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RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 14-01-2024

lol roma, snap!  We put the netting over our blueberries yesterday as well.  The birds are busy munching on the plums so it's a race to get them too. And yesterday I heard MrK swearing at a rat running along the fenceline with half a plum in it's mouth.  The Furry One caught a rat again the other day but let it go when it squealed.  We thought it may have died from its injuries, but nope.  The trap has been reset and the Furry One on high alert.

Our last home in town had so much oxalis.  When we bought the place, the previous owner had covered all the gardens with compost from Daltons to hide it.  It took me years of weeding to get it under control.  And there is no way I'm going back to that with this garden.  I work hard enough out there without adding oxalis to the mix.  So, I reluctantly sprayed.  It's one of those pre mixed bottles as MrK wanted the bottle. 

I turn 60 this year *gasp, where did the time fly?* and the family have asked what would I like for my birthday.  No party thank you.  But there is a garden water feature I would die for lol.  I've been saving for it for a while now and the family have offered to contribute towards it.  We have always wanted some sort of water thing in the garden but haven't found the right one with the right price.  I have a cunning plan to make it fit which means shuffling things around in the autum.  Can't wait!

RE: You can never have enough... - Mica - 14-01-2024

Morning all
Fine still windy  but reduced compared to yesterday

I would love a water feature, when we had the Abyssinians I ried to talk DH into getting one for their enclosure because they loved water, liked to join us in Bath and showers if given half a chance.
I gift like waterfeature will be an enduring birthday pressie much better than party although  parties are fun Big Grin

Got a bit more quilting done yesterday I am fussy quilting so lots stops and starts  using this piece to practice/hone some skills. Probably at least another 8 or so hours to do keeping me out of mis hief. The impediment  is the feline she keeps trying to nest in the quilt and gets all offended  when I remove her she acts like a weight so can't move the quilt good this I love her otherwise I would lock her out.

My aunts memorial gathering is planned for early March doing the maths to see whether it is cheaper to drive compared to flying to Auckland for the day either way it will involve some loot.

Enjoy your day

RE: You can never have enough... - Lilith7 - 14-01-2024

Not as hot here today so managed a bit in garden & cut back the former garden plot which I'm going to turn back into lawn eventually.

Was woken as usual this morning by the two alarm system but with a novel variation which Madame Le Cat had decided on. It consists of walking back & forth across the human (who is lying on her side, attempting to sleep just a bit longer) getting slightly closer each time, in the manner of a circling shark.
A small,furry but extremely determined shark who wants her breakfast.
I was managing to ignore it until Madame Le Dog decided to stick her nose in - literally. A large,wet nose to the face isn't the best way to wake up, but if nothing else,its extremely effective.
I'm hoping this was an aberration, a coincidence, an accident & will never happen again, because if those two team up I'm doomed.

RE: You can never have enough... - Roma - 14-01-2024

Lilith, your 2 sound rather cute.  I've always tolerated being woken by my own pets but when it's a neighbour's (loud) barking dog waking us (and the neighbourhood, I'm sure) 365 days/year anything from 5.30am on and lately a few times 3.30ish, I draw the line! 

I'm trying to pluck up the courage to knock on said dog owner's door and ask if they would mind taking their dog inside at night  Undecided

RE: You can never have enough... - Jan - 14-01-2024

Lilith - we had a beautiful Abyssinian who firstly would stretch up and ping the microwave - he liked his food warmed - if nobody responded he would head butt my son whose bedroom was unfortunately closest to the kitchen - he was a big strong cat so it was felt - my son would complain long and loud but would get up and serve his majesty
Already 30 deg - is going to reach 32 according to the forecast - thank goodness I have AC - it’s really windy so hope everybody is really careful with any fire risk
I think the mess Winz created around the old boys alarm application wa# just another example of somebody trying to justify their job - annoying thing is people are queuing outside the local Winz office before they even open to arrange school uniform grants but they were intent on getting an old man to join the queue in the heat .Will pass on your tips Popeye - I took mine off the other night when I went to bed and remembered it a couple of days later - my kids would be so angry with me AGAIN
I binge watched Poldark and all my dreams lately people are speaking in that genre - much worse I watched Fauda which was absolutely brilliant but a lot of swearing in the last episode - I very seldom swear but caught myself thinking the mother fxxxxx expletive when the end wouldn’t go back on the hose - can imagine the reaction of my very religious neighbours if it popped out
I have some lovely feijoa sorbet in the freezer - might be lunch sorted

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 14-01-2024

I remember one summer as a child being paid a penny per 100 oxalis bulbs I sifted out of the back garden from an old vege garden my Dad and my Grandmother were determined to resume. That was a gorgeous property, a lovely older home in Epsom, half the house for my Grandmother, the other half for us. Still there too, which is rather lovely after 60 odd years...

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 14-01-2024

Animals think they are the boss.. BUT we humans get payback on the cold mornings they would prefer to lay in, but we have to get up for... We have our revenge then lol

Got some fabric out. Then decided to get the Piano stool, Stencils etc to make a sign asking the couriers to put the parcels on the piano stool with an arrow. Which took 3 attempts cos my spelling was disrupted with the 1% show... but finally done and laminated. Will put them out later when Guess who Gets her delicate Butt off said table lol.

Cricket on now and Im going to enjoy being lazy

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 15-01-2024

Morning everyone

Another warm night. Dull out at the mo.

I rang the home last night. MrP didn't have a great day. So Im glad I didn't try and talk to him. Am going in this morning, hoping to catch the Dr.

Then off to see the girls. Taking another talking point in, this one should baffle them Im thinking lol.

Ohh didn't look to see who won last night. Thinking we did as when I turned the tv off they had heaps of runs to get.

Have a fab day everyone

RE: You can never have enough... - Mica - 15-01-2024

Morning all
Dull been raining

Managed to get morexquilting but interrupted by DD & DGD1 who came to visit stayed for cheese and  crackers. 

Prepped for meeting I have this afternoon.
Bit office work this morning after vacuuming

Enjoy your day

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 15-01-2024

morning ladies Smile It's dull outside here too. Hopefully the promised rain will arrive.

MrK is having new tyres put on the back of the car today. Not sure if they will swap the front tyres to the back and put the new ones on the front or not. They usually do but the tyres on the front were only put on a few months ago.

Today the plan is to dethrone the spiders that have moved in. It shouldn't take long to do. Once MrK is back from town we'll load the scrap metal he has rounded up from his workshop into the car and I'll take it to the dealer tomorrow. It's a great way to recycle and have $$$ in the pocket. I also have to take photos of some bricks we will no longer need for the garden and put them on FB Marketplace. Hopefully someone will be able to use them. And I must contact my sister-in-law to see if she still wants some older bricks I have put aside for her. If not, then they can all be sold as well. We're on a roll with selling unwanted items lol.

Yesterday I had a tutu with stitching pohutukawa flowers and trying to find a pretty, but quick embroidery version of them. Seeing as there will be well over 100 of them on the table runner, I didn't want anything too fussy that would take forever to do. I think I have found a way to do it and I can freehand it so each flower will be slightly different. This is going to be a big change from the birds Big Grin Big Grin Now to find some fabric to use. The woman I contacted last week hasn't e mailed or phoned back. Will give her another week in case her contacts are still on holiday.

Happy crafting Smile

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 15-01-2024

MrP is far from normal now.

Was listening but not really understand that I needed an answer to a question. Playing with his sheet and blanket etc.

Dr finally saw him. Nothing they can do but they are going to try something under his skin to help with his nausea, but he's not eating much anyway.

Bobbie still thinks he is going to be miraculously cured. Im happy if that brings her peace.

Had a nice time with the girls.. They had pies for lunch and thoroughly enjoyed them.

It's raining lightly which is good But Dianne's hay is still standing so hopefully it does fall over. She said I told them they needed to do it last week.. but the males wouldn't listen.

It was nice just being the girls, without RH David trying to please everyone lol.

RE: You can never have enough... - Lilith7 - 15-01-2024

Odd sort of day here, cooler & rainy earlier but sun's out now. It seems that Madame Le Cat is not at all keen on rain & came in very hurriedly when it started. She was none too keen to try to sneak out when we went for our walk eithet which she usually does, so that's going to be handy on wet winter days.

RE: You can never have enough... - Jan - 15-01-2024

Been a very humid day here today - two big cruise ships in and just as all the passengers came off the power went off in the central city leaving all the cafe and retailers very upset .Not enough rain to make much difference to the garden
My sister who lost her house to Gabrielle received a very exciting call from a farmer down stream from her old house - he was storing all his daughters property in his shed and after the cyclone went through they dug all her stuff out of the mud - checked all the plastic bins and dried out the contents - his daughter arrived home a week ago and found a bin that didn’t belong to her - my sisters eldest daughter was killed when she was 16 and the bin was full of all her treasures - including a little dolls house I made when she was 5 - she was over the moon as you can imagine
I hope Golriz gets the help she obviously needs - security footage from another retailer which has been with the police since October has obviously come to the fore now another complaint has been laid .The security system most of the big retailers belong to isn’t triggered until you are trespassed twice .Kiri should have been helped when Dr Sharma first complained .My son who is in the forestry industry was working closely with Kiri on the slash problem and still laments the loss of her input

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 16-01-2024

Morning everyone

A lighter grey today. But we needed the rain for sure.

I agree Jan, she obviously has a problem but I think what got me was that she managed to get out of the country before it came up and it just look like it was intentional to be out when it hit the fan.

Off to talk to the Dr about the Covid booster and the need of antibiotics, hopefully to have it sorted before my surgery. Kind of cutting it fine, but Id rather have the script waiting at the chemist incase its needed and I can get it all sorted quickly.

Will pop in to see MrP for a while. Talking on the phone just isn't working at the mo.

Im thinking of making tartan trousers. I have a nice piece is black blue and green. I know one person who will love it lol.. Bobbie, Shes a true Scot who loves all Tartans.. And she loves that ours are Both Stewart lol.

Didn't see her for long yesterday. She has a new friend. Lil who used to be a part of the Singing trio, she is now a resident and Lil is Scottish too.. So pleased For Bobbie. Its what she needed. She still thinks MrP will come right.

Have a fab day everyone

RE: You can never have enough... - Mica - 16-01-2024

morning all
sunny day going to be warm and no wind currently
Tartan pants sound like fun Popeye.
JanW I must admit I check the cruise calendar before I plan a visit to cbd cant always avoid them though. Got to remember that they good for the local economy.

back on the computer this morning then of up the coast to join friend for lunch

might get some quilting done this afternoon if I am not too full from lunch  Big Grin

enjoy your day

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 17-01-2024

morning ladies Smile It's a tad overcast this morning but that's ok. Nice to have a cool start to the day after all the humidity last night.

Wow, Jan, how wonderful for your sister. Some things are just meant to be.

When the cruise ships arrive at Mt Maunganui we have bus loads of them coming over the Kaimais to Hobbiton.

Yesterday was very successful with the tackle boxes being dropped off to their new owners and 11 kilos of scrap metal sold to the scrap metal merchant. I can put the boat rods and reels onto Marketplace now and the pile of bricks. And MrK has a lot more scrap metal tucked away as well.

Happy crafting Smile

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 17-01-2024

Morning everyone

Overcast here too but its high. I didn't see the weather last night so not sure what is meant to happen.

Maureen rang, she is losing her sight, and Patch was taken to hospital , so she couldn't see the numbers on the microwave to heat up her Meals on wheels dinner. Ill take some stickers over so she will be able to heat her dinners.

So 2.5 hours later I got home lol.. she's a very interesting lady. A Taurean, so we get on well lol Ill use their lawn mower if it stays fine and get their front lawn done. I need the exercise, Ive missed it lol

She was saying they had the social worker there yesterday before Patch went to hospital, talking about rest homes. And of course CHT was suggested to them. I said Please try for elsewhere. Her Daughter in is Pukekohe so it would be better for her if they went over there. I did say tho that if they do go with CHT Ill be able to see them too lol

MrP was ok yesterday. Its like his mind has gone in a way. He's not stringing his words together. but he feels ok.

Arm was good yesterday from the covid shop. A bit tender today but considering I hate having shots in the arm, she managed to do it well lol.

Have a fab day everyone

RE: You can never have enough... - Roma - 17-01-2024

Good morning.

Overcast and a few showers are expected. It was nice to have a good rain soak the day before.

Jan that was indeed a nice find from that stored bin ... real treasure. I agree Kolriz needs help ... who would be a Politician though.

Farewelled more extended family from the area yesterday with coffee out ... they have yet to find a house where they are heading down Wellington way which I would find hard to deal with! Lucky to have family who will accommodate them short term and their stuff is in storage.

You are on a roll KM with your sales. Meanwhile I have bags of accumulated (mainly) clothes that need to get to an OP shop ... my daughter has added to the pile! It always feels good to have a 'clean out'  ... the aim to get rid of something each time you buy something is a good one but doesn't always work for me!

The cloudy sky is good reason to get out and do some weeding now.

Enjoy the day all.

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 17-01-2024

I wish there was a way to catch and deal to those who abuse our politicians. Some of the stuff they have to take is just so frightening it has to come from some very sick people.

My daughter reported in last night via instagram with a photo of her glistening swimming pool - she said it was 42C in her backyard yesterday, the pool and her very efficient aircon were saving her sanity. I wish they would come home, Perth in summer is going to be uninhabitable within her lifetime...

RE: You can never have enough... - Mica - 17-01-2024

morning all
fine, overcast and warm

on the home rum on document review/rewrite two more sections to go yay!

woke up to a torrent of water coming down via our car port and into our entrance way awash with few centimeters of water just what you want to deal with in PJs. texted neighbour  with video no reply so went over and switched her tap off, the hose connection had come off and the tap was on fill tit. she shouldn't have her irrigation system on any way as we at level 2 water restrictions hand held watering only.

DH over seeing to DD garden, lawn and k9 all need a groom Big Grin

I plan on more quilting this afternoon, another time hungry project at the moment.

We had the food repair person back today - ranch slider come completely off on Boxing day luckily DS managed to get it back but it was still dodgy to say the least. We now have another different set of sliders and all seems to be in place so glad as now we can have it open on the warm days.

enjoy your day