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RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 20-01-2024

(20-01-2024, 11:43 AM)Roma Wrote:
(20-01-2024, 11:33 AM)popeye333 Wrote: Finally heard from my twin.

The pollock had changed his number and told me wrong.. I told him off, like I have been wanting to. lol. odd that we are the youngest and both widowed/er, the eldest two dead and the middle brother is 40 years married in December lol.  After her parents sat at our dining table and said they didn't think my brother was good enough for their daughter lol.

Should never challenge any of my family.. you wont win lol

I've done washing, made a steamed pudding, put some stuff away, crumbed some chops and texting with 3 people at the same time lol..

Now having a nice ham cheese and lettuce Sammie and Ill watch some cricket. Ill have to Juggle tho, cos I want to get some of the lawn done later.  Never thought Id say this, But I Miss the exercise lol... mark that one down lol.

Talking about taking those meds in.. Several years ago after countless calls to the Auckland Council about the mess their cabbage trees left in our yard, meaning our lawn man had to pick them up, I took two black bags of the leaves into the council office and put them on their desk. Simply said these belong to you, told them where the tree was and that I would continue to bring them in if they didn't start picking them up themselves... Never had to do it a second time.. but I would have lol

Cricket has started
Lol Popeye ... that will learn them! It's a wonder they didn't chop the trees down!

Lol Roma. they did not long after that. Im not sure why it got sick. Perhaps our landlord intervened but we never knew. 

We stood and watched tho. lol

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 21-01-2024

morning ladies Smile Not a breath of wind outside this morning and it's lovely and cool. I'm heading outside shortly to do battle with the convolvulus. The dahlias and roses need dead heading too so that will be done as I work around them. And the lavatera I chopped back a few weeks ago needs cutting back again.

Later the plan is to have a tutu with some rayon threads I've had for years, they are pretty slippery to work with but the trade off is they look amazing.

Happy crafting Smile

RE: You can never have enough... - Mica - 21-01-2024

Morning all
Fine and warm and going to get warmer.

Document completed just need to read through one more time and then send it off.

Off up to sewing group meeting today 1.45 hr  drive on my own today so no chatter will have to fish out some music.

Have a fun day

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 21-01-2024

Morning everyone

Very still and a nice temp.

It was nice to get the back lawn done yesterday. it had grown fast. The front will wait, I will pop up and get some rubbish bags and go through some of MrP's clothes. What's not worth going to the oppy can go out. More his house clothes than anything.

I Missed some of the cricket last night. Saw the first innings but didn't see the Doubly Wubbly for the second innings. It was fun tho.

The Magnolia opened yesterday. Isn't it stunning. closed up last night, hasn't reopened this morning, yet.

Have a fab day everyone

RE: You can never have enough... - Roma - 21-01-2024

Good morning.

It's overcast but looking to be another hot and muggy day.

The magnolia flower is stunning Popeye. I have five similar on my front boundary in front of a hedge. We keep them limbed and will (try and) control their height  Undecided  I see there are flower buds on them now ... always a show and the bees swarm to them.

The cricket was a fun watch with hilarious commentary. Beautiful evening for it, considering rain had been forecast and it looked to be packed.

As usual lately, will get things done early before the heat keeps us inside. My dahlias need tidying up as well ... I wish they didn't grow so tall and try and take over! The lawn was mown yesterday and can already see it has grown!

Cuppa finished and the sun is coming out, better move.

Have a good day all.

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 21-01-2024

I love magnolias. Always remember the tree with the perfect child sized couch branch I used to climb into with a book to get away from my young sister, who was a pain for following me around. The wood, seed pods, and leaves are very beneficial in fish tanks, they release tannins which help the ecosystem by supporting good bacteria. I harvest the local trees regularly for discarded treasures!

I made one of my big hanging baskets into a succulent garden yesterday, full of kalanchoes. Be easier to look after all in one place. I just have to decide a permanent place for it and built a wee brick plinth to keep it off the ground. I used to hang these two, but there is nowhere suitable around here. I found them on Trademe years ago, it wasn't till they arrived that I realised they were made at Gloriavale, along with their moulded sphagnum liners. The baskets must be ten years old now, really well made too...

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 21-01-2024

gorgeous magnolia, popeye Heart Magnolias are stunning trees. I didn't know that about magnolias and fishtanks, OHH. Learn something new every day Smile The magnolia across the road flowers before ours and just as it's finishing, ours start to bloom. Twice the nice!

One small corner of the garden weeded and the heat has beaten me already. Tomorrow, I start earlier. MrK is out in his workshop, but I suspect he will be driven inside soon by the heat. I was thinking one of those battery fans might work for him, but he creates quite a bit of dust as he cuts and sands timber. Might have a chat to him about it. The Furry One is in his favourite morning spot in the front door entrance. He can supervise the birds from there lol. That reminds me, I had better go and give the bird bath a scrub and freshen up.

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 21-01-2024

Have had a good day.

Did an hour in MrPs room, it got too warm. But have sorted stuff out. For Oppy, a friends brother and rubbish. Still have the wardrobe to do tho.

Then I got the front lawn done.. Hot as.. but plenty of sunscreen and fluid.

Have done photos for listings but didn't feel like listing them. Not sure if I want to do TM or FB.

Neighbours Daughter came over with a lovely bouquet of flowers for me. Thankful I still had a few vases to chose from.

Will go and see the girls tomorrow. And then see if I can get these papers printed off for Winz for Tuesday or Wednesday depending on how I get on lol.

RE: You can never have enough... - Lilith7 - 21-01-2024

Beautiful flowers Popeye & magnificent magnolia too.
Too hot again here so not much done apart from a bit more painting - hope its cooler tomorrow.

RE: You can never have enough... - Mica - 21-01-2024

Love magnolias and learnt something else about them too thanks to OHH.

Beautiful bouquet flowers Popeye

Very hot today, had a lovely day out and called in to visit a friend on way home to see her new bespoke sewing  cabin.

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 21-01-2024

Too hot here, I predict a cool midnight shower for this old lady...

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 22-01-2024

morning ladies Smile Another hot and sticky night last night. Thank goodness for ceiling fans Smile

What lovely flowers, popeye Smile I read somewhere that if you soak the head of the hydrangea in water for around 15 minutes they will last longer in the vase. I don't know if that is true or not but could be worth a go. A lady in our rose group says she puts her cut roses into hot water, not cold. Not sure about that one either.

We had rain during the night so no garden watering for us today. But I will be outside shortly to do a bit more weeding. It wasn't that long ago I could weed the garden in one morning but now it's just too hot to do that and I have to split it over a few mornings.

Roma, they are closing SH29 through Hinuera Village next month on week days to do the resealing. It's long overdue! no doubt there will be a detour at the Tirau intersection. Can't wait for the road to be fixed, you can't dodge the potholes anymore as you just find another one.

Happy crafting Smile

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 22-01-2024

Morning everyone

Totally agree Hunni. it was still 30 degrees in the lounge at 10 pm last night.

I must have cooled down cos I put the sheet over myself in my sleep. not bad considering it was folded on the tray table beside me when I went to sleep.

Im off to see the girls today. I have more time in the mornings now. No rushing about and No dread about what sort of mood Ill find MrP in. I always hated that part.

Was talking to a friend last night, one of those that there can be years between talking, then you call and talk like it was only yesterday. I've had her birthday wrong oops. But MrP died on her Birthday, and then her Dad at 96 died on Saturday. Her family is split so there are already arguments happening. She said it was nice to talk to someone who doesn't take sides and we had a good catch up.

Can we stop with Summer now lol.. far too hot.

Have a fab day everyone

RE: You can never have enough... - Roma - 22-01-2024

Good morning.  

It might be wet underfoot after rain but it's already hot.  Not looking forward to having to go through the hottest part of summer yet!

Thanks for the heads up re SH29 KM, still playing the waiting game for DH surgery which is relatively urgent.

No plan for today ... have run off a Cruise Ship schedule so I now know when not to go down town. A trip to the Post Shop took twice as long as there were 2 ships docked! I don't do crowds!

Glad your life is going smoothly Popeye, you deserve it. 

Enjoy the day all.

RE: You can never have enough... - Mica - 22-01-2024

morning all
another hot day ahead already in mid 20s.

Done vacuuming and cleaned the bathrooms so need a break and cold drink.

Not sure what I will do this morning, been invited to afternoon tea  with a friend who lives half an hours drive away on a good day.
It will be nice to catch up with her.

Too hot to knit or hand stitch binding last night. Good thing I was weary so didnt get too bore doing nothing.

enjoy your day

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 22-01-2024

MrK thinks I need wings... went flying for the third time this summer in the garden. Same knee and shin lol. At least there are no grazes this time, but I will have a doozy of a bruise.

It's like we're growing triffods (sp) out there. The rain, humidity, then sunshine and bam! everything goes nuts lol.

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 22-01-2024

Oh no, it is awful KM, that falling down feeling. You might need to just slow down, lol. I am looking forward to this cool change, can't come soon enough.

Meantime I am struggling with resetting the tank that failed, no matter what I do it will not balance itself, and its new residents are arriving by overnight post on Wednesday, so I am starting to panic a little. I keep telling myself the challenge is why I do this, I will sort it out, but I am starting to get a bit obsessive about it, lol. It looks fine, smells fine, the water is clear, and the chemistry is okay, but something is off... Maybe it just needs a bit of fish poop, lol.

Ahhh but life would be so boring without a little bit of worry!

RE: You can never have enough... - Roma - 22-01-2024

I agree with the awful 'falling down' feeling .... with no way to save yourself! I did it last week after missing a bottom step because I stupidly had my sunglasses on inside to save having another thing to carry to the car. Just missed the nearby doorframe connecting with my head. The dark floor 'burn' on my knee is finally healing but a reminder to "slow down"!

RE: You can never have enough... - Jan - 22-01-2024

I think this cooler weather has had an adverse effect on my brain -went to a silent auction fund raiser yesterday and paid $23 for my favourite number 29 - which is my birthday - could have been anything but it was 10kg of plums - pleased with that - Robie paid $50 what he thought might have been a bottle of wine but it was water! Anyway decided to make another lot of sauce - they are not free stone so that was a pain - but bunged it all on and kept going back to it - seemed to be taking a long time to get going - after about an hour thought I should check if the element was working - thought it could be my old stockpot wasn’t compatible with my induction cooktop - but the back element was glowing and my pot was sitting on the front - his stupid I felt .It was a great night best desert I have had for years the most beautiful sponge so light and fluffy - cream with a whiff of some liqueur to cut the sweetness and glazed strawberries - so simple but so delicious .The entertainment was four ladies whose husbands were all killed in an accident - they had lost their jobs on the wharf and decided to go shearing - they had all just moved into State advances houses next door to each other with 11 children between them - they have stuck together and now live next to each other in adjoining units - they were hilarious - would make a brilliant TV series - the organisers were collecting for school uniforms and supplies for kids who need them so was good to see some generous donations
Can smell my sauce better get my bottles organises

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 22-01-2024

I have done that Jan, nearly burnt the house down courtesy of the stray edge of a tea towel in the wrong place. Lesson learned. Now my lovely glass kettle has decided it is no longer automatic switch off. Sod of a thing, I have to watch it and flip the switch.

These things are sent to keep us awake on stuffy days.