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RE: You can never have enough... - zqwerty - 13-12-2023

Agreed, The National Party is the enemy of the people so who are the idiots who voted them in?

Answer: the ones who want to make a quick buck whilst having the work done by other people and underpaying them to do said work.

RE: You can never have enough... - Venetian1 - 13-12-2023

So far I have not heard one of the coalition say they have negotiated with, or thought of employees only employers ie big business. 

They are out to make sure their own interests are looked out for and b****r the actual workers.

RE: You can never have enough... - Mica - 13-12-2023

Morning all
Sunny day slight nip in the air

Boy we were hit with a doozy hail strom with thunder and lightening yesterday afternoon. Hit here right at school pick up time. The 2 k9s coped reasonably well once they had their thunder vests on.

Had a very quiet day yesterday, last knit night for the year so we had  a shared supper. I took chocolate coated  strawberries.

DH has a medical appointmentthis morning and he is going to drive himself (yay) he also plans to continue on and hit some golf balls double yay. 
Made the apricot jam yesterday and forgot to add the brand6  Rolleyes it still tastes good though.

Hope to get rashie finished this afternoon 

Enjoy your day

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 13-12-2023

That westerlie is not letting up at all but it did dry the grass out quickly so an easy(ish) mow. It's a good day to wash the Furry One's bedding too. He's molting like crazy.

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 13-12-2023

Seriously contemplating staying home despite it being Wednesday... Too chilly!

RE: You can never have enough... - Lilith7 - 13-12-2023

(13-12-2023, 06:05 AM)popeye333 Wrote: Good morning everyone

Still windy out.  The temp has been going up and down.

Off to see MrP this morning. Then home to do the toilets. The lifters while handy are a bit annoying to clean.

Why do I feel the National just doesn't give a dam. Changing so many good things. Simply cos they want to put their mark on things. The Smoke free thing, the Fair Pay thing.. they really dont care about the people who do the most of the menial work to keep us going.  Its Nuts...

I said yesterday that I think it will hit a fan and the Coalition will end up having votes of no confidence and we will be voting again. 

Have a fab day all

I hope you're right Popeye & we  have to have another election sooner than expected.
Traditionally National has always been the party for Farmers & Business people but this lot are taking that to extremes & making things even harder for those already struggling - & their stance on changing the anti smoking things shows clearly that they have no regard for the suffering tha's going to cause.

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 13-12-2023

(13-12-2023, 09:50 AM)Lilith7 Wrote:
(13-12-2023, 06:05 AM)popeye333 Wrote: Good morning everyone

Still windy out.  The temp has been going up and down.

Off to see MrP this morning. Then home to do the toilets. The lifters while handy are a bit annoying to clean.

Why do I feel the National just doesn't give a dam. Changing so many good things. Simply cos they want to put their mark on things. The Smoke free thing, the Fair Pay thing.. they really dont care about the people who do the most of the menial work to keep us going.  Its Nuts...

I said yesterday that I think it will hit a fan and the Coalition will end up having votes of no confidence and we will be voting again. 

Have a fab day all

I hope you're right Popeye & we  have to have another election sooner than expected.
Traditionally National has always been the party for Farmers & Business people but this lot are taking that to extremes & making things even harder for those already struggling - & their stance on changing the anti smoking things shows clearly that they have no regard for the suffering tha's going to cause.

Totally agree Lilith. They have no regard for anyone "Lower" than them. Which are the people that are paying for the country to run.

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 14-12-2023

Morning everyone

Still a little gloomy out there and decidedly chilly.

Inspection day today. And Im not worried about it.

Im going to start planning a bake session on the weekend. And I know I need a couple of things. Saw some White Christmas the other day and I haven't had any for a few years. So Ill probably break the bank for the kremelta lol. Last time I looked it was close to $8. I do have some milk powder so that's a saving. And Ill take some with me to our Gang Christmas Lunch on Monday.

Odd to not be shopping today, but I prefer to be home so there's no accidents with Eden letting Missy out.

Have a fab day all

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 14-12-2023

morning ladies Smile The wind seems to have calmed down but it's still chilly. I saw your hailstorm on the news the other night, mica. And that tornado looked scary.

lol mica @ forgetting the brandy... that's something I'd do. But homemade apricot jam is sooo good.

If there is no rain, then the hose will have to go onto the garden today for the first time this season. The wind has dried everything out and the soil is looking like dust.

I might do a bit of Christmas shopping today seeing as the recyling needs to be taken into town.

Happy crafting Smile

RE: You can never have enough... - Mica - 14-12-2023

Morning all
Sunny day

Hurt my back yesterday morning so a very quiet boring day for me yesterday , DH will have to come on the food hunt today to do the lifting. So annoying I have stuff I want/need to get done.

Enough whingeing from me

Enjoy your day

RE: You can never have enough... - Roma - 14-12-2023

Good morning. 

Sunny with some wind.  We will be watering later as well. 

Whinge away Mica, back pain is the worst.  As a result of DH's MRI (dye used) he has been referred to a neurosurgeon in Hamilton. With some luck there may eventually be a resolution to end the pain.

A quick Christmas shop this morning, then coffee with a friend. Most of the GC want vouchers so only a couple to buy for. Later on a music recital to attend for a GS. 

Enjoy the day.

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 14-12-2023

Go for your life, mica, whinge away! I had a good moan to my sister-in-law the other day lol. It was very therapeutic!

RE: You can never have enough... - Lilith7 - 14-12-2023

Hope the back's a bit better Mica, bad back's are not fun.

Have gone slightly mad today, mowed back lawn first thing & then did the front once we got back from the walk & then decided to do a bit of weeding around the May bush & still had energy so made some pumpkin fritters for dinner. And did a bit more on current painting ( finished the ones for great grandkids & hoping to get them printed & framed later this week or next) which might do for submitting to Moon Calendar but really must find out when the deadline is.

Feeling slightly knackered now so might not be doing much more today.

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 14-12-2023

I read the Head Nurses message. MrP has gone off to Middlemore hospital. he was having trouble not being able to sit up. so the GP spoke to the gastro team and they are going to try and drain some of the fluid off.

Yesterday he told me he wasn't in pain, but it must have happened overnight. He has an infection again which explains his moods of course. So I spoke to him and told him I would find him tomorrow.

So Ill go see the girls tomorrow, since Ive been at home most of the day.. Passed the inspection. Then went and got a few groceries and tea.

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 14-12-2023

Putting in a port so staff can take some of the fluid off will make him a lot more comfortable. If the fluid is allowed to build up it ends up bleeding through the skin and is very distressing to deal with, but the patient has to be strong enough to deal with the port procedure. Unfortunately with my friend J, it wasn't something they considered worth doing.

So the fact they are considering the procedure for Mr P is a very positive sign...

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 14-12-2023

(14-12-2023, 05:12 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Putting in a port so staff can take some of the fluid off will make him a lot more comfortable. If the fluid is allowed to build up it ends up bleeding through the skin and is very distressing to deal with, but the patient has to be strong enough to deal with the port procedure. Unfortunately with my friend J, it wasn't something they considered worth doing.

So the fact they are considering the procedure for Mr P is a very positive sign...

He is already bursting into blisters then popping on his legs. Has had that happening for years. No one seemed to know what was causing it. Even did skin bi-opsys etc. 

I wont know what the plans are until I track him down tomorrow. 

I told him not to bother taking his phone, cos he either loses them or they come home broken. So thank goodness I have many many minutes built up. Nearly 3000 I think.

Its getting into his lungs, and they are poor at best

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 15-12-2023

morning ladies Smile A tad overcast this morning but we are expecting a hot day.

I am sorry to hear about MrP, popeye. Those drains are amazing. It's like a tap that can be turned on to drain the excess fluid. MrK's sister had one and it made her life so much more comfortable.

We are going to a pre-Christmas bbq today to catch up with family we won't see over the Christmas season. Yesterday I cooked some quinoa for a salad and will toss in lots of summer vegies and a garlic dressing. Kinda like a rice salad but with quinoa. MrK is making a coleslaw to take as well. Beers and non-alcoholic drinks are chilling in the fridge ready to go in the chilly bin and meat patties and sausages are good to go.

Our son texted us last evening as he heard the big roundabout at SH1/SH29 is being started early in the new year. Thank goodness for that! It will take around 18 months to build but will make a huge difference. According to the stats 20000 cars use that intersection every day and it is considered the most dangerous in the country.

Time to get cracking, better get this salad finished, washing out and all the usual stuff done.

Happy crafting Smile

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 15-12-2023

Morning everyone

Grey here too. But I think it will fine up.

Hopefully it will help keep MrP comfortable. So long as he leaves it alone. Or its not within his reach.

Have a lovely time Kiwimade. I think its nice to spread things out a little.

Im going to go see the gang this morning. And will then try and track down MrP.

I've decided to give a couple of recipes a go. I think I might have made the coconut ice recipe, it has 6 yes 6 cups of icing sugar. I've never made Russian fudge in the microwave, and I have a recipe for Ginger fudge which I've been itching to make.
I haven't told them Im giving those a shot and they can be the taste testers lol.. So far the plans are for a Bacon and egg pie , not sure if Dianne is taking anything to go with it. But she always has avocados, and then Cake, fruit mince pies and shortbread. That's for Monday. And RH David has some alcohol free Bubbles.

Enjoying the final of Breakfast and Matty. Its bound to get tearful. And if ABF isn't carrying Ill eat my hat. lol

Have a fab day everyone

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 15-12-2023

Well, aside from the obvious pain relief I have discovered two more benefits to this new hip. The first is I seem to be losing weight at around a kilo a week without any real effort and second I am now starting to sleep through the night without any pain breaks, which is quite something after all those years.

Both are rather fun...

RE: You can never have enough... - Mica - 15-12-2023

Morning all
Strong winds and overcast day
Great being without pain OHH its not until its gone you realise how tiring it is.
Hope they can give MrP some relieve Popeye. Fufge sounds good.

My back is improving  thank goodness.

Been into city to get haircut, cruise ship in town so a few people out and about.. picked up a few things for Xmas  and zoomed back home. 
The framing people have framed DH painting we didn't expect to get it before Xmas, so we will collect that on our way to visit friends  it is their 50th wedding anniversary today want to give them the rose we bought . They are having a lunch gathering on Sunday but thought it would be awkward  gifting in the restaurant.

We are out for dinner tonight awith friends at the local  Thai restaurant so a social day for us.

Enjoy your day