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RE: You can never have enough... - harm_less - 08-11-2023

(08-11-2023, 07:27 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Today I get to bring my shiny new hip home, and I cannot wait to collapse into my lovely bed and sleep for the forseeable. Funny thing about hospitals, how in recovery they wake you every two hours to see if you are still alive...

Now the real work starts.
My knee joint op about 15 years back was done with epidural so the 2 hourly wake ups were part of the deal, except the night shift nurse (Southern Cross) 'forgot' to keep them up so I awoke at around 2:00am with significant pain as I hadn't been able to trigger the on demand morphine doses.

The following day the morphine was withdrawn and I spent the next night with very dark 'dreams' under the influence of OxyContin. I told them where to stick that drug in short order and made do with oral codeine from there on. How do they manage to stuff up perfectly good opiates by synthesising them? After that experience I can well understand why the US has the problems it does with synthetic opioids.

Best wishes on your new hip rehab. I got together with an old friend at Labour weekend who's absolutely chuffed with the results of his hip op.

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 08-11-2023

Wow they finally called me.

There are 26 ahead of me, so it wont happen until the new year. And that's not counting Urgent's.. Im happy now that I have finally heard. And she was pleased to hear about my weightless and knee exercises..

At least I wont be out of action for Christmas, which Im soo pleased about. Cos I love Christmas and need to see everyone.

I hope mine is done via epidural too like my hernia and tummy was. but Ill make sure they dont start the warfarin too soon this time.

Hunni I think cos you have already had the other hip done you are more mentally prepared to cope and you know how its going to feel too. Onwards and upwards..

One of my friends fathers didn't do what he was told, In fact he thought he knew it all and on-purposely didn't do what he was told cos he thought he Knew Better than them, he never walked properly again. the stubborn old fool he was.

RE: You can never have enough... - Lilith7 - 08-11-2023

(08-11-2023, 11:52 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I have been a bit surprised by how different this op has been to the last one (2006!!). The technology has changed considerably. I don't even have matching scars, this one is much smaller and the drugs are so much better too. The lady in the next bed has had a knee done, her second too, and she said it was much easier this time round. But we will see how it goes without a load of bossy nurses following me round.

You'll be able to go & learn belly dance now, once you've recovered - I'm sure there a few different schools in Auckland, & its really good exercise. Hope it all goes well & you have a swift recovery.

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 08-11-2023

Pole dancing might do the trick as well Tongue

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 08-11-2023

Oooooh no, you can keep your epidurals. They did suggest it but I said I'd rather go home! I am a cheap drunk with significant reactions to opiods, so they did a grand job of mixing me a cocktail. For home use I have tramadol slow release which is way easier than the old morphine style option. And oxy is awful, but my daughter said fentanyl was great and I agree - no nausea, no itchies, no hallucination, no hangover.

But hey, I might be still under the influence

But all 'n all I am very impressed.

Btw, in recovery I had a strange dream experience, but it wasn't a dark one thank heavens!

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 08-11-2023

Tramadol gives me nasty dreams. The Oxies both fast and slow are my best option. One of them has pretty much the same ingredients as codiene which we stopped for me a few months ago.

One I would Never try is gabapentin. It turned MrP and my brother into really nasty men and a friend was suicidal. So Ill never try that one

RE: You can never have enough... - Lilith7 - 08-11-2023

(08-11-2023, 03:13 PM)kiwimade64 Wrote: Pole dancing might do the trick as well Tongue

Well...I haven't actually tried pole dancing but I'm sure it would be good exercise. Rolleyes Big Grin

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 08-11-2023

Yay I looked back. I got the fire pellets on October 4th, a date I will remember cos that's my friends birthday. And Im just shy of being half way. So wayyyy cheaper than the crystal littler I was using and no smell. The way if puffs up amuses me lol.
Thank you Hunni for putting me onto them.

Pictures of a Mature lady turning up to Pole dancing classes on her Scooter are making me giggle lol

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 08-11-2023

(08-11-2023, 06:20 PM)popeye333 Wrote: Tramadol gives me nasty dreams. The Oxies both fast and slow are my best option. One of them has pretty much the same ingredients as codiene which we stopped for me a few months ago.

One I would Never try is gabapentin. It turned MrP and my brother into really nasty men and a friend was suicidal. So Ill never try that one

Interesting, popeye. The gabapentin in my bags of drugs is remaining firmly closed too. I have never liked the mental health relationship with that - I know I'm as mad as the proverbial, but I am disappointed my orthopedic surgeon recognised the fact!

Might've been my asking that I not be resuscitated if his saw slipped.  Wink

(08-11-2023, 06:24 PM)Lilith7 Wrote:
(08-11-2023, 03:13 PM)kiwimade64 Wrote: Pole dancing might do the trick as well Tongue

Well...I haven't actually tried pole dancing but I'm sure it would be good exercise. Rolleyes Big Grin

I stick to tables. Safer.  Big Grin

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 09-11-2023

Morning everyone

Its clear as a bell out there.

My head has finally lifted. Yay. I wondered if perhaps it could be the sinus and the need of new glasses. But Ill take a day off and be pleased its gone again for now.

Bloods supermarket and MrP today. Then I might possibly have a go at the front lawn. Im not actually shopping until tomorrow after my echo. I make use of trips to use the cheaper supermarkets.

I dont know who covered me up last night. But I know when I settled in to sleep, after a 30 minute miss of Coro, I didn't have my sheet and blanket. But woke up with them. And I didn't get up through the night lol. Maybe Missy was cold lol.

MrP was pleased to hear that Id actually heard from the Clinic.

Have a fab day everyone

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 09-11-2023

morning ladies Smile Another stunning day here too.

I've danced on tables Tongue lol I don't know if I'd do it again... what the heck... why not Tongue I'll wait for the kids to be there before I do though Big Grin

The garden is growing like mad, every morning there is something new popping up or has grown bigger. I bought a small gypsophila with the groceries the other day and that needs planting out. I lost my big white one this year, probably didn't like being moved lol. But first I need to wash the floor, four dogs and as many humans over the last few days means it needs a good going over.

Happy crafting Smile

RE: You can never have enough... - Roma - 09-11-2023

Good morning.

Gorgeous day already.

Lol Popeye, you must have a sleep fairy looking after you!

I hope your recovery going well OHH and you have pain under control.   My BIL was up and on the go the next day after his open heart surgery 2 weeks ago ... home a week later! Can't believe how fast the turn around is these days!

A few jobs to do out today including library and groceries, now I've found a top to hide all the steri strips and white patch covering the punch biopsy site below my neck!

Miss my smoochy, noisy feline but am sure the canine will be enjoying moving up the pecking order, lol!

Agreed KM, the garden and lawn have gone mad.  It shows how much water we need to keep things lush where we live. My blueberry shrubs are laden and if we don't do something about covering them soon the birds will have a feast.

Time to get the washing out and head out the door.

Enjoy the day all.

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 09-11-2023

(09-11-2023, 07:08 AM)Roma Wrote: Good morning.

Gorgeous day already.

Lol Popeye, you must have a sleep fairy looking after you!

I hope your recovery going well OHH and you have pain under control.   My BIL was up and on the go the next day after his open heart surgery 2 weeks ago ... home a week later! Can't believe how fast the turn around is these days!

A few jobs to do out today including library and groceries, now I've found a top to hide all the steri strips and white patch covering the punch biopsy site below my neck!

Miss my smoochy, noisy feline but am sure the canine will be enjoying moving up the pecking order, lol!

Agreed KM, the garden and lawn have gone mad.  It shows how much water we need to keep things lush where we live. My blueberry shrubs are laden and if we don't do something about covering them soon the birds will have a feast.

Time to get the washing out and head out the door.

Enjoy the day all.

Heart surgery and recovery times is amazing eh. I had mine on the 19th of November and home on the 26th. Doing the walks around the ward on the second day. Feeling great, the second half of the third day you feel like shit then all upwards from there onwards. 
They can tell you each day how you will feel.

Its the Only time I've been glad to not be blessed with a big bustline. The other ladies all had to wear their bras, over the wound. I could go without. 

My lettuces are growing nicely but the birds are getting in the containers.

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 09-11-2023

MrK was up and about quickly after both his heart surgeries and home within days. It's the move-it-or-loose-it philosophy.
He's booked in for that punch biopsy and we know he will bleed and bleed but the doctor isn't concerned and told him to keep going with his warfarin.

Roma, our blueberry bush is laden as well and it's going to be a race with the birds as to who gets them first (us!! lol). The plum trees are loaded and the grape vine has teeny tiny bunches of grapes. The apple has finished blossoming and it's a great producer for a small tree. We're in for a feast of fruit late summer/early autum Smile MrK picked a heap of rhubarb, the nice red one that's not quite as tart as the older varieties and we have some in the freezer and some in the fridge ready to be eaten. There is nothing quite like going out to the garden and picking your fruit and veg.

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 09-11-2023

A lot of it is in the technology. The dressing on my hip comes with a pressure pad and a monitor that buzzes if something is wrong, and turns itself off when it is no longer needed. Useful bit of ai, but startling the first time I crushed it slightly and it got annoyed, a real wtf moment...

The challenge today though is in that bloody raised toilet seat. For the life of me I cannot work out how to tighten the bits that make it stable, so all peeing will be done with trepidation until I work it out. But hey, if that's the worst thing, I am doing well. It does help that I slept for twelve hours last night, with wary pee stops every couple of hours. Maybe I'll swap tea for coffee today, less dehydrating!

RE: You can never have enough... - Lilith7 - 09-11-2023

Good luck with the recovery Hunni, hope it goes quickly.
Madame Le Cat is outside exploring again; she was out earlier when I was summoned to let her in the back door with an extremely loud meow. I think she was experimenting with sound levels & which might work best on the human.

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 09-11-2023

We have seat raisers on both toilets here Hunni. Only one sits on tight. The one I use doesn't. I just make sure I push it back before I sit on it.

My Hammies tell me if I dont use it that's for sure.

Glad all is going well tho.

Awesome that Madam Le Cat is fitting in well Lillith.

Im going to buy a little kids wind fan thingee tomorrow, to keep the birds away from my lettuces. Cheeky Monkeys are landing in them and look like they are nibbling. I dont mind sharing, but I would like something left for me.

MrP was in a fairly good mood this morning, until I got up to leave. but thankfully a nurse came in to give him his pills so I hot footed it away

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 10-11-2023

morning ladies Smile Summer must be on its way, we have another stunner of a day here.

I think we are going to have to look at either one of those height things for the loo or a new taller loo. MrK is struggling to get up out of seats now. It doesn't help our loo is quite low and our sofas are 20 plus years old and saggy baggy.

Yesterday I planted the gypsophila and was amazed by how much water the mulch was holding. It was dry on the top for a few millimeters but omg underneath it was soaking wet. Just what we want for the hot summer months and makes all that wheelbarrowing of mulch worth it.

I'm not sure what we are doing today, we may just sneak away and take our lunch to the beach. It's going to be too nice a day to not be outside.

Happy crafting Smile

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 10-11-2023

Morning everyone

Beautiful here but a wee bit chilly.

Kiwimade get your Dr to send in a referral to um Ot I think it is. They will come and see what sort of things MrK would find beneficial. They can supply lifters for chairs and couches too, which are wonderful. I dont know why couches etc are made so dam low these days.

Off for my echo later. In the heat of the day too which I hate. I started another stocking last night, got to the plain straight knitting so Ill take it with me for the wait.

Will get just a few groceries on the way home. I've decided to use the stash of cat food I've been storing for the opp time, and refresh it all for my girl after Christmas.

One thing I did think of was all the meals I have frozen, might all be a bit hot for summer. But Ill cope lol

Ill be sewing up the stockings on the weekend and probably getting the front hay put in lol

Have a fab day everyone

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 10-11-2023

I had to measure my legs from the knee down to establish minimum height I needed and sure enough my pretty chairs are too low, as is the loo, but my slat bed with its fat new mattress is perfect. I did have fun with the young OT assistant though, she looked at the two leg measurements and said she'd have to measure again because only one was needed. So I asked her which leg did she want, the long one or the short one, lol... It is always dangerous to assume!

Pie and oven chips for dinner last night, bung them in, heat, eat, sensible thinking Mrs G and a great excuse to eat forbidden foods. Feeling really good today so I might do fish and a salad, life is definitely improving by leaps and bounds.