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RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 24-02-2022

Morning everyone

Not warm or cold this morning. There's a bit of wind tho.

Wow you were lucky with the machines Kiwimade... My dryer has been sitting for a couple of years with the back off it.. Although I reckon its the on off switch not the belt like MrP thinks lol.

OMG I have alot of wool.. Shocking really just in few crates I have over 100 1oogrm balls.. That's not counting any in the 3 pantries or the scotch chest that has 9 drawers. but at least if I want to do something I can usually go straight to it and make a start.
It did inspire me and last night I did a couple of squares while watching tv.

Have to do my bloods this morning , then Ill grab a few things at the supermarket.. Need to get some change for Saturday too... Going to be busy setting stuff out tomorrow as well as seeing MrP.

Pleased to report his food has improved, finally... So he is much happier.

Have a fab day everyone

RE: You can never have enough... - Mica - 24-02-2022

Morning all
Nice day here

Just back from gym once coffee finished shower then off for my stint volunteering.

Both kids with DGKs popped in yesterday so didn't get much done.

My sewing machine is back in the herd so there will be some quilting in my future.

Fresh veges are certainly expensive last winter I resorted to buying frozen broccoli

 9ffee finished so must move

RE: You can never have enough... - Roma - 24-02-2022

Good morning. 

A lovely day ahead. 

A few chores to do,  I've emptied out a layer from my worm farm already and my dog is now waiting for her morning walk.

A close family in Auckland all have covid,  starting with the high school member.  And now I'm hearing of acquaintances close to home who have tested positive. All we can do is be reasonably prepared.

My dog is right by me now ... better move. 

Have a good day.

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 24-02-2022

Back waiting for the kettle to boil. Albertine and I had a battle of wills. That rose is determined to take over the world! The frame holding up broke a while back and because she was flowering, we did a temporary fix. Today I pruned all six meters of her back to around a meter so we can fix the frame properly. I have scratches and scrapes and thorns and my gardening gloves now have two new holes in the leather. BUT I have one wheelie bin chokka with cut up canes and a massive pile of canes by the incinerator waiting for the fire ban to be lifted. And I think she will be a much happier rose on a stronger support. I found a birds nest in the middle of the rose and thought what a clever bird! There was no way a rat would tangle with those thorns to get to her babies.

Kettles boiled. Time for a cuppa and for me to clean up my wounds. I bled for that rose! Tongue

RE: You can never have enough... - Roma - 24-02-2022

Coffee time .... gosh that brings back memories of the lovely roses I used to have Kiwimade. So much effort, love and blood (at times) put into them, but all was forgotten at flowering time. They are amazingly resilient to even the heaviest of pruning! Our JR at the time used to amuse us, as she always chose a rose bush to bury her bones under, at times copping a snagged ear which would bleed profusely! Smart dog, if she kept her head down!

RE: You can never have enough... - Lilith7 - 24-02-2022

Kiwimade, its the creative cronies moon calendar. They're also on FB, I think.

Mowed the dreaded back lawn - I think it gets bigger every week - & took some pods off the unknown plant which planted itself out the back & chucked them around next to the drive. They grow quite well & I'm hoping that if they grow well, that'll be a bit less garden to weed around there.
Slightly concerned at the rate covid's spreading in the south of the SI; I have a friend there who's not in the best of health, so hope she doesn't get it.

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 24-02-2022

Scooted off to the village this morning to get a new double switch plate for the tradies installing our fans. The corporate LL has refused to let me upgrade to a 3 in 1 for the bathroom, unless I pay THEIR version of the installation costs as well as for the unit itself, with no set off for the unit they don't use, so naturally that's beyond my budget. Corporate meanness. So, after a wee chat with the sparky he suggested I get the double switch so he can separate light and fan function when he wires up (LL only paying for connection to the existing light switch which means both work at the same time), then he says in winter I can swap out the light bulb for a heating bulb and not have the fan suck all the warm air out. Not as efficient heatwise as one of the bigger units, but in our tiny bathrooms it should help. And I remember having one in Taupo all those years ago, and it was a treat on icy mornings to towel off under it! So, we're just doing that and seeing if the community manager notices the ten dollar naughtiness... A wee bit of civil disobedience by this old lady, lol...

RE: You can never have enough... - Lilith7 - 24-02-2022

(24-02-2022, 10:56 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Scooted off to the village this morning to get a new double switch plate for the tradies installing our fans. The corporate LL has refused to let me upgrade to a 3 in 1 for the bathroom, unless I pay THEIR version of the installation costs as well as for the unit itself, with no set off for the unit they don't use, so naturally that's beyond my budget. Corporate meanness. So, after a wee chat with the sparky he suggested I get the double switch so he can separate light and fan function when he wires up (LL only paying for connection to the existing light switch which means both work at the same time), then he says in winter I can swap out the light bulb for a heating bulb and not have the fan suck all the warm air out. Not as efficient heatwise as one of the bigger units, but in our tiny bathrooms it should help. And I remember having one in Taupo all those years ago, and it was a treat on icy mornings to towel off under it! So, we're just doing that and seeing if the community manager notices the ten dollar naughtiness... A wee bit of civil disobedience by this old lady, lol...
You have to wonder if the corporate LL has a separate light & fan arrangement in his own bathroom; I had one which worked with the light switch & it was damned cold in winter but the fan now has a 5 minute turn off which is far better since it means that if you just want a fast 5 min shower just turn it off before you get in.

I think corporate LL's should perhaps be obliged to have the same conditions in their homes which they're pleased to impose on their tenants - I expect it would work wonders! Angel

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 25-02-2022

morning ladies, it's a cloudy start to the day today.  It's supposedly the last week of summer this week.  Time is flying by.

Lilith, thanks for the link Smile  The calendar will be gorgeous!

Oh_hunnihunni, your landlord sounds like he's on a power trip! (sorry, bad pun  Blush lol).  What difference does it make to him if you have a different heater and fan in your bathroom.

I've been reading about the Russians invading the Ukraine.  As if a pandemic isn't enough to cope with, the Ukrainians now have to fight for their country.  I see their President has called for all aged 18 - 60 to fight.  I wonder if our protesters would fight if we were ever invaded.   These so called 'freedom fighters' in Wellington have absolutely no idea what freedom actually is.

Housework today and I might even get the inside windows done as well seeing as it's overcast.  MrK has to go into town so the Furry One will score a ride in the car.  The Furry One thinks he's king of the road when in the car lol.

More embroidery later.  So far the branches of the tree are taking shape.  I work the background first and then move forward hoping to create some depth.  When I'm in Spotlight next I think I will buy some rayon or silk thread for the tui, just to give it some sheen.  I tossed this idea around with my first attempt and the more I think about it, the more I like it. Inlove

Happy crafting    Cool

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 25-02-2022

Morning everyone

I for one will be glad when Summer ends. Mum always said tho that March often has a sting in her tail... But Im always prepared lol.

Im off to the garage once Ive finished my breakfast. I will get the car out and set up the tables. And get as much as I can done before I pop up to see MrP.. Then Ill do more once I get home .

Yesterday I saw a friend my my CMA days and it was lovely to catch up. Turns out Bobbie used to be in the council flats a few doors down from my friend ...

Yeah I have a feeling Putin is going to power trip like Hitler... I dont really think any sanctions against the country will hurt anyone more than the public. Putin wont stop, he wont think of his people. Joe Biden just said they are sanctioning their banks already.. That will hurt the people.

Sewed in some ends and started another square last night, but had an early night in prep for today.

Have a fab day everyone

RE: You can never have enough... - Mica - 25-02-2022

MMorning all
Lovely fine day here with autumn nip in the early mornings

Food hunting soon 

Made one giraffe yesterday turned out cute, today need to convert DD preggy tights to normal bands once that done can get on with quilt top

We decided to eat out last night at local Vietnamese that we really like.
Only 3 groups of diners so really well spaced out lol so we enjoyed a lovely meal prob won't be able to do that again for few weeks but they have takeaway so can support them that way.

Coffee finished

Have a good day

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 25-02-2022

The continuing story of the corporate LL saga for you...

Around lunchtime things went very quiet outside and then the vans roared up the driveway and didn't come back. Lunch, we thought, but no... Seems the covid figures spooked our CEO and she called the job off completely just before they got to my unit.

As you can imagine I had a very interesting phone conversation with her, lol. As I told her, venting is good for the soul...

Oh well, at least my kitchen is back to its semi organised self complete with jerry rigged shelf for pots and pans over the space where the new range hood should be. Gods know when that will go in now...

Still, I've managed without for ten years, a few more won't worry me!

RE: You can never have enough... - Lilith7 - 25-02-2022

Woke up stiff & sore this morning - apparently I'm not 25 anymore, which is slightly annoying. It isn't as though I did much yesterday apart from lawnmowing & a bit of weeding, so I decided to ignore it & trim back the Jasmine a bit, then head around to the mall for bread. Which they didn't damn well have - oh joy!

Mucked about a bit yesterday with a couple of paintings in photoshop, but not sure I like them so may leave them a while & then look again.

It will be a thing of wonder, when humans learn better than to make war on each other - Putin is an absolute prick, & you really have to feel for the poor Ukrainians. I wish there was a way to stop the Russians invading but that seems unlikely.
There was a small protest in Russia about the invasion - those are very brave people.

RE: You can never have enough... - SueDonim - 25-02-2022

Having a day at home today. Two loads of washing out and I've dealt with the compost. Finished emptying bin 1 onto the vege garden and started turning bin 2 over to bin 1. Had help from the Guard Cat who is now on Hunting Duty. My main reason for getting onto this task was because a few days ago he showed me he wanted to get into bin 2 and when I lifted the weedmat cover I saw a tail disappear into a tunnel. I gave it a brief dig over then to upset the unwanted resident, and digging it over properly now makes sure it's no longer home. But knowing that they are still around means that Hunting Cat has a job to do (and I'm sure he will).

I'll spend the rest of the day in the sewing room. My own projects are 1. sewing together squares of all of our old souvenir t-shirts to make a cotton blanket - half finished, and 2. I have a couple of tops that I bought from op shops without trying on and they are too small, so I'll use some of the leftover t-shirt cotton to enlarge them. I've done that before and it works very well.

My other bigger project is to get started on curtain making. We had a tenant leave last week (moving to the town where her daughter lives) and I have the full house set of curtains to make. She was a perfect tenant, but in 8 years the old ones are a bit faded and won't last another 8 years so it's best to do a fresh set now. Then, in a few months I'll need to do the set for the other house we have empty that's a huge project underway. So on Wednesday I got the fabric I need from a shop that sells short ends. But then when I got home I realised that one of the short ends was too short so yesterday went back to see if my mistake was that that was all there was in that colour, or whether I had just picked up the wrong roll. The latter was the case so it has worked out. With this week's purchase and what I already had in stock, I'm now pretty much good to go for two house-sets of curtains. Very satisfying when they are done and in place.

Oh_hunnihunni, that must be very frustrating but might give you a chance to negotiate a better solution to your request for a different fan. I think you've mentioned before that you are in a large corporate so maybe the LL has made a bulk purchase with a contract for installation and ongoing servicing of just one model. Maybe there's another one of the same brand that would work for you and still fit whatever contract the LL has. Having to pull out of the job now is probably very annoying for them too, but apart from new tenancies, it doesn't have to be done until 2024 so covid-risk its likely a more important safety factor right now. I know that some tradies have already been declining jobs where people live. It's all very complex, and just going to get worse for the next while. Best of luck for a solution that suits you.

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 25-02-2022

All part of the great story of life, lol...

RE: You can never have enough... - Jan - 25-02-2022

Popeye - just a thought make sure your house is secure tomorrow - a friend had a garage sale a few months ago - she was on her own unfortunately - a well dressed lady asked if she could take her little girl who was crying to the toilet - she went through my friends bedroom and stole a couple of pairs of expensive shoes and all her lovely scarves and makeup
Hope you have a great day

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 25-02-2022

Neighbour was saying burglaries are up around here because the police numbers are down, so many being in Wellywood just now.

Nasty thought. Closest I have come to that stuff is disturbing a couple of kids mid break in efforts years ago in Taupo. They ran off leaving bags behind, which did them no good when I handed the gear in the the local cop shop...

RE: You can never have enough... - Praktica - 25-02-2022

Hunni - when I lived in a wee town up north, years ago, there was a break in at the local picture theatre, who had a small shop selling sweets. When the police turned up, they followed a trail of dropped sweets to the burglar's house...

RE: You can never have enough... - Lilith7 - 25-02-2022

Some people are just awful - what a mean spirited thing to do.

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 25-02-2022

Yep this end of the house will be totally locked up.

I can shut the hall doors and only me or my friend will be using the main toilet... if anyone needs a toilet they can go on the grass lol...

Even while Ive been setting up the tables Ive had the back of the house shut. I dont trust many...

My blardy knee locked this morning and its very sore.. But its nearly 7-30 and Im finished and now have a cold hottie draped over it..

Ill report back when Im finished tomorrow