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RE: You can never have enough... - Mica - 09-12-2022

Morning all
Overcast with rain expected this afternoon.

KM I have family photos all digitalised one Easter a few years ago they are now waiting for me to put them into to a book for my kids. I also have film from 1950s of three weddings my parents and aunties got to get that digitalised and hope I can get some frames as photos to identify people. In the to do box.

OHH some cats will get diarrhoea eating certain brands of wet food. Is she eating dry. Strange as I thought you said she came with her stuff. Hopefully it is just stress and she settles down soon.

Popeye pity you can't slip a document in for MrP to sign  do you have some form of POA that would enable you to do it on his behalf?...

Off to CBD this morning have a haircut and want to do a bit of shopping before hand. Going in early so that I get a park.
Then it is off up the road to meet friends for lunch.

Enjoy your day

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 09-12-2022

The ginger crunch I thought I was going to bake the other day has now been baked and dishes done.

I swap a lot of plants, roma Smile And I give a lot away like the iris' and dutch iris' I divided a few days ago. Usually there is someone in our local garden group who will take them. I see it as 'paying it forward' for all the plants given to me. And I think gardeners are a generous lot, sharing knowledge as well as plants.

I had to chuckle at warming our pet's food. My sister warms her dog's food every mealtime. But when she is here, she eats what is put in front of her. My sister is horrified I don't warm it up lol. Our old labby used to be given frozen brisket bones as a way to slow her eating down. She didn't mind, especially in summer.

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 09-12-2022

She did come with masses of food, which is why her rejecting that stuff makes me think it is left over stress from the move. But, all of a sudden overnight we have clean plates. Yup, plural. I put a small selection of offerings out to see if there was a favourite and all got cleaned up in the dark hours, and someone furry was very interested in breakfast this morning. So whatever it was may be passing...

Ah the joys of trying to be the very best provider in the world!!

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 09-12-2022

Dull here and it has been raining.

Well Im alive.. and thats the start.

Ending up talking to the manager yesterday but what the B*tch didnt tell me was that she was sending him to hospital and booked an ambulance. After less than an hours sleep I get a phone call saying they had arrived to pick him up.. So it ended up in me making sure they gave him his toilet bag, phone charger and glasses. but the silly old coot refused to leave his wheelchair there.

Tried to get them to turn the ambulance around as they had only left a couple of minutes before. Ended up ringing the ambulance and police. No one would do anything. So at 3 am I decided to drive up and get it.. Using the petrol I had put in the car for my knee appointment next week.

He was pleased to see me, thought I was taking him home. But I brought the wheelchair home. Got back at 6-15. Rang the home again to make sure they tell Bobbie that hes ok.. hes not. but that I would still go up with the baking..

I Swear its the last time I bake... twice its been messed up now lol..

We dont have any power of attorneys never needed one.. And cant afford to get one.. I am going to somehow slip in a form for getting him off the rental agreement... He thinks hes going to go to another home, so might be able to Rangle it.
I told him if he leaves town I won't be visiting.. Not that he will remember..

My heart was racing this morning, but has settled down.. I need to stay calm and go an enjoy being with the ladies.. I refuse to talk to the Manager today. Ill be going to the area manager. As the manager here has written lies in the book. Cos the male nurse I was talking to overnight said it was written in the book that he was being sent u-p. And that is a lie.

So I have to cut the cake and then get the wheelchair out of the car, move the walker back into the boot cos it will be my cargo trolley.
And to top it off my knee keeps locking on me again.

Poor Missy doesnt know what to make of it all and when she is stressed she messes on the floor. Hasnt yet tho.

Have a fab day all

(09-12-2022, 07:51 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: She did come with masses of food, which is why her rejecting that stuff makes me think it is left over stress from the move. But, all of a sudden overnight we have clean plates. Yup, plural. I put a small selection of offerings out to see if there was a favourite and all got cleaned up in the dark hours, and someone furry was very interested in breakfast this morning. So whatever it was may be passing...

Ah the joys of trying to be the very best provider in the world!!

Soo pleased she is eating.. Cats wont ever starve themselves if there is food offered. 

Is she ok with her litter tray etc?

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 09-12-2022

Yes she is fine with it now I have upsized it for her longer body. Coco was a very small cat I think, in comparison.

I have been thinking about the aggro you are getting from Mr P, popeye, and wondering if it is similar to the rubbish my Mum dished out to everyone except me at one stage in her dementia. Hers was caused by ongoing small strokes which slowly but surely destroyed her brain, and she went through several personality changes as different areas were dimmed and then shut down. I was told by a social worker that one way to deal with it was to enter her fantasies and not worry about trying to correct her mad ideas. I tried it and it did make her a lot happier and calmer to not be argued with. It was a very challenging time, and while I am glad I didn't just abandon her, I did end up wishing I had followed the advice one of her friends had given her years back about my grandmothers aging. She said 'if your Mum has a stroke, do not call the ambulance, make her comfortable, and safe, and go and make yourself a cup of tea before you go back and sit with her for an hour or two.' The thinking being, calling in the medical team means they will try to save a life, rather than let the dying process continue uninterrupted. Their treatment will extend that process, which may not be an outcome the patient, and their family might be best served by.

Some people can deal with the slow dying very well, but those years destroyed our family, and were pure torture for me as primary contact. When my time comes, I hope and pray to all that is powerful no one calls the ambulance, and I slip quietly over the horizon into the never never, thus avoiding inflicting all that ongoing life destroying chaos on whoever is left behind.

And I think anyone who is caught up in that deserves all that is good as a reward, because it is the hardest of roads...


RE: You can never have enough... - Roma - 09-12-2022

Aah, the old "ship them off to hospital, when they're deemed to hard to handle" move Popeye! My mum has had a couple of falls lately and with my sister's (a nurse) support has refused hospital. She's staying put!

Rest up today Popeye.

How true OHH, the slow dying is an awful process and makes the rest of us know what we don't want to inflict on our own loved ones. 

Good to read your girl has turned the corner.

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 09-12-2022

Can you do a power of attorney through the Public Trust, popeye? It might be worth looking into and perhaps saving for. MrK and I did them when we did our wills. Our solicitor apologised to us both for not having mentioned it to us when I needed it a few years ago and when we updated our wills, made sure we had it all sorted.

It's awful watching someone slowly die. We did it twice with mum and then dad. It's gut wrenching but also a real privilege to be a part of the process. MrK has a DNR wish and I know what he wants should the 'machines have to be turned off' and he also wants euthanasia if possible. It's something we have had to talk through in depth. Seeing as there is 21 years between us, it has been a very necessary conversation. And as I am next of kin, his sisters can't interfere. But we have made it very clear to them what is going to happen. My friends think it's nuts, I think it's practical, no point burying your head in the sand over it. I wish they could/would have these conversations with their partners/husbands.

Good to hear puss is settling in and eating. I agree, OHH, it is more likely the stress of moving again. Once she is settled, you are going to have a lovely cat.

Popeye, I was talking with MrK about MrP and he suggested you approach WINZ and ask if they could pay for it and then deduct a small amount each fortnight until it has been paid for. Might be worth a shot. But I do feel, you need a PoA. MrP will need to consent to it so you will have to wrangle it for when he is lucid.

RE: You can never have enough... - Lilith7 - 09-12-2022

That sounds incompetent on the manager's part, Popeye. Not a good situation for you to have to cope with.

Good news about that new boss Hunni, she's settling in.

When we set off for a walk the other day we'd just gone into the park when I noticed a dog not on a leash, & no person in sight down the other end. While I was deciding whether or not to risk it, spotted another loose dog quite a bit closer to us & just starting to take an interest in us, so we left & came home fairly swiftly.
Left it for an hour or so then went back & sure enough, they'd gone.
I do wish people would keep their dogs at home; there's no way to be sure if unaccompanied dogs are friendly or not until its too late.

Odd sort of day here, raining one minute & sunny the next.

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 09-12-2022

Public Trust charged my pensioner friend nearly $300  to do a very basic will for an estate that was so slim it doesn't even require probate. Ask about fees before you talk to them, they are no longer the organisation they used to be..

I have an Advanced Care Directive, which you can do yourself, download the forms from MoH website. It's free, and properly filled out is a good basis for later decision making by those you trust. So long as it is just you. In a partnership, you need to be more formal, and if there is family involved, especially if they might disagree among themselves.

It is so much easier if everything is documented and beyond argument.

And the euthanasia DNR thing, me too. With bells on.

Update: The Pudding likes Iams Seniors wet food split pack range. Smaller serves x 2, but still pricey.

I did wonder if she had expensive tastes...

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 09-12-2022

Thank you everyone.

We have water tight wills.. Our lawyer is a Judge, who once called MrP's first wife and Kids the Mamma and her mafia. lol. Karma has got them taken care of.

The Area manager rang me this afternoon and asked me What I needed her to do. I suspect that someone contacted her. She asked me to tell her what had been happening and she is going to see what she can do. Wasn't impressed with the managers actions.

She also told me to phone the hospital and ask them to do A Mental capacity Study. Which hospitals will do free rather than costing money. And that will be enough to sort out my tenancy issues. She said Demand it, and dont take no for an answer. Which I have done.

MrP has a DNR in place.. And we have done his long-term life care plan. So hopefully we have things covered now.

I finally got through to the hospital, he has an IV antibiotic drip. And he will be assessed more once the infection is cleared up.

I learnt fairly quickly and have been telling MrP to do the same re, joining their fantasies with Bobbie and I have been doing it to a degree with MrP ..

He said this afternoon he wants to go back to the Waikato where he was born. But I won't be making any changes like that.. he said Waiuku is what has made him like this... it's still not his fault. I will move when I am ready. But I dont plan on taking him in the move. I'll stay till Im ready or when I can't afford the rent.

I am SOOO thankful that I have an out.. Self-imposed Euthanasia for myself.. I can just stop taking my warfarin and they will think the Silly old Bat forgot her pills.

Glad to hear Madam Pud is eating.. Our previous two furry ones were 8 kilo heftie's. Missy is 3.5kgs, long and skinny.

I took the baking up to the home and while it was sad when i left it was fun. I asked them to get Bobbie from her room and she walked straight into my arms. And she ate. One of the Daughters gave me a hug, her mum loved everything, the daughter said it was the best shortbread she has had.. And Colleen my Adoptive Mum loved the cake and said it was the best she had had too. They all reckon I should be up there in charge of the Birthdays, and morning and afternoon teas..
They get those tasteless commercially made cakes. And often smothered in a tasteless sauce of some kind for pudding. it was the most I've seen Bobbie eat. And Jean although she didn't come down.. was happy when I saved her a plate. She told me when I saw her on the way in that she hasn't got long. And she doesn't look like she has either..

Peter was soo chuffed to be included.. Jean told me why he has been so upset. His partner of 40 years put him in the home now that he is disabled, I think maybe strokes and Parkinson's.. and he is leaving and going back to South Africa.

Ive had about 2 hours sleep but got up to take my pills.

My bloods finally came in.. Apparently I'm "pre-Diabetic now lol So well under control the dr wants to talk to me about the lows etc.

Just popped into my head.. Do any of you ladies remember the thread on TM about washing the toilet brush in the dishwasher?? it was a Major funny for ages.... Along with the Missing bedroom.. Anyway Diane went to get a cup out of the dishwasher and they wash the dishcloths in the dishwasher with the Dishes... That grossed us all out.. Never heard of anyone doing that before. And it just feels disgusting.

Better ring MrP and leave a message for Bobbie.

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 10-12-2022

morning ladies Smile It's drizzling a bit. Even though we had rain, the ground is very dry, so the hose is going on the garden today.

yuck! Dish cloths in the dishwasher. That's what washing machines are for. Glad things are being sorted (again!), popeye.

Today I'll pot some plants up and do a bit of weeding. Yesterday I planted the plants my sister-in-law gave me. A friend of ours was cleaning out a huge pile of old horse poo from a stable and bought heaps home for his garden. He gave us a horse feed bag full of it so some of that will be spread onto the flower garden and the rest will be put on the vegie garden. As it is 'aged' it doesn't need to go into the compost like the fresh stuff I pick up from the side of the road.

I finished stitching the quails face yesterday only to find the direction of some of the face was the wrong way. Oh well, nothing that can't be fixed lol. But it was good to have a needle in my hands again. This weekend, I'll start something small I can take with us to the hospital while I wait for MrK.

Take care on the Kaimais, today, roma.

Happy crafting Smile

What lovely soft rain we have now. Perfect for a thirsty garden. We've already had a police car come screaming by full lights and sirens. I'm guessing someone's day has been ruined.

RE: You can never have enough... - Roma - 10-12-2022

Good morning.

I think we've also had more wind than rain which has been fairly light overall. Hopefully not pouring (as it often does)
on the Kaimais KM!

It looks like you have everything under control Popeye, great you can get the rental thing sorted via the hospital.

Most of the day will be spent in the Waikato today, will visit my sis on the way home and check out how much her giant "puppy" has grown! She has a fabulous rural garden to wander through while there Smile

Better move.

Enjoy the day all.

RE: You can never have enough... - Mica - 10-12-2022

Morning all
Raining here really heavy down pours yesterday evening.

Enjoyed our day out yesterday, gad abouts as we are off up the line to lunch with friends. Food is always good at their place. Will take them some jam.

So no sewing here today will get the vacuuming done after finished my morning cuppa.

KM your plants have a good home lots of care and feeding  Big Grin

Popeye sounds like you have everything under control.

Enjoy your day

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 10-12-2022

Morning everyone

We have wet ground so its rained at some stage lol

I spoke to MrP last night he slept for hours yesterday and sounded good. He will see the Drs on Monday and I guess they will organize things.

I have lost 50... yep 50 Kilos as of this morning..!!!!!! you're the first to know. lol.

I have a mess to tidy in the kitchen but that can wait.. Im going to sit and do my games and peruse the two Christmas Cook books I got the other day and haven't had a chance to look in yet.

Be careful on the roads... Especially the Kaimais.. A friend will be going over them on Thursday or Friday cant remember so she will be careful too.

Have a fab day everyone

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 10-12-2022

It appears things are worse than I ever knew.

Back in March they found he had some bleeders in his tummy apparently. And this morning he threw up half a litre of blood.
The dr rang and told me and they are doing a gastroscopy at 6pm to see what's happening.. I told the DR I hadn't been told about his Tummy in March... its related to his liver disease... so she is keeping me up to date the whole way and will ring me in the morning with the results.

They were taking his permission slip in and I told her he can't read so she will make sure he understands.. And then she rang asking if I knew about his Long term plan and DNR.. Of which I knew both, have done for years. She said not that they are expecting anything to happen today but just double checking I knew.

I have had a sleep and feeling alot better, have tidied the kitchen, had cake and custard for tea.. Yummm and have finally looked through the two books I got the other day.. Ohhh some yummy recipes..

Now I have a big family I can user as testers lol...

RE: You can never have enough... - Lilith7 - 10-12-2022

That really isn't good enough is it Popeye; you should have been told back in March.

Its been hot today so not much done in the garden apart from tying back tomatoes, & a bit more work on a painting,

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 10-12-2022

(10-12-2022, 06:10 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: That really isn't good enough is it Popeye; you should have been told back in March.

Its been hot today so not much done in the garden apart from tying back tomatoes, & a bit more work on a painting,

I Agree Lilith..

And yes its been warm here too

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 11-12-2022

morning ladies Smile More rain overnight and this morning. I don't think the lawn will be mowed today.

You should have been told in March about MrP, popeye. How on earth did they miss telling you that. I wonder if when MrP was told and said he would tell you.

The Furry One refused to eat yesterday which was a worry as his medication is hidden in his food. He was stressed most of the day thanks to thunder and our neighbour firing his rifle. He seems OK this morning.

Today I'll wrap the Christmas presents. I've been trying to get that done for days now. And I'll spend some time stitching the quail and setting up a small project to take to the hospital tomorrow. My bought supermarket tote bags are wearing out, so I'll embroider something to go on a tote bag I will sew.

Happy crafting Smile

RE: You can never have enough... - Mica - 11-12-2022

Morning all
Fine this morning

Not good communication Popeye . 

Had nice day out yesterday a bit to do around the house today, might have time to start cutting out quilt for DGS 5th birthday.

Enjoy your day

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 11-12-2022

Morning everyone

Warm and have had rain here..

My lawn is a carpet of white daisy's.. my "Snow" lol... And yep its getting long but I can't do anything about that .

Yeah they should have told me. Im just pleased that the Dr he has at the mo is onto it.

I spoke to him last night. He did get a scare but the Dr explained to him possibly why it happened.. She will ring me this morning with the results. He was tired and croaky but they were bringing him some jelly and ice cream so happy lol.

I found my energy about 4-30 and finally tidied the Kitchen. And I packed up the cake and froze it. not before putting a slice in a bowl and smothering it with homemade custard.. I haven't had custard for ages and really enjoyed it. Much prefer homemade to brought.

I finally read the two new books.. OH some lovely recipes within. My "to Get" at some stage ingredient list has grown. I realised the other day I haven't got my trifle ingredients.. but will sort that... and then get the other things over time.. Found a nice recipe for honey soy chicken wings. Nothing in it for me not to like.. But to have soy sauce for me is New lol

I have to post a parcel tomorrow.. My sister friend in CHCH. Can't wait to meet her one day... We "Met" on TM when she posted about her Mum passing on boxing day from the chemicals in potting mix. She loved growing orchids, and had been potting sum up on Christmas eve I think it was. Didn't feel well on Christmas Day and passed on Boxing day. And she appreciated my "grief" counselling... It seems it's something I do well, having made another friend from there with the same way of meeting.

I finally hit the big 50 kilos off yesterday... I am soo proud of myself. And other than the tiredness from this week, and the knee I feel soo well.
My blood tests came back as being Pre-Diabetic lol... Dr wants to talk to me about the lows.. I dont want to stop the new pill but could happily stop the last minute little bit of insulin I have in the morning..
Another of the dresses I got in August is starting to hang. Ill have to have a look and see if I can take it in on the shoulders I think. I hate clothes that slide down your shoulder.

Have a fab day everyone.. The Calm before the busy storm.. Has everyone decided on their Menu for the Big day yet??