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RE: You can never have enough... - Roma - 31-10-2022

Good morning. 

Nice and fresh looking here as well after the rain.  We also have mist surrounding us ... unusual  here, but the sun is peeking through. The birds loving the wet ground as well  Smile

I thought the same as Mica when reading your post Popeye  ... be a squeaky wheel and keep at your Doctor/MedCentre. Pain is awful to have to put up with. 

I'm knitting a little Santa for a project, something to have on the needles. Also from J Greenhowe.

Good to have your work recognised KM.

Better move .. will have a go at hanging washing outside. 

Enjoy the day all

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 31-10-2022

Sometimes we just have to stand our ground with things and pain is one of them, popeye. Refuse to leave the doctor's office until you are happy with what is being done. I know someone who made a complaint to the Health & Disability Commissioner and my goodness that got things cracking.

RE: You can never have enough... - Lilith7 - 31-10-2022

Popeye, I agree with the others - I don't think having to put up with constant pain is something you should have to do, so talk to your Dr. about it.

Messing about with third attempt at a painting & still not happy with it yet but plenty of time.
Really hot here but they say rain & even hail is likely. That'd be right - just after I get the tomatoes in, dammit. Well, if it does hail I shall be rushing out there trying to cover the plants with those old car windows I have handy for things like that - & to think sweetie darling wanted me to chuck them out! I gave him some of the extra tomato plants so hope he's got them sorted in case it does hail.

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 31-10-2022

Thank you everyone,

I have a good supply of opioid's.. Hate taking them for what they do to your system but they work. And thankfully they dont make me sleepy.. but I try not to take them before I drive.

The Drs simply refer me to the next up the line. Im seeing him on Friday. He wants me to have an x-ray before I see him and thankfully I can do that in the same building.

But when I saw him last time he said if the steroid worked it wasn't the joint itself so we have to find out what it is. So THB having an x-ray is wasting time.. I will be asking for an MRI asap.

Today's visit with the Grumpy one lasted 5 minutes. Long enough for me to get his goodies out of the back and I sat on the bed and said Im sick of this pain.. He hit the roof OH your always on about your pain.... So I said and you simply dont care do you.. his reply was no... So I left.

He will be getting them to ring me, before I will be willing to ring him. He's on the thinnest ice he has ever been on and I simply dont care now. I'll do my duty but that's it. And I'll be gone from here as soon as he has gone.

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 31-10-2022

Sounds like inflammation of the tissues around the joints to me. Fluid then builds up in the joint spaces and limits mobility and makes arthritic damage worse. It is agonising. I think you need a referral to an orthopedic team...

But I have no medical degree.

Back in this house I now have jars for bobbins, for tools, and I have rediscovered my antique wooden cotton and linen thread reels, so have 'strung' them onto a wire circle to show them off. Lovely things they are, nice to have them out so I can enjoy them.

And tomorrow the waste bin arrives for the trades refurbing the empty unit - at last! So I will be chucking broken stuff before they get the demolition materials in there! No inorganic collection this year for us, so we are making hay while the sun shines...

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 31-10-2022

I totally agree OHH. Inflammation or tendon damage and until they do an MRI they won't know for sure what it happening.
Am under the Orthopedic team at the Manukau Super Clinic. I will be pushing. Considering my first referral went in in March, its time they got their act together.

Our next inorganic isn't till May so I have a wait too. I'd be making the use of one while it's in the neighborhood too.

Love the ideas for displaying your pretties. Colour is good for the soul.

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 01-11-2022

morning ladies Smile The morning started out sunny, but the Waikato fog has arrived.

I like the sound of your jars, OHH and those wooden reels are a real treasure. I remember Dad tacking small nails into one for me to learn 'French Knitting' when I was small.

Keep pushing your way through the hospital system, popeye. Squeaky wheel and all that.

Today I plan to take the shine off my new gumboots and get some weeding done. Anyone would think it's spring lol. And I finally have a rose flowering. Ingrid Bergman wins the race for first flower this season Big Grin I've also discovered that Farmlands has bulk bags of epsom salts (magnesium sulphate). Fabulous stuff for strengthening rose canes when the flowers are big and heavy. I'm looking at you, Loving Memory Tongue

The kotare/kingfisher is almost done. Only down the breast and legs to do now. Time to start thinking of what to stitch next. Am thinking of doing some cut work for a change. It's something I haven't tried before.

Happy crafting Smile

Good grief, the fog has thickened and now I can't see the road. That was quick.

RE: You can never have enough... - Roma - 01-11-2022

Good morning. 

Bright and sunny, now some early fog has lifted.

1 November ... where did the year go! Another Halloween behind us as well.  You'd have to buy out the sweet department to keep up to the demand around here  Speechless  I'm glad I closed the gate as DH not here and I didn't want to deal with groups of a dozen or more at a time!

It's certainly gumboot conditions outside ... also slugs and snails I see, any bait I lay gets scratched away by birds despite sticks poked in everywhere Angry 

Grandie minding day, so I'd better get moving before the school run. 

Enjoy the day all.

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 01-11-2022

Morning everyone

Lovely day here today. A wee bit chilly even.

In some ways I miss the Waikato Fog. No other feeling like it.

Yes I realized 8 months now for my knee and Im really not far in.. so I will be pushing. and my Sister friend that is coming with me will help too if I can get her to come in with me.

I was thinking of doing a bit more lawn, I'll see how dry it is after the lunch, well after Emmerdale lol.. Does anyone else watch it? I sat there bawling yesterday lol. It's very still so I dont think the grass will dry in too much of a hurry.

Oh yes the wooden cotton reels were good. And there was a toy you could make with a match stick or toothpick, a rubber band and a slice of candle I think it was.. But yep the French knitting tool was the best. I think I still have a few wooden reels in MrPs mothers sewing box.

Something else that was in the sewing box, which is one of those 3 layer ones on tall legs that open out, was a lipstick that is in a chrome tubing.. Im thinking its quite old, well , before my lipstick knowledge time Im thinking.. I also have some lace from my grandmothers wedding dress in there.

Have a fab day everyone

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 01-11-2022

(01-11-2022, 07:19 AM)popeye333 Wrote: Morning everyone

Lovely day here today. A wee bit chilly even.

In some ways I miss the Waikato Fog. No other feeling like it.

Yes I realized 8 months now for my knee and Im really not far in.. so I will be pushing. and my Sister friend that is coming with me will help too if I can get her to come in with me.

I was thinking of doing a bit more lawn, I'll see how dry it is after the lunch, well after Emmerdale lol.. Does anyone else watch it? I sat there bawling yesterday lol.  It's very still so I dont think the grass will dry in too much of a hurry.

Oh yes the wooden cotton reels were good. And there was a toy you could make with a match stick or toothpick, a rubber band and a slice of candle I think it was..  But yep the French knitting tool was the best. I think I still have a few wooden reels in MrPs mothers sewing box.

  Something else that was in the sewing box, which is one of those 3 layer ones on tall legs that open out, was a lipstick that is in a chrome tubing.. Im thinking its quite old, well , before my lipstick knowledge time Im thinking.. I also have some lace from my grandmothers wedding dress in there.

Have a fab day everyone

The wind up walking cotton reels! I was thinking about those too while I threaded my reels yesterday. And shoebox guitars, boy we could make fun stuff out of the most amazing leftovers.

Do kids still do that today? I only know one kid up close and he is not exactly an average example...

Oh, and Emmerdale - yes it has become a daily ritual. Poor Liv, I had to tell myself 'it's only a soap Woman!' to stop the lump in my throat making my eyes leak...

RE: You can never have enough... - Mica - 01-11-2022

Morning all
Nice day here

Just the usual this morning vac and wipe dirty marks off leather chairs.

Pod appt done and dusted, just got to sort out whats for dinner tonight

Not sure what I will get up to after my cup of tea

KM did those aggies die?

Enjoy your day

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 01-11-2022

omg shoe box guitars! What a memory lol. I don't think kids do that sort of thing anymore, OHH Sad

I haven't looked under all the tarps yet, mica but I suspect they have died. They have stopped growing through the holes in the tarp Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

Only the legs and claws to go on the kotare/kingfisher. Am so happy with it Big Grin

Now, to think about lunch.

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 01-11-2022

YES wind up cotton reels... They were fun... MrP made a ukelele out of a margarine container and apice of timber, complete with proper strings and the screw things for them lol

Its like we are waiting for the opening of a Christmas present.

I too was thinking about the aggies the other day lol.

I decided to leave the lawn and cleared out the mobile wardrobe and bag storer lol instead.. I had several cardigans in different colours and thickness, hats and gloves and countless reusable bags and a small pile of used masks spread around the car. No chance of anyone sitting comfortably in the front seat that's for sure . So I'll check the water and oil tomorrow and then it will be nice and ready for the clinic and day out trip.

Ohh note to self. Make sure I have pain killers in the backpack lol But I wont leave without a steroid either.

With both of us losing weight and trying to be good it will be interesting to see where we end up for lunch lol.

RE: You can never have enough... - Lilith7 - 01-11-2022

Thankfully, the hail didn't eventuate & it didn't really rain that much after all so didn't need to haul out the old windows.
Did the dreaded groceries earlier, no schmackos here as yet but hopefully not far away.

Spread a bit more mulch around tomatoes & the beans which have come up but not doing more out there today; that'll do for today as I still have a xmas card to finish painting ready to send off overseas.

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 01-11-2022

MrK is having a few beers with his mates so I have the house to myself for a bit Big Grin

Temperature has risen here to around 26 and my sister-in-law said it is 30 in Rotorua. It feels like it's going to be a very hot summer already.

Good to hear you have some support for your hospital appointment, popeye.

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 01-11-2022

I decided my new chairs need a bit of updating, so got organised and made new aprons to go under the cushions to firm them up. Outdoor canvas, doubled, hemmed, then eyelets punched so they can be laced into place. The sewing went well, then came the eyelet punching... Hammered my index finger nicely but forged on to complete the first one and laced it into place. Then the second, which worked even better (I laced it tighter so will go back and do the first one again...) And then as I pierced holes on number three with my Very Very Sharp sewing scissors I stabbed the same index finger, and did it properly. Double ouchies, blood everywhere, and it is now wearing six plasters, but I think the leaking has stopped, lol.

I think finishing the third one can wait a day or so. Didn't stop me making the most delectable mussel and vegie fritters to go with my salad for dinner though. Boy, when I get the made up on the spot recipe right, I do myself proud. Two left as well for tomorrow's tea...

Not a bad day's work really, injuries excepted!!

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 01-11-2022

Hope you enjoyed the time out Kiwimade.. I have to admit I dont miss having to talk to other people at home lol

Yes Erin is a good Sister friend and she will speak up if I dont... Its not often we are let out together and we tend to misbehave so it will be fun.

OHH you gotta be careful with ya fingers.. But I Imagine the "Little Miss Independant" attitude wont let you down.

Says she who went out to finished the lawn and did the whole dam thing. As I have simply avoided being in the sun I did put sunscreen on my arms and shoulders, didn't think about the back of my neck or face lol. So the back of my neck is warm. Face is ok tho.

But I already have sunhat on my shopping list. I may see what the oppies have tho cos its only for when I do the lawn, so it doesn't have to be flash. MrP suggested the other night I use the one he gave me last summer, that was given to Bobbie but it's too big for her.. but its black and too nice to wear doing the lawn. people might think I was posh or something.

Its just as well we dont have a drive through here or Id have been using it. but Im not hungry, so have had a banana, will have some munchies later

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 02-11-2022

Good morning everyone

Unusual for me to beat Kiwimade.

Its a lovely day here, a tad chilly tho.

I should be going up to do my blood but waiting to hear about a pick up from a sale on the weekend.

I rang the home last night to check on MrP One word he was Grumpy lol.. I said yes he was born that way lol... But They promised not to tell him Im checking up on him.

Its so nice to see a nicely mown lawn. It was funny tho, the contractors were over the fence and we were both weedeating the same fence at the same time lol.

Will take a day to recover tho.

Have a fab day all

RE: You can never have enough... - Mica - 02-11-2022

Morning all
Overcast mild day here

Back from gym need my breakfast and a rest.

Popeye you should wear your "good" stuff even if it is mowing the lawns.

Made it to sewing cave yesterday afternoon, found piece fabric in stashand spent the afternoon modifying a pattern to fit me.

OH hope the holes in your fingers heal fast.

Not sure what I will get up to today will see if DH wants to go anywhere

Enjoy your day

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 02-11-2022

morning ladies Smile  What a beautiful start to the day Smile

ouchies, OHH! I can only imagine how your fingers hurt.  And the blood!  Hopefully you can finish your chairs today.  We are a pretty resourceful lot, that's for sure.

I'm a bit late this morning as I needed to finish mowing the berm.  I got a tad distracted with other stuff in the garden while mowing and then couldn't be bothered to finish.

And I wanted to catch the early morning light to finish the kotare/kingfisher.  I find it's easier on my eyes to stitch in the morning.  I love it Heart  All I need to do now is wash, dry, starch, lace to a board and frame.  I have another frame the same as the one I used for the fantail (I bought three of them years ago).  It may be a bit small, will have to see.  But if it is, no biggie as I have a shelf stacked with frames and one is bound to suit.



Happy crafting Smile