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RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 23-02-2024

No, I think we are the ones who should be learning from their example.

When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. And we are beyond ready...

RE: You can never have enough... - Lilith7 - 23-02-2024

(23-02-2024, 02:45 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: No, I think we are the ones who should be learning from their example.

When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. And we are beyond ready...

Well, as long as it isn't Davod Seymour & co.... Rolleyes Big Grin

Greta, perhaps

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 23-02-2024

The bad ones teach too...

RE: You can never have enough... - Lilith7 - 23-02-2024

(23-02-2024, 03:52 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: The bad ones teach too...

Yeah..they do that.

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 24-02-2024

morning ladies Smile  We have fog again, a real pea souper. 

I spent most of yesterday afternoon on the phone trying to get the insurance assessor to do her job.  She will not answer her phone or return messages or send through the documentation we need to complete our claim.  I have no idea why, my messages were polite (but I was seething inside towards the end of the day).  Eventually I phoned AMI back and they went higher up the food chain to her supervisor who told her to phone us.  She phoned, said she would send through the documentation and then didn't.  So, another phone call on Monday to AMI to chase her up.  Bloody hopeless.  AMI have been amazing, but this assessor has let the team down.

Today the plan is to squeeze as much of the garden rubbish that's in a huge pile into the wheelie bin.  I also want to move the lilies to a better spot now they don't have the protection of the tree anymore.  It's a tad early but there is lots to be done.  The bird feeder needs to be replanted; we were lucky it survived the tree. I think I'll find it a new home, maybe closer to the bird bath.

I'm about a third of the way up the second quarter of the table runner.  It seems to be going a bit quicker now and less unpicking.  The photo is from a few days ago Smile


Happy crafting Smile

RE: You can never have enough... - Mica - 24-02-2024

Morning all
Fine day expecting more wind and some rain later.

KM hardanger looking good

Had lovely day with friends yesterday both of us were tired last night. One friend had been out on his boat on Thursday and bought us all some snapper fillets we will be having those for dinner tonight
Nothing much planned for today probably  finish  the 20 mum tote bags got the web tape for the handles  couple days ago.

Enjoy your day

RE: You can never have enough... - zqwerty - 24-02-2024

AMI have no physical presence in NZ, you are dealing with people in Australia, good luck.

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 24-02-2024

Morning everyone

Overcast today. But Im ok with that. My knee is being a right PITA, making things difficult to move around.. so the lawn can stay. Ill carry on pottering around the house.

I got the new bookcase in place. Madam Loves each cubbyhole and is currently Lording it over me, from the top. I think Ill be making a curtain for the front. But not today.

First I will give the old toaster a clean out. Add that to the freebee box. And get the mixer out and put it in place. The other one I will take a photo and see if I can sell it, cheaply on FB. And that gives me a bit of room in the pantry too.

Our oppy had all adult clothes for $1 each yesterday. I got two nice tops. So Ill wash those, although the bright red one will have to be separate I reckon it will bleed big time . Its pretty much brand new cos they are still selling them in the warehouse. I saw them on Thursday while there. lol

Love the stitching Kiwimade. You always do a lovely job of things.

I guess I better congratulate the Aussie friend and my traitor twin who both said they wanted aussie to win. I didn't see the end, was just too tired.

Have a fab day everyone

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 24-02-2024

A quick trip to Cambridge Briscoes and we come home with a new slow cooker and kitchen rubbish bin. Our kitchen bin fell apart after 20 plus years so I guess we got our moneys worth. Our slow cooker is old as well with a dodgy switch and 70% off the price was too tempting for us. We use it year round so $$$ well spent.

Zqerty, AMI have been fantastic, it's the loss adjuster who works for a private company that's the problem.

The bird feeder is back up in a different spot and the ideas for this 'new' garden space is starting to take shape. I think there will be enough in the garden to juggle around. MrK told the garden to be warned, a lot of you are going to be on the move again lol. It's become a joke between us lol.

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 24-02-2024

Wow 70% off is great Kiwimade. Its awesome when you can get a good deal like that.

I LOVE how my kitchen is now. With my Mixer "Jimmy" proudly on display. I can move things around in the pantry too when I have a little more energy, well not energy, just a knee lol

I've sorted my new bookshelf. I will make a curtain maybe tomorrow or later in the week.

Im going to window shop online for the best Plastic crate bargains and plan on getting rid of the dining table and chairs. Its huge. I certainly don't need it. But its covered in junk, so Ill need storage for that. then Ill sell the set. Table and 6 chairs.

Right time to offer the bundle of kitchen, bathroom and bed linen stuff for someone to come and pick it up. Just want it gone

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 24-02-2024

I had a neighbour arrive in a panic, tablet in hand. She was trying to buy a collapsable wheelbarrow the Warehouse has on clearance at a ridiculous price and her broadband kept letting her down. So she handed me her credit card and I bought it for her, my internet knows not to get in my way when I'm shopping online!

Good deal too, and I get to use it whenever I need it. Commission for services rendered!

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 24-02-2024

Our new internet provider is super quick, well, quick compared to the copper line we had before! And no buffering... why didn't we change years ago!

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 24-02-2024

Done my pricing.

I love that I can window shop online first. Saves my knee and the pocket.

Looks like Ill be going out tomorrow..

I will see if I can get some banana boxes too. Even cheaper.

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 25-02-2024

morning ladies Smile We have rain! Thank goodness Smile

A collapsable wheelbarrow sounds interesting, and a good idea to share it, OHH.

MrK has decided he can no longer make his home brew beer. The lugging of the beer barrel and crates is too much for him now. He has one more beer kit to make and that will be it. The end of a 25 year era for him. Once this kit has been made and bottled, we'll sort out what he wants to do with it. Hopefully someone out there can use it.

The garden shed is looking amazing, can't believe how much space we have now lol. You can even walk in there without having to step over stuff.

If it's going to rain for most of the day, I might spend more time working on the runner, doing the ironing and all those inside jobs that have been neglected over the last couple of weeks.

Happy crafting Smile

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 25-02-2024

Good Morning everyone

Raining here too. Its Lovely lol.

MrP used to make beer to Kiwimade. Hasn't in many years tho. It was always yummy tho.

I gave away the kitchen, bed linen and towels yesterday. Felt good too. And its been split between two ladies and anything they dont want they will pay it forward too.

I will be going out today. Missy kinda decided that. Cleverly thinking she could hook my knitting out of one of the cubby holes. I was trying to find those fabric basket thingees online, well in the warehouse but they must call them something else. Ill have a look when I go in. I only really want one for the knitting anyway. Im going to spotlight to get some calico to make a curtain to match the other one. As I am totally out of it Ill buy a bolt of 10 meters, works out the cheapest per meter at $2-70.

I do Love my kitchen layout now. Soo much extra bench space. I will also work through the pantry now too, I used to keep the mixer in there so there's a good gap lol.

Have a fab day everyone... I doubt the cricket will happen. Its good constant rain at the mo

RE: You can never have enough... - Mica - 25-02-2024

Morning  all
Fine day not wind currently

Popeye sounds like you are having a good decluttering. It feels good to pass usable items on.

DD , and her family called in yesterday  morning accompanied  by their big dog, DD BFF also called me wanting some sewing advice so she came around too with her 2 boys the k9s were in doggy heaven ball throwing people who didn't get tired of the game Cool

We had the snapper for dinner last night delicious our friend had given us 4 fillets so I have frozen 2 to have later next week yum.

No plans for the rest of the day but no doubt I will get down to sewing cave need to do a bit of a tidy up.

Enjoy your day

RE: You can never have enough... - Roma - 25-02-2024

Good morning.

The rain has just started ... straight into steady fall. Very warm as well, the garden will be happy.

I should have said poached instead of stewed rhubarb, I only use a tiny bit of water and if I have one, use lemon juice instead plus raw sugar. If I want to make a dessert I sometimes add fine chopped raw ginger. We like it on breakfast cereal.

The runner is looking good KM ... lots of patience required. I've sussed out a choice of knitting patterns (but not the exact pattern, lol) and measured grandchild ... just need to get going ... today might be the day if it stays wet.

Nothing like a good tidy/clean out to feel good ... I just have to try not to fill the space up again, lol. A garden shed is definitely a bonus.

Can't say I have ever heard of a collapsible barrow either, as long as it doesn't collapse at the wrong time  Big Grin 

Cuppa finished ... will go and sort out the washing to dry on a rack under the eaves.

Enjoy the day all.

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 25-02-2024

Supposedly carries up to 60kg, which means the 40litre bag of potting mix is fine. I am lucky, my flat is on the drive so deliveries don't need much shifting but my neighbour is in the middle of the block so it will be very useful for her moving stuff from her car to home...

Those fabric boxes are easy to make popeye, just five squares in a basic star pattern with cardboard inserts to keep them upright. With your sewing skills you'd churn them out in no time. I had some from the Warehouse for my cubes and they distintegrated - weird plastic textile of some kind.

RE: You can never have enough... - Lilith7 - 25-02-2024

Yes Popeye, its handy being able to check what's available before heading into a shop. I tend to do that quite a bit lately.

Approximately 14 drops of rain here yesterday - fat lot of good that did, its still as dry as a wooden god out there. They claim its likely to rain next week so I'm hoping they're right this time.
The Moon calendar people took one illustration for the Diary next year so that little bit will go towards the next set of books for the wee ones at xmas.
Had another bash at the raspberris & have almost finished that bit. Once its done I'll try to make room for the plants from the other garden & have them all in one place.

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 25-02-2024

(25-02-2024, 09:00 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Supposedly carries up to 60kg, which means the 40litre bag of potting mix is fine. I am lucky, my flat is on the drive so deliveries don't need much shifting but my neighbour is in the middle of the block so it will be very useful for her moving stuff from her car to home...

Those fabric boxes are easy to make popeye, just five squares in a basic star pattern with cardboard inserts to keep them upright. With your sewing skills you'd churn them out in no time. I had some from the Warehouse for my cubes and they distintegrated - weird plastic textile of some kind.

Now that's a brilliant Idea Hunni. 

Im going to say I've never seen one up close, Well I've seen them sitting on shelves. One of my mothers at the home has some pretty pink ones. Tomorrow I will ask of I can borrow one and measure it up. And see how to fit the cardboard in and keep I assume the pockets closed. 

And its not like I dont have any fabric lol.. I wanted a 10 meter bolt of calico this morning and they didn't have any in spotlight. the Iriots lol. So I got enough to make the curtain, Ill keep an eye on the specials and get more later.

Best buy of the day, I decided to go to the Junktion on my way home. I got 5 brand new 2000m overlocker cottons for 50 cents each, still wrapped. 2 lots of Bias Binding 50 cents each, brand new in the wrapper,  4 timber painted cats 50 cents each, a Fredron Rubber scraper,, the Best ones around, 25 cents and a cotton single bed throw which I have put on my chair, for $1-50 cos the boy didn't know what it was, and it didn't have a price on it. 

I detest silicone rubber scrapers so whenever I see the red handle cream Fredron brand of rubber scrapers I grab them. Im up to 5 now lol.

The crates and some boxes I grabbed are all in the sewing room for when I clear off the table and chairs and get rid of the set. I have my sewing table which is an office desk, which I can use as a dining table but I also have a folding table I can use anyway. But will only have 2 chairs lol.

Time to rest the knee, it really hasn't happened all weekend oops