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RE: You can never have enough... - Mica - 01-02-2024

Morning all
Fine day currently no wind yay

Just having a sit down before doing the vacuuming, then its volunteer morning and food hunting after lunch. Just got the waistband  to put on swimshorts.  They look big but then my rear-end isn't small Shy

Got no hand work to do at night giving  my thumb a rest for a month it is so boring.

Enjoy your day

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 01-02-2024

awww Roma, I know that worry very well.  I hope you have someone who can go with you for support.  I thought I would be OK on my own when MrK had emergency heart surgery but was so grateful to my sister for coming with me.  I ended up a blithering mess.

Panic over lol.  When MrK signed the surgery consent form, it had a bit about power of attorney.  yep, I said, we have that, we are each other's and our daughter is for both of us in case we both end up brain dead in an accident.  But it wasn't with our wills.  A quick call to our solicitor and I can pick a copy up when in town next.  I don't want to get caught out again like the last time, so I'll have a copy in my bag when it's surgery time.  I know it sounds a tad over dramatic, but it was awful not being able to make the decisions MrK would have wanted last time.  Better to have it and not need it than the other way round.

A few more bags of beans are in the freezer and some more plums picked.  Big Grin  And I beat the sun with mowing the lawn.

Edited to add, Roma, they have started the road works through Hinuera Village and SH29 over the Kaimais will be closed at night for a few week nights starting soon.  Waka Kotahi will be have the details or if you belong to the Waikato/BoP FB page about the roads, it's all on there.

RE: You can never have enough... - Roma - 01-02-2024

Thanks KM ... it is hard not to think about the 'what ifs', but I hadn't thought about the POA part ... better look into that. I have quite a number of family members in Hamilton including my sister and a couple of SIL's. I shall probably stay over for the odd days ... he will be in hospital for 5 days (or more or less).

I've just read the online local rag and saw those road closing dates ... will write them down as the night closures will no doubt make a difference to the daytime traffic! The Waka Kotahi info pops up on my FB page as well.

RE: You can never have enough... - Jan - 01-02-2024

Robie just popped in with some golden queen peaches - the old variety was better I am sure than the new variety - or maybe my memory of biting into a juicy golden queen as a kid is exaggerated
The robber with the gun and the knife returned to the supermarket the following day after the police arrested him - stole a staff members car took it out to Hastings and completely destroyed the interior - he returned again this morning at 2.30 am tried to break into one of the night cleaners cars - didn’t succeed so while he was waiting for the police to arrive shot out all tyres with a BB gun and smashed all the windows with a bat - he is 14 years old - the police can do nothing - last year a judge put him under the IWI justice system so he is just thumbing his nose at the police - so sad what a waste of a life
Popeye just stay strong with Winz - make sure you record everything and if you can always take somebody with you - once it all gets sorted it’s a breeze
Turned into a lovely afternoon here - we have had enough rain for a while

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 01-02-2024

I think you are right about Golden Queens Jan, that's why I love my peach tree so much. Might not be very big, but boy they taste so good!

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 02-02-2024

Morning everyone

OMG Jan, that kid will spend his life in jail. Hopefully not for Murder, on the victims side that is. By 14 Im sure we all knew what was right from wrong.

Ohh Yummy golden Queen peaches, I have a yellow flesh one for my lunch today with an Apricot.. To be finished off with a Kapiti coast ice cream that David has stashed at the home.

Which is going to be helpful. I have a really sore throat and nose. I think its the dust and pollen around.. but it better take off fast, I only have 2 weeks before my pre-op check. Don't feel unwell with it tho which is good.

Umm I added to my Fabric stash yesterday. I got 3 pieces of a Scarlet red satin type fabric. 2.4 by 1.5 cms.. For the grand sum off $4.... yep $4... Im going to make some pillowcases to match the duvet cover in the same colour. The duvet is embossed tho.

I remembered I had seen the numbers to do with Winz somewhere and yep its on a letter they sent. And through the night I've remembered the memory stick is in my handbag so Ill pop the letter onto that and go to the library tomorrow and print it out.

I have to do a review of their decision, which will take a couple of weeks. I contacted the Funeral home and they are happy to not put any extra charges on the bill until I can get it sorted.

Have to ring the home this morning, very hard to get hold of the Boss.

Ohh its just started raining.. Not cold tho.

Edit to add I have got a man coming to give Maureen a quote for the back lawn, so cant hang for hours at the home. Bobbie will go to the music anyway

Have a fab day everyone

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 02-02-2024

morning ladies Smile What a lovely start to the day, cool and overcast. The rain is coming so we have been told.

Yummmm peaches. I bought a few with the watermelon the other day and they are so good. We're trying to find a peacherine tree, omggg they are so good too. The best of both fruit.

OMG Jan, 14 years old! You are right, what a waste of a life.

After the huge winds we had last week, I had to prune one of my standard roses as it was knocked sideways and almost out of the ground. The stakes I had used to stake it had loosened so the rose was blown to smithereens. I looked out the window this morning and there is new growth on it already. Roses are like weeds lol.

Housework for me this morning and MrK is planning on 'planting' the new bird bath stand. We have the concrete to set it into the ground and it won't take long to cure.

Better get cracking, the washing machine is beeping at me. The sooner I start the housework, the sooner I'm finished.

Happy crafting Smile

RE: You can never have enough... - Mica - 02-02-2024

Morning all
Overcast and strong wind warning for today Rolleyes

Love this time of year with all the summer fruit goldens will always be a favourite.
Goodness JanW so young bloke future for the lad very sad.

Didn't get the food hunt done yesterday so off to do that shortly.  Finished my swimshorts and they fit  and don't look too bad. Just exploring what style/pattern to use for a swim top to wear with them.

Think I will make some tot bags today have been given furnishing fabric samples and there weren't any at the warehouse yesterday.  The babies get 2 big boxes of clothes 0- 18 months, bedding books toys etc and mums get a bag of few nice things contained in tote bag or proper nappy bag if we have had any donated. 

Got to move enjoy your day

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 02-02-2024

Yup, all that anger and rage wrapped up in a 14 year old makes me wonder what the kid has endured so far. Some young people just have the worst kinds of starts.

It does look like a cooler day out there, I might get yesterday's to do list done after all. I like this life, procrastination is no longer a sin, lol.

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 02-02-2024

Thanks Winz, well woman at Winz, coughing all over the place. Im Positive for Covid. Hate being sick lol

Have only ever had one dose of the flu in my life.

The negative is Ill Miss seeing the girls for 2 days.. BUT

I get to do what ever I want for 5 days.

So there will be some sewing Im sure.. The apron and maybe the pillow cases.

I did my shopping yesterday but I have friends who could help.

And when I registered it they said Ill be fine for my pre-op, that's all I was worried about.

And Im glad MrP doesnt know.. Actually his name is David, which is why I called the family member at the first home Rest Home David, so people knew who I was talking about.

And they better save me an ice cream lol

RE: You can never have enough... - Jan - 02-02-2024

Beautiful morning here today but it’s going to get really hot I think
Next time the boy comes back - and he no doubt will - Robie is going to talk to him - can’t do any harm - Robie is brown skinned youngish and with a beard so you never know - he took on two of the young kids who Manup brought on site during Gabrielle - they both carried a lot of baggage but had been out with the Manup crew into the bush after they were released from prison - can’t stand Tamaki but the scheme he has running for kids getting out of jail is certainly working - these boys certainly wouldn’t want to be check out operators but are thriving out in the freight area .At least the boy has only damaged property if he goes onto to using the gun or knife on a person it’s a whole different scenario .It’s really sad but there must be some way to get through to him .

RE: You can never have enough... - Lilith7 - 02-02-2024

(02-02-2024, 08:26 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Yup, all that anger and rage wrapped up in a 14 year old makes me wonder what the kid has endured so far. Some young people just have the worst kinds of starts.

It does look like a cooler day out there, I might get yesterday's to do list done after all. I like this life, procrastination is no longer a sin, lol.

My thoughts exactly - what's happened, to make him like this, perhaps he's mentally ill or perhaps he's had a really dire upbringing probably involving violence.

Finally raining here, sorely needed but I hope its just going to be steady rain rather than one or two showers or really heavy rain, neither of which which help the dry conditions.

Countdown/Woolworths have transitioned their loyalty cards - all information will have transferred over to the new one...oh, really? Nope, not mine. 
Tried to use it this moring & not a dickie bird, nowt, zilch, zip, nada.

So..go online & re register was the advice. Yeah. Three attempts so far, but will have another bash later. It would help if their help thingy was functioning but at present it seems it won't accept any number not from a mobile, which seems very like discrimination. Oh joy.... Rolleyes

I SO love technology..... Rolleyes Big Grin Big Grin

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 02-02-2024

It went through my mind when you mentioned a sore throat and runny nose you may have Covid, popeye. Thank goodness for vaccinations, when we do get the virus, it's not as bad. Plenty of fluids and rest when you need to was the advice I was given.

Wow, mica, the new mums are very lucky to have you all helping out. Those are very generous gifts.

I've given up on loyalty cards, I never seem to get anywhere with them.

After a bit of serious unpicking, I'm back on track with the runner. I had forgotten how much I hate button hole stitch lol and I have a fair few to do! Worth it though Smile

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 02-02-2024

Hunni Apparently signing up for the new card gives them the right to use your details. There's a tic Tok page about it.

And if you deregister out of the old one and sign up for the new one your meant to get 1000 points.

I've got one but I haven't logged on. I seldom go to CD W/W

Feel Sorry for Bobbie, but Ill phone her tonight.

A friend is picking up some Anti virals for me. Pay back for having certain conditions lol.

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 02-02-2024

I transferred when the first email came out last year I think, and got my new card in the mail last week. I don't use that one much, but I like the idea of getting something back, even if it is a drop in the bucket. And interestingly enough some fortnights that tiny handful of New World dollars from my flybuys card saves my empty purse. I am on a very strict budget as I clear some family debt, and some weeks things get a bit squeaky, lol. It is a good feeling though, I am just a few months away from being completely debt free again, life is good. As for data mining, we are online. If anyone thinks they can avoid that without vast amounts of effort, good luck to them. Evey keystroke we make is harvested by someone, the trick is to be aware of it and not trust any uninvited contacts.

RE: You can never have enough... - Jan - 02-02-2024

It’s going to be a good time to shop around for specials - Woolworths/countdown downgraded their projected profit by 42% for the next years trading - so there will be good specials at Countdown for those that have a card - they are obviously going to close the 30% price gap between them and PaknSave - The Warehouse are doing well .It is interesting when the owners of a local New World decided to walk away as the business was no longer profitable - was an excellent chance for a new player who the Commerce Commission the duopoly prevent setting up in the kiwi market - but there are no takers - there is a good young butcher and a large mini market and 4 square plus the nearest PaknSave is only 8km away a $2 ride on Uber but the media headlined that the residents were being deserted - on Xmas Eve the New World only had six customers no business can sustain that .The owners have lost a lot of money but they don’t own the building so the landlord is looking for new tenants
Flaxmere has changed a lot and New World just didn’t fit there anymore
The PaknSave Xmas club is good for families - you can just add it on at the checkout - they pay interest on your money and then at Xmas have really good Xmas club specials
Nourished for Nil a group that distributes food has opened a social supermarket - not sure what the criteria is but the family goes shopping in the free supermarket with an trolle6 instead of just getting a box of stuff .

RE: You can never have enough... - Lilith7 - 02-02-2024

Hope you're OK, Popeye & have a quick recovery.

Finally got it sorted (she said hopefully!) through their online help thingy - apaprently I'm not alone in having problems with the damned thing; there was a queue of about 20-30 ahead of me needing help with their new card. The upshot was they'll send me a new one in the post in 7-10 days.

WHY, when something works perfectl well does some utter wuckfit decide in their infinite wisdom that it really, really needs changing??!

Fat lot of good that rain did - it was nothing more than an extended shower & I'll still have to water the garden.

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 02-02-2024

I use the pak n save Christmas Club Smile I started again in the first week of January and if things get a bit tight, it can be used during the year. Am seriously thinking of starting one as a Christmas gift for our daughter and son. Groceries are always welcome, even if they use it for those special Christmas extras, it's something.

I was invited out to lunch and had a good catch up with my bestie Smile We hadn't seen each other for ages. While in town I picked up our power of attorneys and MrK's homebrew kit that I forgot to buy at Pak n Save. Might just open that bottle of pinot our son bought me as part of my Christmas pressie. Every year he buys me a bottle of wine and MrK a fancy imported bottle of beer as part of our gift.

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 03-02-2024

morning ladies Smile Boy we had some wind and rain last night Big Grin No need to water the garden this morning.

Not sure what we are going to do today, probably a quiet at home type of day. There are a couple of things I need to do in the garden, the lavatera I cut back not long ago needs cutting back again. This time I'll be more ruthless with it. And the roses and dahlias need dead heading again. But if it's going to rain, I won't bother as I like to give the plant's cuts time to heal over before they get wet.

If it's going to be an indoor day, then I'll work on the runner.

Might take my coffee and wander round the garden with the Furry One Heart

Happy crafting Smile

RE: You can never have enough... - Roma - 03-02-2024

Good morning.

Enjoying a much reduced temperature as it drizzles outside. Looking like an inside day today.

A day of feeling under the weather yesterday ... nausea and headache (not to mention sore arm) .... after the Covid vacc the day before. I hope you are not suffering too much from the actual virus Popeye! My son and family who were staying with Covid sufferers have all escaped it .... amazing! Perhaps it helped they were mostly outdoors.

A day to catch up with housework, do some baking and maybe find some knitting to have on the go.

Enjoy the day all.