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RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 04-10-2022

morning ladies Smile It was wishful thinking to have the lawn mowed yesterday but it looks promising today.

I saw that doco advertised, lilith, and think it will be a good watch. Maybe it will help with more understanding of how neuro diverse people think.

I remember our daughter being into Harry Potter when it was first published. Her Gran bought her the books also. Now her daughter is reading them. Heart

MrK mentioned he wouldn't mind seeing the Celtic dancers being advertised on the TV. I gave up ages ago asking if he would like to go to this sort of thing. Sadly the bookings are down to individual seats at our closest venue, Tauranga. Next time there is something like this advertised I'll ask him if he wants to go.

OHH, I hope the gallstones have settled down.

Happy crafting Smile

RE: You can never have enough... - Mica - 04-10-2022

Morning all,
Brilliantly sunny here not a cloud in the sky Sun Big Grin

Started a new book this morning The Alice Network going to be a good read I think. I will have to be disciplined else I won't get anything done today  Wink

K9s will get a long walk this morning

Enjoy your day

RE: You can never have enough... - Roma - 04-10-2022

Good morning. 

Sunny after a lot more rain yesterday. 

Gallstones don't sound much fun,  if said to be worse than childbirth! I presume (hope) they dissolve themselves. 

The book I've started is The Three Sisters. Not the best reading before sleep as it's set in Auschwitz and  the horrific conditions they have to try and survive in  Sad  Compelling though and I have to keep reading on!

I've started a toddler cardigan to have something on the go. Hopefully can get outside today plus  run a few errands.

Plan to watch the Wired Differently doco.

Enjoy the day.

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 04-10-2022

Morning everyone

Another gloomy grey day.. and getting chilly

It would be awesome to see the Irish dancers... I would only go if someone else would drive lol.

Thankfully MrP was in a better mood last night. He reckons he tried to stand. And that's simply cos the Dr told him he had to walk first, before he could drive. So I'll be telling the dr he is the one that will be dealing with the mood when MrP learns he would have to sit the license again.. And he will never be driving my car. Ever.

I dont have the imagination to read books like Harry potter or watch movies about not normal stuff. Just never got that gene lol.. My father loved science fiction and my middle brother does. but it escaped me lol.. My head only seems to do stuff that could happen in real life. And even some of the soaps are getting stupid lol.

I dont have any plans for the day so Ill just Wing it lol.

RE: You can never have enough... - Venetian1 - 04-10-2022

Read that book last year Mica and enjoyed it. 
Went to the library on Sunday and got several books out but then saw a review of another book so put in a reserve and it’s ready today so I’ll have to call in again to pick it up.  Love the reserve system as can put in a request as soon as I hear about a book and don’t have to try and remember to search for it the next time I go into the library. They find it for us and we just have to collect it, sometimes there’s a wait but I don’t mind that. 
I’ve just finished the latest Charity Norman, Remember Me, I always enjoy her writing and being set locally makes it even more interesting even if the town is fictitious.

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 04-10-2022

Lawn is mowed, pretty hard going today as it was so wet. I have to chuckle at the advert on TV at the moment starting with 'going to the gym in the morning..' and the woman is planting a citrus tree. Just hope our doctor sees it lmao.

Thanks for the book recommendations Smile I'll keep an eye out for them. At the moment I'm reading a Lee Child (Jack Reacher) book. It's an easy read and one I can share with MrK.

Time for a shower. I realllly miss my gumboots on days like this when the ground is so wet. Might have to relent and buy a pair before the Field Days.

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 04-10-2022

Normal life resumes, and my beans are erupting green sprouts so I have put up the netting ready for their climber bits. Got another two handfuls of Little Garden seed pots with my little shop this morning. It definitely pays to have our favourite check out operators, I'm scoring hundred dollar shopping rewards for my budget spends and getting good germination this year too. Might be all that rain...

It sure beats 3 for ten dollar seedling punnets at the local hardware shop!

RE: You can never have enough... - Lilith7 - 04-10-2022

Popeye, my reading these days is almost always either Sci Fi or non fiction, usually an autobiography, which is quite a contrast so I must be weirder than you are. Smile
I have Sheila Hancock's Old rage waiting at the library; I've read one of her other books & really enjoyed it, largely about her li8fe with the late John Thaw so very keen to read this one.

Did the dreaded shopping - starting to wonder which price will rise to eye watering status next - then came home & after the dog walk, did a bit more weeding. The forecast is still claiming snow & cold for tomorrow so we'll see.
Haven't even got my runner beans in yet, have still to dig it over again & add compost so may do that tomorrow if they've got the forecast wrong.

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 04-10-2022

I was thinking last night how well Morse would have got on with Bosch. John Thaw meet Titus Welliver... Birds of a feather, characters so easy to fall head over heels with.

RE: You can never have enough... - Lilith7 - 04-10-2022

(04-10-2022, 05:38 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I was thinking last night how well Morse would have got on with Bosch. John Thaw meet Titus Welliver... Birds of a feather, characters so easy to fall head over heels with.
I haven't really read much in the way of thrillers but did the other day. Read a Hellstrom & Rosslund book, Box 21, in two days because I couldn't put the damn thing down.

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 05-10-2022

morning ladies Smile It's a bit chilly this morning but no rain so far.

I love Bosch and Morse too lol. Would be an interesting conversation to listen too that's for sure, OHH.

My hair cut has been postponed as my hairdresser and her family have a nasty tummy bug. Not nice when you have small kiddies and sick yourself.

The Furry One has his six monthly check up tomorrow so we will be asking about the seizures he has been having and increasing his dosage of medication. I had better find his 'Plunket' book where all his jabs are recorded.

We were going to plant our tomatoes, chillies, cucumbers and so on but have decided to wait until this polar blast is over. Traditionally MrK would plant them Labour Day but has decided climate change has forced his hand to plant a couple of weeks earlier. We lost our pea crop and think it was all the rain but on the bright side, we have space for beetroot now. Our beans haven't even poked through the soil yet so yours are doing well, OHH. The lilies I bought the other day from the Warehouse for $3.97 are through the soil. They are being protected from the rabbits until they grow bigger.

Weather permitting today I will rake more stones from the dismantled path as the rain has washed soil from them and brought more to the surface. I can now also put the soil back around the fence posts where the fence was repaired. The concrete is pretty solid Big Grin Always plenty to do. Hopefully this summer will be the last of the really heavy work for a while.

happy crafting.

RE: You can never have enough... - Roma - 05-10-2022

Good morning. 

Sunny outside and hopefully remains that way. Looking cold further south!

I picked up sweet 100 tomato and courgette plants from Bunnings yesterday,  will also wait for the forecast cold spell to pass through before planting out. Pansies in pots are looking colourful and a tip I saw online to add baking soda to water and spray on appears to have worked for 1 of them showing signs of powdery mildew  Smile

The Wired Differently doco was well presented last night and certainly gave an insight into what the families and those around them have to endure. I'm glad Sonia's daughter has found her niche.

Our cat and dog have had their vacc/check up recalls also.  Usually need another set of hands for the 6.5kg one in his heavy cage plus the tripod  Blush

Better get moving with family around later. 

Enjoy the day all.

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 05-10-2022

Morning everyone

The sun is out here.

I have a busy morning sorting out my bank and a company taking money without any permission, thus making another one not having enough to be covered. Im not happy.

Then off to see the July babies

Have a good day

RE: You can never have enough... - Mica - 05-10-2022

Morning all
Stiff breeze here with chill factor brr.

Finished the book yesterday so can move on today. I can't seem to just read a chapter at a time lol

Quilt symposium on in Lower Hutt so might pop over to peruse the quilt exhibition.

Finished my crochet blanket and had no hand work last night I do not like idle hands so I will have to find a project

Recovered from gym session so time for shower

Enjoy your day

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 05-10-2022

That doco rang so true for me with my friend who is raising her grandson. He is a meth baby, abandoned and neglected by his mother and my friend had to go through court action to rescue him. He has a number of problems but so far has no real diagnosis despite being in the system since birth - he is ten now. Currently on partial exclusion from his school after striking the principal...

She is one brave lady. All these mums and dads are, and so appalling let down by the professionals. This lad we know will end up like his dad, either behind bars or between sentences. And he too is so bright, so much potential, he just cannot cope with the mainstream.

Makes my parenting experiences look like the dream version.

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 05-10-2022

Two posts have soil around them and stones raked and binned from the old path. My back is telling me to have a break. So frustrating when I use to work all day in the garden with no problems at all.

We missed the doco as we ended up having a few beers with friends last evening. It should be on demand so will look it up and watch. These kids tend to slip between the cracks and it seems the powers that be just don't get them so they are swept under the carpet. My nephew was one of those neuro diverse kids and has been in and out of jail with addictions, court ordered to take his meds and all the usual sad endings. We tried, really tried, to help him with little support. It's heart breaking and tore our family apart. My sister and I will never have the same relationship again.

Time for a cuppa, I think. Then back out to those posts. Clay is soooo heavy when it's wet.

RE: You can never have enough... - Lilith7 - 05-10-2022

Interesting doco - although I'd hoped they might show the brain differences with images. It seems people who are neuro diverse still aren't very well understood, & our education system still has difficulty in dealing with them.
My eldest has ADDHD, (though back then it was even less known & understood) as does eldest grandson & possibly eldest great grandson so I'd like to think that in years to come, more will be understood about it & better help might be available.

No snow here but it has snowed as far north as Ashburton & Rolleston. Freezing & raining so we went for an early walk hoping we'd dodge most of the rain - fat chance! It waited until we set foot outside & tipped down so no garden work today, did a bit more painting & baking instead.

RE: You can never have enough... - Mica - 05-10-2022

Temp has just plummeted from 11 to 6 degrees in  last hour brr. K9 had seco d thoughts about going outside.
Have neuro diverse kids programme recorded to watch sometime over next couple of days.

Lots lovely eye candy at symposium quilt exhibition 

Now wine o'clock and a look through knitting patterns for inspiration might be a charity knit I think

Keep warm

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 05-10-2022

Second night with the new heat puimp on. I wish the destruction manual had been written with old ladies in mind though...

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 06-10-2022

morning ladies Smile It's freezing here too but not as cold as further down the line. I see the Desert Rd and the Napier-Taupo Highway are both closed.

Mica, there are a few of the ladies in the NZ Quilting FB page going to the symposium. It sounds wonderful and I hope they post lots of photos for those of us who can't go. I live vicariously through that group lol.

Yesterday I went to our local book fair. It's been ages (or it feels that way lol) since we have had one. Lockdowns really put a damper on these things. Tongue I bought eight books for $21 Big Grin Big Grin less than the price of one new book. And they all look like they have never been read. MrK is happy, I found a Wilbour Smith book and a couple of David Baldacci books he hasn't read. I also found a Game of Thrones book to replace one I'm missing and an embroidery book I suspect was mine that was donated a last time round. I have always regretted donating that book so pleased it has found its way back to me.

They had on the news last night the car accident that closed part of SH1 near Cambridge. It's an S bend but if people would just slow down and not cut the corner, we would all be safer.

The suns out, I might have another go at moving the clay around the fence posts later. I put some on the compost bin yesterday and MrK is hoping it will break down to make lovely soil. We do need clay, but not as much as this.

Happy crafting Smile