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RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - Oh_hunnihunni - 26-03-2023

Good heavens. You were cross at the thought of her being stopped from coming - didn't happen. 

Now you are cross because the people she routinely attacks fought back?

Tough titties.

RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - Olive - 26-03-2023

The point of Parker's “protest” was to shut down trans events, prevent trans speech and prevent trans participation in many activities. She and her few supporters are the authoritarians. She is an outrage machine grifter who came here to create content for her own live streaming self promotion.

This was an example of "People power" coming together to shut down hate speech.

Trans Rights are Human Rights. The anti-terf demonstrators were acting in self defence of a vulnerable community.

RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - king1 - 26-03-2023

(26-03-2023, 07:33 AM)C_T_Russell Wrote: Absolutely disgusted to see how she was treated by fellow kiwis.
This rainbow community is supposed to be all about inclusiveness but we see her treated with violence from these same people because they disagree with her.
Let her speak and hear what she wants to say!
She doesn't hate transgender woman, she just doesn't believe they are women.
I 100% agree with her. It's not hate speech, it's pure facts, but it seems this minority can't deal with the truth.
20 years ago we wouldn't have even needed someone like her to stand up for woman's rights and wouldn't have faced such abuse either, in fact she would have had the publics support.
i'm pretty sure the 'minority' just got run out of town CT.

RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - C_T_Russell - 26-03-2023

Do you know there is not a single person in this thread that can tell me a single thing that's she has said that's hateful?
There is a reason that immigration let her into the country and that's because there is no grounds to deny her entry.
Seems it's easier to believe what the left wing media have to say about her.

RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - Oh_hunnihunni - 26-03-2023

As for the hateful stuff, here ya go...

RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - C_T_Russell - 26-03-2023

(26-03-2023, 09:02 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote:

As for the hateful stuff, here ya go...

That Wikipedia article doesn't really provide alot of info about her other than saying she opposes legislation that gives transgender woman the same rights as real woman.
Seems her messages of hate speech is simply using the dictionary definition of the word woman.
Perhaps this is why the census is asking all these gender related questions? Might mean we see transgender toilets.
Statements like "only women can get periods or pregnant" should be protected or else it will end up becoming hate speech like it did in Norway.
Funny how gay conversion therapy is now banned but totally legal now for a doctor to cut somebody up and mess around. The irony.
What's wrong with that? Alot!
I'm not suggesting surgery can't be done in cases where children are born with 2 sexes as discussed earlier in this thread.
There are obvious exceptions when biologically there are things at play at birth. That's not what we are talking about here, that's a completely different matter.

RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - Oh_hunnihunni - 26-03-2023

She also calls gay parents 'groomers', claims gender reassignment is a form of rape,  and openly says trans people shouldn't have the same rights as other genders. She claims to speak for women, without ever really consulting with us, claims not to be a feminist but espouses a very retro feminist viewpoint, and does nothing but denigrate and undermine those who stand against her.

Lots of us have challenges with some areas in the gender debate, we don't feel it necessary to go on world tours, abusing the vulnerable and making ourselves the centre of attention. She's trying to do a Germaine Greer but lacks the wit, intelligence, and political nous.

Did you not hear the clip where she challenged our PM? She is disrespectful and antagonistic. And just like all bullies when confronted by her victims standing up for themselves she cuts and runs screaming about her own assumed victimhood. Cowardly egotistical behaviour.

This person is all about herself. She has found a vehicle to grandstand on, to enlarge herself. She's not about women, she is all about fame and fortune and has no intention to bring positivity to her very own carefully constructed pity party. Preferably set in the mid 50s...

(26-03-2023, 09:28 AM)C_T_Russell Wrote:
(26-03-2023, 09:02 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote:

As for the hateful stuff, here ya go...

That Wikipedia article doesn't really provide alot of info about her other than saying she opposes legislation that gives transgender woman the same rights as real woman.
Seems her messages of hate speech is simply using the dictionary definition of the word woman.
Perhaps this is why the census is asking all these gender related questions? Might mean we see transgender toilets.
Statements like "only women can get periods or pregnant" should be protected or else it will end up becoming hate speech like it did in Norway.
Funny how gay conversion therapy is now banned but totally legal now for a doctor to cut somebody up and mess around. The irony.
What's wrong with that? Alot!
I'm not suggesting surgery can't be done in cases where children are born with 2 sexes as discussed earlier in this thread.
There are obvious exceptions when biologically there are things at play at birth. That's not what we are talking about here, that's a completely different matter.

Is it a completely different matter though? Or is it part of the entire issue?

The point being who are we to decide whether someone should be male or female and nothing else? That is a lifetime decision, don't you think we should leave that to the individual who has to live that life, and not force our choice on them?

I put that in the same basket as sterilising, isolating, or incarcerating those with differences. It is as evil as enslaving on the basis of race. In the 21st century we should know better.

RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - Lilith7 - 26-03-2023

(25-03-2023, 08:56 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Don't let the door hit ya in the bum, Poser Parker...

I love this country.

Now, about that Tamaki couple...

Ah yes, if only they'd up sticks & move to Oz.

 Leeches that they are, they'd have far richer pickings over there & since that lot over the ditch are always keen to nick our stuff, no doubt  they'd be thrilled to have a free gift from us.. Rolleyes

 Perhaps lure the McBishop with free brylcreem for life...??? 

Pansy certainly can't claim that she wasn't warned that she wouldn't be getting a warm reception here, but she came anyway & has had to slink home off home again. I doubt anyone will be losing sleep over that.

RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - C_T_Russell - 26-03-2023

(26-03-2023, 10:52 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: She also calls gay parents 'groomers', claims gender reassignment is a form of rape,  and openly says trans people shouldn't have the same rights as other genders. She claims to speak for women, without ever really consulting with us, claims not to be a feminist but espouses a very retro feminist viewpoint, and does nothing but denigrate and undermine those who stand against her.

Lots of us have challenges with some areas in the gender debate, we don't feel it necessary to go on world tours, abusing the vulnerable and making ourselves the centre of attention. She's trying to do a Germaine Greer but lacks the wit, intelligence, and political nous.

Did you not hear the clip where she challenged our PM? She is disrespectful and antagonistic. And just like all bullies when confronted by her victims standing up for themselves she cuts and runs screaming about her own assumed victimhood. Cowardly egotistical behaviour.

This person is all about herself. She has found a vehicle to grandstand on, to enlarge herself. She's not about women, she is all about fame and fortune and has no intention to bring positivity to her very own carefully constructed pity party. Preferably set in the mid 50s...

(26-03-2023, 09:28 AM)C_T_Russell Wrote: That Wikipedia article doesn't really provide alot of info about her other than saying she opposes legislation that gives transgender woman the same rights as real woman.
Seems her messages of hate speech is simply using the dictionary definition of the word woman.
Perhaps this is why the census is asking all these gender related questions? Might mean we see transgender toilets.
Statements like "only women can get periods or pregnant" should be protected or else it will end up becoming hate speech like it did in Norway.
Funny how gay conversion therapy is now banned but totally legal now for a doctor to cut somebody up and mess around. The irony.
What's wrong with that? Alot!
I'm not suggesting surgery can't be done in cases where children are born with 2 sexes as discussed earlier in this thread.
There are obvious exceptions when biologically there are things at play at birth. That's not what we are talking about here, that's a completely different matter.

Is it a completely different matter though? Or is it part of the entire issue?

The point being who are we to decide whether someone should be male or female and nothing else? That is a lifetime decision, don't you think we should leave that to the individual who has to live that life, and not force our choice on them?

I put that in the same basket as sterilising, isolating, or incarcerating those with differences. It is as evil as enslaving on the basis of race. In the 21st century we should know better.

I didnt see the clip of her challenging the PM.
Why should trans people have the same rights as other genders?
A man doesnt have the same rights as a woman, and vice versa, trans people have their own rights.
That means trans women dont have the right to compete against real women, thats one such example.
They have the right to be respected, but that doesnt grant them any automatic rights that a biological female has.
We are seeing womans rights being removed for example in Norway to say only woman can be mothers is now considered hate speech, how is that OK?

I am 100% about protecting womans rights, and we are slowly seeing them being taken away, where will this end if we keep giving into this? Think another 20 years down the road. Its impossible to give a guy womans rights.
A line needs to be drawn and I think it would be more beneficial if both sides actually sit down and debate this together, because ethically, biologically and scientifically there are barriers.

It also appears its no longer treated as a mental health issue.
Obviously in extreme cases, reassignment surgery may be necessary if it helps their mental health.
I know someone who inflicted self harm because of this it took this person many years to actually decide whether or not surgery was the right choice, it should only be a last resort. All the hormone treatment has huge health implications too. Lets not forget that.

RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - Lilith7 - 26-03-2023

(26-03-2023, 11:18 AM)C_T_Russell Wrote:
(26-03-2023, 10:52 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: She also calls gay parents 'groomers', claims gender reassignment is a form of rape,  and openly says trans people shouldn't have the same rights as other genders. She claims to speak for women, without ever really consulting with us, claims not to be a feminist but espouses a very retro feminist viewpoint, and does nothing but denigrate and undermine those who stand against her.

Lots of us have challenges with some areas in the gender debate, we don't feel it necessary to go on world tours, abusing the vulnerable and making ourselves the centre of attention. She's trying to do a Germaine Greer but lacks the wit, intelligence, and political nous.

Did you not hear the clip where she challenged our PM? She is disrespectful and antagonistic. And just like all bullies when confronted by her victims standing up for themselves she cuts and runs screaming about her own assumed victimhood. Cowardly egotistical behaviour.

This person is all about herself. She has found a vehicle to grandstand on, to enlarge herself. She's not about women, she is all about fame and fortune and has no intention to bring positivity to her very own carefully constructed pity party. Preferably set in the mid 50s...

Is it a completely different matter though? Or is it part of the entire issue?

The point being who are we to decide whether someone should be male or female and nothing else? That is a lifetime decision, don't you think we should leave that to the individual who has to live that life, and not force our choice on them?

I put that in the same basket as sterilising, isolating, or incarcerating those with differences. It is as evil as enslaving on the basis of race. In the 21st century we should know better.

I didnt see the clip of her challenging the PM.
Why should trans people have the same rights as other genders?
A man doesnt have the same rights as a woman, and vice versa, trans people have their own rights.
That means trans women dont have the right to compete against real women, thats one such example.
They have the right to be respected, but that doesnt grant them any automatic rights that a biological female has.
We are seeing womans rights being removed for example in Norway to say only woman can be mothers is now considered hate speech, how is that OK?

I am 100% about protecting womans rights, and we are slowly seeing them being taken away, where will this end if we keep giving into this? Think another 20 years down the road. Its impossible to give a guy womans rights.
A line needs to be drawn and I think it would be more beneficial if both sides actually sit down and debate this together, because ethically, biologically and scientifically there are barriers.

It also appears its no longer treated as a mental health issue.
Obviously in extreme cases, reassignment surgery may be necessary if it helps their mental health.
I know someone who inflicted self harm because of this it took this person many years to actually decide whether or not surgery was the right choice, it should only be a last resort. All the hormone treatment has huge health implications too. Lets not forget that.

Oh ffs!  Dodgy

Could we just try looking at this calmly for a change, as I understand it;
 Physically, a normal male cannot give birth.
 Physically, a trans woman about to or being in transition to becoming male can give birth.

Either a biological female or a female transitioning to male can both be mothers.
Therefore, it  is inaccurate to claim that only a woman can be a mother & to state as much isn't removing anyone's rights.

RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - Wainuiguy - 26-03-2023

(26-03-2023, 09:02 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote:

As for the hateful stuff, here ya go...

Is that the same Wiki page that she has no ability to edit?

RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - harm_less - 26-03-2023

(26-03-2023, 12:50 PM)Wainuiguy Wrote:
(26-03-2023, 09:02 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote:

As for the hateful stuff, here ya go...

Is that the same Wiki page that she has no ability to edit?
Editing history is a whole different discussion.

RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - Oh_hunnihunni - 26-03-2023

The reason trans should have the same rights as women, or men is simply the fact they are all human.

Ordo you disagree with that?

The Parker/PM clip you missed...

RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - Wainuiguy - 26-03-2023

Until a week ago I didn't know who she was and I would say most here wouldn't either. I don't particularly agree with what she has to say.

However what occured on Saturday was quite shameful. Some here have said it was "people power" - that would have been the case had they simply drowned out what she was saying making her abandon her talk. What we actually saw was mob rule - where threats of violence and violence itself was used to stop someone speaking.

Those who truly believe in free speech here should recognise the difference and actually support her right to say what she wanted to say. We may not like the message but in a society that values free speech we should never allow the mob to determine what is said.

Back in the late 70s the ACLU successfully campaigned to allow a group of neo nazis to gather and proclaim their message. They did not agree with that message but defended their right to say it.

I wonder if they would do the same today?

(26-03-2023, 02:44 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: The reason trans should have the same rights as women, or men is simply the fact they are all human.

Ordo you disagree with that?

The Parker/PM clip you missed...

And I do not believe this woman is trying to take away their human rights.

In this present world I, as a male, could walk into a women's toilet and use it.  If anyone objected I could simply say the I identify as a woman.  Recently we have a rapist say he identified as a woman so he could be sent to a women's prison.

One aspect I absolutely disagree with is Trans Women being allowed to enter women's sport.  Laurel Hubbard is the perfect example- a decidedly average male weightlifter who transitioned and then went on to be a top female weightlifter.

RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - Oh_hunnihunni - 26-03-2023

I support her right to say whatever she likes. In her country, playing by their social rules. But traipsing off round the world to tell others what they should do?

Yeah, nahhhhhhhhhhhhh...

RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - Wainuiguy - 26-03-2023

(26-03-2023, 06:33 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I support her right to say whatever she likes. In her country, playing by their social rules. But traipsing off round the world to tell others what they should do?

Yeah, nahhhhhhhhhhhhh...

So freedom of speech is only for those from this country?

Yeah, nahhhhhhhhhhhhh....

RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - Oh_hunnihunni - 26-03-2023

(26-03-2023, 07:54 PM)Wainuiguy Wrote:
(26-03-2023, 06:33 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I support her right to say whatever she likes. In her country, playing by their social rules. But traipsing off round the world to tell others what they should do?

Yeah, nahhhhhhhhhhhhh...

So freedom of speech is only for those from this country?

Yeah, nahhhhhhhhhhhhh....

No. It's about good manners. Visitors and hosts and all that stuff. When in Rome, do as the Roman's do. And here we do things differently to the things Posey Parker might be used to. Next time, maybe she should do her research first.

RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - C_T_Russell - 26-03-2023

(26-03-2023, 08:13 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote:
(26-03-2023, 07:54 PM)Wainuiguy Wrote: So freedom of speech is only for those from this country?

Yeah, nahhhhhhhhhhhhh....

No. It's about good manners. Visitors and hosts and all that stuff. When in Rome, do as the Roman's do. And here we do things differently to the things Posey Parker might be used to. Next time, maybe she should do her research first.

Is this why vision NZ got to speak today about the exact same topic and not get eggs thrown in their face??

RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - king1 - 26-03-2023

Quote:Parker posted to Twitter and said she was leaving ‘the worst place for women she has ever visited’.
Maybe if she wants to advocate for women's rights she should visit Afghanistan, sudan etc...  Might be able to do some real good there...  

America even, where some states have banned abortions recently...

RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - Wainuiguy - 27-03-2023

(26-03-2023, 08:13 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote:
(26-03-2023, 07:54 PM)Wainuiguy Wrote: So freedom of speech is only for those from this country?

Yeah, nahhhhhhhhhhhhh....

No. It's about good manners. Visitors and hosts and all that stuff. When in Rome, do as the Roman's do. And here we do things differently to the things Posey Parker might be used to. Next time, maybe she should do her research first.

Did she just come or was she invited?  I believe it was the latter.

(26-03-2023, 11:03 PM)king1 Wrote:
Quote:Parker posted to Twitter and said she was leaving ‘the worst place for women she has ever visited’.
Maybe if she wants to advocate for women's rights she should visit Afghanistan, sudan etc...  Might be able to do some real good there...  

America even, where some states have banned abortions recently...

You could say the same thing of  the Trans Activists.  If they are so hell bent on making change perhaps they should also protest in those places?