog this morning as the day has turned into a gloriously sunny day. Washing all dry on the line and the grass is drying out.

On our way back from Cambridge this morning we called into the cemetery where Mum and Dad are buried. A hoon had done wheelies throughout the grounds and had even run over a fresh grave. I just wanted to check on Mum and Dad's headstone and to make sure everything was OK. It was, thank goodness. Police have caught the f***wit and arrested him for a couple of things including unsustained traction of a car. His car has been impounded for a month.

RE: You can never have enough... - Mica - 05-08-2022

Morning all
Still dark so not sure what our day is like

Busy day yesterday took DH for post surgery check and they found another lesion so I left him  and went and did my volunteer stint and picked him up later. We had our boosters too on Wednesday,  my arm is very sore along with tender lymph nodes so something is working. Ended up sleeping the afternoon away.

OH I hope you get assistance for your battery,
All the gardening is making me tired reading what you lot get up to Big Grin

No plans for today we will see what evolves

Enjoy your day

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 05-08-2022

The clouds are kissing the ground again this morning, and if the bones are right, wet is on the way. So quiet again this morning that we both slept well past the usual 4am rise and feed the cat time which was nice and with no plans in place today I can delay getting acquainted with the chilly bathroom and read a few more chapters of my library book before starting the day...

RE: You can never have enough... - Venetian1 - 05-08-2022

Morning- another beautiful day weather wise.
Think some people have nothing between their ears Kiwimaid, just plain idiocy thinking hooning around a cemetery is fun. Idiots have been doing donuts on the grass at the park near me so they are having to put up barriers - more cost to the rate payers!

I like seeing how days evolve Mica.

Yesterday I had nothing planned but ended up helping fill holes in walls and lifting carpet in the morning and in the afternoon taking BiL to an appointment followed by an ice cream in the sun at the beach - so relaxing. Then evening knitting. The cardy I’m doing for a niece has a wide band of 1x1 rib which I find rather tedious but will look good when finished.

Have to wait 3 months before getting a booster as got covid a week before I was eligible for one. Was so pleased though that I had had the vaccine as wasn’t really unwell at all.

Have a happy day all

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 05-08-2022

morning ladies Smile The fog is lifting already and we are promised another sunny day.

Today's mission is to start the attack on the last massive clump of aggies Big Grin This clump should be easier than the one I am trying to kill on the main road (that's growing through the bitumen!) as it's in nice soft soil. Once it is gone I can plant a Yesterday Today and Tomorrow in its place. There will be more than one wheelie bin full so this will take a bit of time.

I had a friend call from the USA saying how much they were enjoying our kiwi programme Wellington Paranormal. It would seem it's a massive hit over there.

The Furry One is demanding his play time, my shin is being bashed with his tug rope. I am well trained and can take a hint.

Happy crafting Smile

RE: You can never have enough... - Roma - 05-08-2022

Good morning.  

Looking to be a lovely day here, so will make the most of it ... Sunday not looking great. 

I never got out to weeding here ... need an energy boost first which is probably over the next week yet!

Good to see all the boosters getting done. Someone from DH'S work is away with Covid for a 2nd time.  Her school kids the source. Bring on summer,  open doors and windows.

Enjoy the day all.

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 05-08-2022

Morning everyone

Foggy here too. But hopefully it will end up another beautiful day.

Im getting love bites on my arm cos Madam is between me and the lappy. Tough she knows I do the comp while I eat my breakfast lol.

Soo sore last night that I took an oxy and didn't think about food. Was in bed by 8 and I slept very soundly.. woke up with my tummy gently rumbling and that's when I realised I hadn't eaten anything since about 1pm yesterday.. oops.

OHH you will soon be hooning around at full speed.

MrP was sad to hear that his favourite nurse is leaving. She often rings just to check on me.

I hope to get one of the bloke neighbours to come and check the mower over the weekend. Then I can get the oil and gas to do the lawn. Yay.

Apparently its International beer day today. Someone from our local pub which has had NZs longest active licence is taking samples up to the home and then they are having real fish and chips. so they are all looking forward to the food at least. And no Fish Bait Friday as we call it.

Going through my Yarn stash for a friend today she has a Grandie arriving on January 1st and wants to make a blanket

Have a fab day all.

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 05-08-2022

two thirds of the aggies binned Big Grin Will leave the rest until the bins have been emptied next week. Our neighbour spotted me digging and said thanks for getting rid of them lol. I know they spread like wildfire so the sooner they are gone the better. So that's my morning workout done and dusted which included resistant training as I lugged the bins, boy, they are heavy!

Must be time for a cuppa Smile

RE: You can never have enough... - Lilith7 - 05-08-2022

Had another go at the twitch in the oregano patch & got quite bit out but still some I couldn't so that will be a battle for another day.

I'd intended to do another bird ball for the birds, having had the odd reminder so went looking foe the mesh bag I use for that. Turned the house upside down but I seem to have put it away carefully, so may never see the damned thing again. Had to go out so looked in shops for something else which might do, & found a couple of cup shaped plastic thingamajigs, which are perforated around the sides in a decorative pattern, so came home & made up the bird ball mixture, stuffed it into the container & hung it outside.

The little sods have gone nowhere near it, damn them!

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 05-08-2022

(05-08-2022, 03:25 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Had another go at the twitch in the oregano patch & got quite bit out but still some I couldn't so that will be a battle for another day.

I'd intended to do another bird ball for the birds, having had the odd reminder so went looking foe the mesh bag I use for that. Turned the house upside down but I seem to have put it away carefully, so may never see the damned thing again. Had to go out so looked in shops for something else which might do, & found a couple of cup shaped plastic thingamajigs, which are perforated around the sides in a decorative pattern, so came home & made up the bird ball mixture, stuffed it into the container & hung it outside.

The little sods have gone nowhere near it, damn them!
Maybe one of those onion net bags?

RE: You can never have enough... - Lilith7 - 05-08-2022

(05-08-2022, 04:11 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote:
(05-08-2022, 03:25 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Had another go at the twitch in the oregano patch & got quite bit out but still some I couldn't so that will be a battle for another day.

I'd intended to do another bird ball for the birds, having had the odd reminder so went looking foe the mesh bag I use for that. Turned the house upside down but I seem to have put it away carefully, so may never see the damned thing again. Had to go out so looked in shops for something else which might do, & found a couple of cup shaped plastic thingamajigs, which are perforated around the sides in a decorative pattern, so came home & made up the bird ball mixture, stuffed it into the container & hung it outside.

The little sods have gone nowhere near it, damn them!
Maybe one of those onion net bags?
I had a small one which had garlic in it ages ago, before I started growing garlic & it worked really well. Its the one I put away somewhere carefully. I don't use a lot of onions so only buy one or two at a time, so no bag.

However, one very clever bird had worked out that it was possible to get at the top if it perched on the edge - so at least one of them- probably a female -  had it sorted. Rolleyes Smile

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 05-08-2022

I saw an interesting bird feeder made from two wire hanging baskets wired to hinge together into a ball, closed with a plastic peg. A dish inside for the food, and only the tiny birds could get it, no pigeons or rat bag mynahs allowed!

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 06-08-2022

morning ladies Smile Sun's up and the fog is clearing so it's going to be a good day Smile

This morning I'm a little stiff and sore from digging those aggies yesterday but it's a good kind of sore. It has obviously been a few months since I have worked with the spade lol.

I like the sound of the wire baskets being hinged together for the bird food. The blimmen mynahs are bullies when it comes to food. The waxeyes are plucky wee things and try to stand up for themselves but those mynahs are just too big for them. A couple of winters ago I spotted two rats (*shudders*) on the bird feeder helping themselves. Some bait and they were no more. This winter though we haven't seen or heard any rats or mice so we are thinking our baiting has been working.

Almost finished the butterflies on the second side of the bag Smile I seem to stitch one a day and have three to go.

Time to get cranked up for the day.

happy crafting Smile

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 06-08-2022

Morning everyone.

No fog here this morning its a bit dull and dreary.

Got up early cos last night my arm had flared up at the vacc site, but its settled down so I dont think Ill bother going up to have it checked.

Ohh the Hockey is down to a penalty shoot out.. Nearly one for the kiwi girls.. Bugger the poms just got one.. Come on Kiwigirls.

England Won... Kiwis got the Bronze.. and I think I saw that we got Gold and silver in the shotput. Tom gold and Jacko Silver.

Will pop over and see one of the Bloke neighbours today and ask them to check the lawnmower before I get the oil and gas.

Not sure what else Ill do, kinda not motivated at the mo lol

Have a fab day everyone

RE: You can never have enough... - Venetian1 - 06-08-2022

Sitting in sun with coffee - have just finished a rather long icord cast off on the cardigan I’m knitting for a niece so now need to get on with the day I guess  Wink

Washing has beeped so that’s the first job - hang it out then see what I feel like doing.

RE: You can never have enough... - Mica - 06-08-2022

Morning all
 Windy wind warnings for today and heavy rain watch later  so over this bl....dy wet weather.

Ended up being quite busy yesterday DD and DGD called mid morning and left after lunch, errandsbin the afternoon then out dinner at friends house

So nothing planned for today let's see what happens. Enjoying watching the stash and diving

Enjoy your day

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 06-08-2022

That i cord thing is not as easy as the name might suggest when it is on my needles. Despite my beloved bff showing me how several times, I still need the youtube video every time! Some of us are just born idiots I guess.

Been three days now since the jab and only a faint twinge left, so hang in there, it will fade.