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RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 30-10-2022

morning ladies Smile We only had a few small showers yesterday but oh boy, have we got rain now!

Go the Black Ferns lol. I've watched rugby most of my life and I have never enjoyed it as much as watching these ladies play. I think they play with such joy and passion - our men could take a huge leaf out of their book.

I have a mess to clean up with yesterday's sewing, but I think I'll leave it for now as I want to do more sewing and what's the point only to have to clean up again. The tail is done on the kotare/kingfisher so I can move up to the flight feathers today.

Happy crafting Smile

RE: You can never have enough... - Roma - 30-10-2022

Good morning.

Nice gentle rain and it's very warm.  

A day inside, will tackle the housework which I decided best kept for a rainy day! Some "proper" baking to have on hand ... yesterday it was pikelets which got demolished with family visiting! After that some knitting. I have started some Christmas figurines along the lines of the Halloween ones which were well received.

I shall attempt to post a photo.


RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 30-10-2022

Super cute, roma! I bet they were fiddly to knit. Heart

RE: You can never have enough... - Mica - 30-10-2022

Morning all
Rain and more rain with a bit of wind in the mix

 Very cute Roma.

Started out in the sewing cave yesterday afternoon but DD and family came to visit, now I have a shirt to add fitting darts for DSIL.

My creative mojo is a bit blah at the moment need to go looking for inspiration.

DH having a lie in after he stayed up to watch the cricket last night so an excuse not to vaccuum Cool

Enjoy the day

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 30-10-2022

Oh we are all so good at excuses not to vack!

I might though, have to find one not to get up at all. Lying in bed when it rains is just such a lovely thing...

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 30-10-2022

Morning everyone

94% humidity here. And its been raining most of the night I think. Finally lol.

Love Jean Greenhowes patterns Roma. And Kiwimade theyre not as tricky as you think they would be. She wrote her patterns very well. And once you have done a few of her patterns you end up with a good knowledge of her cheating ways. Getting used to knitting 8ply on 3mm needles can take a little time, or two strands of 8ply on 4mm too. but some things need the strength.

The Dam broke and he was in a horrible mood yesterday, then he messed his TV up and had to wait for them to fix it. All he had to do was turn it off and on again and it would have been ok. He told me not to visit tomorrow but he will no doubt forget that by now.

I might do some diamond painting today. Ill see how the pain goes. It was good yesterday.

Have a fab day everyone

RE: You can never have enough... - Roma - 30-10-2022

Yes, Jean Greenhowe patterns excellent to follow and easy to knit.  The fiddly part is putting together/ finishing off. They make a nice change from knitting garments! 

Pelting down here ... no getting outside now.

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 30-10-2022

My idiot cat is having one of her moments. She goes outside, runs from cover to cover, turns back, races inside and screams at me to be dried off. Then, nicely warmed and fluffed, off she goes to repeat the performance.

I'm sure it's dementia.

RE: You can never have enough... - Lilith7 - 30-10-2022

Very cute Halloween figures Roma. Smile

That rain yesterday wasn't enough to do any real good so had to water everything & managed to find space for a few more tomatoes; I'll probably curse myself when too many ripen at once but can always pass some on to anyone wanting them, so they won't be wasted

RE: You can never have enough... - Roma - 30-10-2022

(30-10-2022, 09:55 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: My idiot cat is having one of her moments. She goes outside, runs from cover to cover, turns back, races inside and screams at me to be dried off. Then, nicely warmed and fluffed, off she goes to repeat the performance.

I'm sure it's dementia.

Curfew begins early for precisely that reason in wet weather, done by locking and blocking the catflap (blocked off as he can manipulate the locking tabs)! Other days it is now 12pm for the same reason  Smile  My boy is 15 in March.

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 30-10-2022

I have vacked, but left the machine out because chaos still rules. Where on Earth have I stashed my thread collection?

And the cat is still at it. Dippy creature. The way she yells at me with angry face indicates the weather is my fault.

Of course it is. Just as well my indoor plant babies love me for it...

RE: You can never have enough... - Roma - 30-10-2022

My boy has finally settled after the vacuuming and not able to get out (into the pouring rain). He shows his displeasure by upsetting his hapless tripod 'sibling'. Done by getting in her space whether in her bed, drinking water or lying somewhere. She moves quick smart to avoid confrontation. Poor, long-suffering dog! Old devil cat!

RE: You can never have enough... - Venetian1 - 30-10-2022

Still waiting for the rain- watered everything thing last evening, thought that might have made it rain, perhaps I should have washed the windows instead  Big Grin

The little halloween toys are lovely Roma.

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 30-10-2022

We had enough to demonstrate where the local watercourse ran across the reserve. The trees have wet feet...

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 30-10-2022

It's been raining on and off all day here Yay.. Was humid this morning

Im glad I dont have the weather bother with Missy. Shes never been outside, apart from very Unsuccessful tries on a lead.

She wouldn't leave me alone before when I was having a pity party with myself. So I asked her to show me, so I followed her to the bed and had a good smoochy session.

Then being that the pain med had kicked in, and after I ate tea.. Yes I sort of cooked. Some sausage rolls and a big pot of tatties. So I can create other meals for the next 2-3 days... I went to have a little sort out in two of the spare rooms.

A while ago I got what I thought was a single quilted bedcover and two matching pillowcases, in the black sack I got for $5, it turned out to be a very large double and I think it would probably have fitted a queen. So it's on the spare double bed... I should have thought with it having two pillowcases it might be larger. But it's pretty and that's the main point.

And I finally have the two rooms sorted.

MrP was in a better mood this morning thank goodness. And he should be happy tonight with having soo much rugby to watch.

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 30-10-2022

Glad those kicked in for you popeye. Pain is a bugger, and frustrating when it gets in the way.

I found my cottons, and have decided that as I downsize, I will keep things like those in glass jars - pretty ones, op shop finds, so I can see them when I need them. In the search I found my old Ipods, I'll charge them up and see if they still function, lol. Then all those memory sticks, better see what's in them before I toss them. Threw out my thesis this week, ripped the awful thing to shreds and into the recycling with it. No point in keeping that for eternity, not my best work. And I have a lovely big shopper bag full for the Sallies this week, weird stuff included. Good excuse to go glass jar hunting!

I was thinking of your pretty birds today, had visits from a few different finches and a very wet fantail, all going over the peach tree for bugs I suspect. Gorgeous creatures, I am very lucky with the birds around here...

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 31-10-2022

morning ladies Smile We have fog this morning which shows how warm it was last night.

Glass jars sound perfect for your pretty threads, OHH Smile Good luck with the jar hunting. Once you have deleted everything on those memory sticks, OHH, they could be donated too. I bet it felt good ripping the thesis up Big Grin Once I got rid of my uni stuff it felt like a huge weight was gone and closed a chapter on my life.

No sign of any birds yesterday thanks to the rain. It bucketed down for most of the day and showers in between. No complaints as the garden was so dry the soil was crumbling. Now it looks nice and fresh and 'clean'. I didn't think I was going to have any iris' this spring thanks to the late frost, but they have come away again and I have some flowering. One will need moving as it is obviously unhappy where it is planted. Still no roses but plenty of buds.

Yesterday I spent a few hours on the kotare/kingfisher's wings. Am not sure if I'm happy with it or not. I'll stitch down the breast and see if that makes a difference. Maybe fresh eyes today will help too. I belong to an international embroidery FB page and a kiwi who is in the group has offered to ask her award winning photographer friend if I could stitch her photos. What an honour!

We were talking with our daughter yesterday and now know what the grandies are 'in' to. I'll have a look around for some C S Lewis books and books on space. Book depository should have them but will price them locally first. We have always bought books for our kids for Christmas and are continuing with this for the grandies.

If the weather plays nice today, I'll move that iris and cut back a couple of plants that are still struggling due to the frost. And a bit of weeding. But first I need to buy a new pair of gumboots. My old pair split at the heel where I use my foot to help kick them off. Never buying a cheap pair from the Warehouse again, they lasted all of one season.

Happy crafting Smile

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 31-10-2022

Lawnmower contractor is here, the big machines are at work. Then it will be the edge trimmers and the big blowers - I wonder if big noise is a design factor for these things, they seem to get louder every year...

Or is that my age showing?

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 31-10-2022

Morning everyone

The sun is out at the mo. But we had a lot of rain yesterday which we really needed.

I was just getting my breakfast and two cheeky sparrows were talking at me on the kitchen windowsill. Its the first time I've seen them there. So I gave them some seeds and bread.

Ohh it will look wonderful having the pretty cottons on display. If I was closer I could give you some large Coffee jars. Not maccona type ones. These were catering size. With green tops. They would look wonderful filled with pretty colours.

My "Colour" thing is marbles. I have them in the lounge and my bedroom and main bathroom. In bowls and jars.

I really am over the pain. Its starting to get me down. But this is also the time for me to do what I want to do and Im trying to do just that.
Today I will go and see MrP and the ladies. He wants some chips so I have to stop on the way there. And then I have to stop to get my pills and some cheese slices and Bananas on the way home too. So I will be a right off by the time I get home.

Tea will be easy thanks to my planning lol.

Have a fab day all

(31-10-2022, 06:56 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Lawnmower contractor is here, the big machines are at work. Then it will be the edge trimmers and the big blowers - I wonder if big noise is a design factor for these things, they seem to get louder every year...

Or is that my age showing?

I love the big noise that lawnmowing gear creates.. MrP kindly gave me his headphones to use but I dont use them. My hearing is already shot  lol..

The blower vacc especially is loud...

RE: You can never have enough... - Mica - 31-10-2022

morning all.
misty around the hills today should be nice once that burns off

DD loved the fluro hoodie that I made for DGD so even if I wasnt in the zone I achieve something yesterday.

Not plans for today  might go to Briscoes to get a new Pyrex measuring cup the markings have all faded on my old 1 cup.

Not good about your pain PE - perhaps you need to become a dripping tap at your medical centre. Pain is very debilitating  

Feline is supervising me and giving me the eye to get on and finish my office work Big Grin

enjoy your day