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RE: You can never have enough... - Lilith7 - 12-01-2023

(12-01-2023, 11:48 AM)popeye333 Wrote: Sorry to hear about your Neighbour OHH, notifying people can really get to you so take care.

I rang the home and the Manager told me to stay home , he was fine.

Missy must have heard her cos she climbed up onto my knee and didn't get off until about 30 minutes ago.

I've filled in the forms and will drop them off. I'll call him when I've had some lunch but I won't go up for a few days, I need a break and he has all he needs.

I called and he was happy, and seemed to like the Dr.

So Ill go up for a quick shop, not much since I was given a massive Food parcel on Tuesday. So much that I took stuff to Pat next door, stuff that I dont eat.

Oh has anyone ever frozen onions?  I know you can buy them frozen.. I thought about trying. Then I can use them for MrP's and the ladies soup

I've frozen onions; I slice them  but you could probably try chopping them even smaller to se how that goes.

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 12-01-2023

Thanks OHH..

I plan on taking them up to Mr'P and take him outside and he can peel and cut them. I bawl when doing onions, he doesn't. He even eats them like apples YUCK lol... told him he wouldnt get kisses if he carried on eating them like that too often lol

He wasn't happy when I rang this afternoon.. Just with me.. He had eaten in the lounge and the blokes made a banana loaf.
He only ever went out a couple of times in the other home.. Was never that he couldn't.. he just wouldn't. he is a Martar and thinks it hurts me if he doesn't do things.. I learnt that years ago.

I told him many many times he could have gone to the Men's shed we had here. But no. We used to go to Senior Citz but then he didn't want to.

I think his biggest problem is admitting he is getting older and can't do what he used to. And he just stopped one day. And now physically he is paying for it.

I stopped at the oppy on my way home and scored a free Allyson Gofton Cookbook. And a pretty top for $1.

There was a darling little older lady that was taking a bag in. She wouldn't let me help. But as I walked past her car as I took my free book back to the car before I went into the second building I noticed her car rego ran out in July. So I went in and whispered to her. She has parkinsons.. She gave me a big hug for telling her and one of the ladies who works there who is 80 but more like 60 and she came out and lined up for one too... And she also thanked me for telling her.. It was only that Ive only just done mine that I noticed.

Its an easy thing to forget. Im guessing this lady has to be in her 90s. The fact she is still driving is wonderful.

I realized this morning , that I've been spending time with older people other than my grandparents since I was 9-10. But I know my heart is too tender to be able to work with them in the rest home situation, cos I'd be a broken mess all the time when they pass.
I take my hats off to people who can tho.

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 12-01-2023

Heavens! This being an executor is fun stuff. I have been handed a $2000+ bill from the resthome, and a $5500 quote from the funeral directors...

I guess this means, my friends, we just cannot afford to die.

Big Grin

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 12-01-2023

(12-01-2023, 03:52 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Heavens! This being an executor is fun stuff. I have been handed a $2000+ bill from the resthome, and a $5500 quote from the funeral directors...

I guess this means, my friends, we just cannot afford to die.

Big Grin

Yep they aint cheap. 

Thankfully I dont have anyone to do anything like that for me. So Ill be a pauper case.

My cousin in Aussie is leaving her Body to the University so no coffin etc etc.

And the Bigger you are the more costly the casket is. Found that out when my mother died.. Only way to save money there is to die skinny. 
Its 12 years in April since Mum died so Im guessing its probably twice what it was back then.

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 12-01-2023

No results from the vet this afternoon as the lab hasn't sent it through yet. We are assuming they are short staffed either with Covid or the holiday break or even both.

yep, funerals are not cheap. Although my sister-in-law being the ever practical person she is, bought a make-your-own coffin kit for $350. MrK assembled it for her and our niece who is an artist painted it with native birds. It looked fantastic!
She didn't want to be embalmed (she was a scientist) and wished to be cremated straight away. MrK investigated costs for this for himself and it certainly is cheaper. And then we had a gathering to celebrate her life a few months later when family could arrive from overseas and there was no rush.

RE: You can never have enough... - Lilith7 - 12-01-2023

I'm not having a funeral, I'm having an unfuneral. And a cardboard coffin. (Even they are around the $1000 mark!) With any luck, by then I'll have done the needed legalities to be an organ donor so what's left will be cremated.
And then that lot can scatter the ashes where I told them to, & they can sit about listening to music I like (should be torture for them!) & telling stories about things.
Like the day-that-Gran-forgot- to-put-flour-in-the-Anzac-biscuits. Completely ignoring that THEY turned up early & THEY all started talking to me at once on different subjects so therefore it was all THEIR bloody fault! Smile

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 12-01-2023

I have sorted the funeral company out, told them she has no money, it's a winz claim deal, and they agreed to do it for minimal costs. So they bill me huge amount, I take that to winz, and they wipe the debt once I have finished winding everything up. Good guys...

The resthome though, not so easy, but I think winz and the residential subsidy lot can work that out between them. We'll see.

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 12-01-2023

With both my Step father and mother, they were cremated, without embalming.

Travel to the church or where ever is a big part of the cost. Hence being cremated straight away saves two ways.

We had a service done by a friend who was a minister, and the Senior Citz put the food on for afterwards for my Stepfather.

We had a service for Mum done by the same minister but neither were religious events. And the family did the food.

Mum didnt even want that but we did it for her Siblings really.

Im just really glad that we never got around to adding my name to her farmers account, cos it would have meant I would be stuck with the debt. Just had to send them a copy of her death certificate and they wrote it off.

I might look into giving my body to science. Then it would even bee cheaper lol.

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 12-01-2023

(12-01-2023, 07:10 PM)popeye333 Wrote: With both my Step father and mother, they were cremated, without embalming.

Travel to the church or where ever is a big part of the cost. Hence being cremated straight away saves two ways.

We had a service done by a friend who was a minister, and the Senior Citz put the food on for afterwards for my Stepfather.

We had a service for Mum done by the same minister but neither were religious events. And the family did the food.

Mum didnt even want that but we did it for her Siblings really.

Im just really glad that we never got around to adding my name to her farmers account, cos it would have meant I would be stuck with the debt. Just had to send them a copy of her death certificate and they wrote it off.

I might look into giving my body to science. Then it would even bee cheaper lol.

I looked into it, lots of paperwork and they don't accept everyone. Interesting medical history helps. Thought about it and decided  not to go that route, started a little funeral policy instead. Should help if not cover the whole cost. The trick will be to disburse all my good stuff (lol) well in advance. But not too much in advance, cos I do like my stuff!

Complicated business...

RE: You can never have enough... - Jan - 12-01-2023

My Mum was supposed to go to the scientists to study - when she had her gall bladder out at 99 the doctors said her organs were like a 60 year olds so she decided studying her body would unlock the secret to longevity but unfortunately covid mucked up her plans and she had to be cremated
The things my kids and grandkids said at my husbands funeral were hilarious - I have told my kids I want to have an Indian farewell - you know floating off on the burning boat - I thought they could send me down the river on my sons farm - they surprisingly have ignored me !

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 13-01-2023

Morning ladies Smile It looks like a lawn mowing day, today. The lawn has grown so quickly with all this rain and humidity.

I also have a small funeral policy for MrK. I had one for dad as well, but he passed away three months shy of the two years needed before they paid out. But the premiums were refunded quickly so if that is an indication of the company, I'm very happy. Money was in our account within 48 hours of all the documentation being produced. Once I'm a bit older we will take a policy for me. My sister-in-law looked at those cardboard coffins too, Lilith. We couldn't believe they were more expensive than a pine build-your-own kit.

Hopefully today, we will have the Furry One's blood test results. He was shaking so hard when the vet examined him she couldn't hear his heartbeat properly or feel his pulse. Yesterday was a better day Smile so fingers crossed for today. He's stalking a rabbit now, so it's all pretty hit and miss.

MrP is good at playing the emotional blackmail game isn't he, popeye. Good idea to stay home and let him settle in. When our daughter went to boarding school, all of the parents were told no contact for three weeks. It was the toughest three weeks we have ever had. At the end of the three weeks all the boarders and parents met for a family picnic. OMG there were tears when they left but it certainly helped with her settling in. Maybe something like this could help. I have also seen vans from various resthomes out and about on day trips or just to the supermarket with residents. Hopefully this new place will have something similar.

MrK plans to get the water blaster out today and clean the ramp leading to the back door. Because it is on the south side of the house, it gets slippery and even I have gone a over t on it. He is slowing down and doesn't walk too far, and I've noticed he is a tad wobbly at times on his pins. But for nearly 80, he's doing dam well health wise.

The quail design is on the fabric and almost stitched to the stand. Yesterday I had a tutu on a scrap piece of fabric and have worked out how to stitch the feathers on the neck and breast. I'll be using smaller needles which are a pain to thread, and I feel all thumbs, but I'm sure that will pass as I get used to them.

Happy crafting Smile

RE: You can never have enough... - Roma - 13-01-2023

Good morning. 

It's fine and expected to stay so today,  I will make the most of it.

Very sorry to read of your dear friend's passing OHH. Yes,  it's an expensive business,  my mum's recent cremation was close to $5000. 

The Boarding School no contact tactic for a period of time sounds like a good 'tough love' one KM. 

No plan for the day,  DH has the day off so might go for a walk somewhere different. The garden could also do with some attention after the mountain of rain. 

Better get moving. 

Enjoy the day all.

RE: You can never have enough... - Venetian1 - 13-01-2023

OHH sad time for you - hope all the financial sorting out goes okay 

Thanks for turning on such a lovely day KM - and any other Waikato ones  Big Grin
It rained the whole way coming up and was really cold in Taupo and a lot of traffic all the way but fortunately everyone was travelling at a steady rate and didn’t see any stupid manoeuvres.

No idea what we will be doing today except going out for dinner tonight. No doubt there will be a good walk at some stage.

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 13-01-2023

Morning everyone

Dull but very still out there.

Yeah I have been using tough love to the point of not rewarding bad behaviour. But I need to stick to my guns even more.

In saying that tho I will be seeing him today. I have to get one of those 3m Command hook things.. just under $10 to be able to make his Picture of Missy safe. I want it safe since I did hours work on it.

And I will try and sort out his TV if possible. There is cricket 3 days in the coming week. Not that I have told him that lol.
Im going up to see Bobbie and the ladies first. Then will leave Bobbie at the music which she loves cos the lady singer is Scottish too. And then go straight to MrP.. They are maybe 700 meters apart in a straight line lol.

Then the weekend is Mine.

I've been saying for a long time I would like to do some work for the Oppy.. and after being there yesterday seeing how much Retro Tupperware they had Im going to ask the Manager if she would like to give it a try on trade Me. I know my Tupperware cos I used to sell it. And The prices these days are way more than you can get in the shop. If we could do a trial run and see how it goes, it could turn out worthwhile for them.
And it will be good for my head to focus on something else too.

Need some fine weather the lawn is Mid Shin and lots of oh those plants that have the sticky heads on them and I can't think of the name lol... And it's also the only ;pawn on the drive that hasn't been done.. But Im not looking for a BUZZ of any kind lol.

Have a fab day everyone

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 13-01-2023

lol you are very welcome, venetian Tongue I hope you enjoy your stay in the Waikato Smile

The lawn is done. Omg what a mission that was. It's only been about nine days since mowed last, but it felt like a month's worth was being composted or binned. All that rain has certainly got things growing.

Yeah, the tough love at the boarding school was a good thing, looking back. Staff didn't have to put up with mums constantly phoning to check on their daughters and the girls were able to settle down quickly. Our daughter came home weekends but not for those three weeks.

RE: You can never have enough... - Mica - 13-01-2023

Morning all
Nice day here

Don't envy your grass cutting sounds more like hay paddocks.

I have been into cbd for hair appointment that activity has drained my batteries if you had asked be before the activity I would have said I was fully recovered I guess I will have a quiet afternoon so no quilt wrangling for me.
Have reading to do for meeting on Monday so can get that done instead not as much fun though Big Grin

Enjoy your day

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 13-01-2023

Ive had a lovely day.

The ladies were all pleased to see me.

One of them got a surprise when her grand children turned up un announced.. But when she came to lunch it dawned on her that it would be a long time before she saw them again. They are moving to wellington. So another ladies Daughter Dianne and I both said she can adopt us lol. So we both grabbed her hands and said she is stuck with us now..

We were talking about birthstones and jewelry cos Irene was wearing the shell necklace I gave her, it goes perfect with what she was wearing today. Dianne said her Mum loves jewelry but she didn't. Turns out Irenes Birthday is 3 days before mine on the 2nd of May. So there's another one of us strong determined, dare I say stubborn women Kiwimade lol

I left Bobbie at the music and went to see MrP.. he was happy. They had some of the banana loaf for supper last night, he said it was yummy. They had the glass doors open so after he showed me around we sat in the door way holding hands watching the silly people bashing their balls around the paddock as I used to describe it lol.

I pushed him around the home, read the plaques out as the building is 100 years old in April. Went into the lounge and he introduced me to his roommate Ken. And he says hey you didn't tell me she was Beautiful lol... The Charmer lol.

While sitting in the doorway a Tui came into the Flax bush. It was fairly small so we assumed he was a young one. Im going to take his Binoculars' up so he can see further. It felt like we had The best seats in the house at a tournament lol.

Oops Ive over done my exercises.. My right shoulder, the one I dislocated is telling me off... Bugger, so Ill just do lower exercises for a few days.

For the first time in ages I actually enjoyed my visit with MrP and it felt normal and Happy.

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 14-01-2023

morning ladies Smile It's a bit overcast so I might be able to get out on the main road *gulp!* and weed along that fenceline soon.

It sounds like you had a lovely day, popeye Smile

I had a frustrating one lol. I made a slice and decided to ice with a nice frosting to jazz it up a bit. Into the mixer went the icing sugar, butter, plain yogurt and some vanilla essence. Right-oh, good to mix. Turn the mixer on what I thought was the lowest speed only for me to be a bit more forceful with the button and it went on high. OMG!! Do you know how far icing sugar can spread? There was an almighty POOF! and icing sugar was flying everywhere. I looked like I was covered in snow. What a mess to clean up lol. It landed everywhere lol. And to add insult to injury, I had to add more icing sugar to the bowl to finish it. Still, the slice was tasty.

We had a call from the vet yesterday after 5.00pm. She had had emergency surgery, so we had to wait a bit longer for the Furry One's results. Fair enough too. The blood sample shows he 'may' have hypothyroidism (better than hyperthyroidism which is fatal). For another $118 the lab can do a more thorough test to confirm it as it is very difficult to properly diagnose without the full test. If it is this, then it means a hormone jab once a month for the Furry One. An easy fix for the Furry One thank goodness.

Better get moving before this cloud cover disappears and traffic starts to build up again. I feel safer working along the main road this time of the morning. Now to find my high viz vest...

Happy crafting Smile

RE: You can never have enough... - Venetian1 - 14-01-2023

Oh dear KM can just imagine the mess. 

Know I’m in the Waikato when you wake to see a hot air balloon gracefully gliding past the window  Wink

Had a lovely walk through the botanical gardens yesterday. Hadn’t been there for several years and they are adding “rooms” with more planned. There were a lot of cars but it didn’t seem crowded with all the space they have.  Then dinner out which was a bit of a treat.

Off to Whiritoa today, nephew has a holiday home there so to catch up with his family. 

Have a good day all

RE: You can never have enough... - Roma - 14-01-2023

Good morning. 

Overcast having had more rain overnight. 

I've had "one of those episodes" KM ... a sight to behold! Glad the slice was good though. 

A nice day out for you Popeye, long may they continue!

A good session in the garden,  but sadly my passionfruit vine is a goner ... too much rain and the 100's of passionfruit all lost to some sort of blight or fungus  Sad I've pulled it all down and binned ... what an annoying waste.

Will see what the day brings as to what I get up to today.  We have a DH family get together in the Waikato tomorrow which will be something to look forward to,  haven't seen a few since pre-covid.

Enjoy the day all.