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RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 10-04-2024

Morning everyone

Another beautiful day out there. In a T-shirt.

Lab people are meant to be turning up this morning. Good they have that service.

I slept well last night after a wee saddy session.

Not too many plans today. I need to do a load of washing at some stage.

Missy is making sure I dont over do things which is good. Shes a top Nurse lol.

Can't wait to see the runner Kiwimade, I know it will be wonderful.

Yes I was lucky that it was only 10 minutes with Madam.. Id be heartbroken at 2 weeks, even a full day would do me in lol.

Have a Fab day all

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 10-04-2024

They do rule the house. Tatty cat is currently on a fussy streak. No food is good enough for her elevated tastes. Which is enormously frustrating considering how much cat food costs these day. I am wondering if going back to the 60s gravy beef routine wouldn't be cheaper...

RE: You can never have enough... - Mica - 10-04-2024

Morning all
Bit of wind warm 

Good to know your repairs are underway KM
Our feline friends are funny  with how t hey express themselves.
OHH annoying when cats get fussy. I presume her teeth etc ok so no pain when eating, and her nose isn't blocked cats like to be able to smell their food. Raw beef not complet diet. Kidney and liver function ok? Or is she just a fussy madam. If she is healthy missing few meals won't hurt her.

Started quilting another quilt for the Nest yesterday hope to finish it this afternoon need to do some doc writing this morning 

Enjoy 6our day

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 10-04-2024

Our first cat would only eat liver. Fresh, thank you very much. The vet was horrified lol. We tried for 10 days straight with regular cat food but she refused it. She lost so much weight we (meaning me lol) caved in and we went back to feeding her liver. She lived until she was 17 years old Heart

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 10-04-2024

Yes, cats are strange people. And come in a multitude of variations!

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 10-04-2024

The local council has posted on FB they will be giving away the annuals that had been planted in the town's gardens. The gardeners are already planting the next season's plants and rather than throwing away last season's plants, it's a come-and-get-them scenario. Hopefully I can snag a few more begonias Big Grin for the pots.

RE: You can never have enough... - Roma - 10-04-2024

Good afternoon.

Gorgeous summery day.

Yes cats are interesting wee creatures in temperament variations as well! GD had an armful of scratches yesterday thanks to the neighbouring cat! She now knows not all cats are like our docile boy was!

Good PR from the Council KM and a way to recycle for sure.

Slow and steady Popeye. Mr R is diligent with his exercises and they get easier as time goes on.

Better think about lunch then some time outside. I've been out this morning.

Enjoy the day all.

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 10-04-2024

Specially seeing most council plantings are not actually annuals. They just treat them as though they are...

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 10-04-2024

Exactly, OHH Big Grin Scored five begonias, terracotta, variegated pink, a double white, yellow, and pink. All planted into pots, well watered and hopefully can settle into their spot. It's crazy they were throwing away good plants, and as you say, they treat them all as annuals. The truck arrived early so another lady and I had first pick Big Grin I will admit though my hay fever says thank you to the gardeners for not planting jasmine again. I suspect there were so many complaints about it lol.

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 10-04-2024

I was seriously tempted at the hardware shop today - frilly cyclamen! According to the saleslady they aren't going well, which I hope means they'll end up discounted. I shall grab a few if they do, and cram them into one pot. So pretty...

I bought masking tape, little right angle brackets (to reinforce the glued drawers) and seaweed fert for the bulb pot, seeing they are showing strong spikes now! And the tulip bulbs need to go in to their pot soon, a lovely wide terracotta bowl. And I popped half a dozen shallots in among the brassicas to confuse the caterpillars. A bit of variety for the raised beds now I have eaten all the bok choy, and started on the radishes. So yum...

I wish I had your sewing skills - I have dropped two sizes and my jeans insist on sliding south. I shall have to unearth the safety pins, lol!

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 11-04-2024

morning ladies Smile The storm is here, it was bucketing down and windy as heck. So glad the tree is down but eying up the second tree.

Frilly cyclamen are so pretty, I saw them as well at Mitre 10 the other day. Three of the little cyclamen I bought in a six pack last season are flowering in the garden, I think I've lost the others. But a little bit of red, white and pink poking through the mulch adds a bit of cheer to a shaded garden.

The plumber is supposed to be coming this morning now to re-measure where the new gutters are going. We'll see if this weather stops him.

Today the plan is to sand and paint the walls where the old meter and ripple boxes were in the entrance and hallway. I'll dig out my little mouse sander and paint from the garden shed shortly and it shouldn't take too long to do. Then MrK can put a mahogany frame he is making around the new meter to hide the gaps. We discovered the walls in the hallway are an inch thinner than the rest of the house, so the new meter has a wee gap all the way round it. MrK says it goes back to the day where an inch less on each side of the hall gave that little bit of extra room. One of the quirks of older homes. The builders also said if our home had been built in the last 10 years we would have had a lot more damage. It's solid as a rock thanks to 1950's work ethic.

Happy crafting Smile

RE: You can never have enough... - Mica - 11-04-2024

Morning all
Overcast and warm expecting strong winds later tonight.

Glad the begonias found a good forever home KM

Snap bought 4 cyclamen at Mitre 10 on Tuesday DH planted them yesterday.nice bright colour pop We replaced the silver spears with Nadine so will see how they like living in big pots on the edge of the carport. We bought some coriander and parsley plants too.

Finished quilting the cot quilt even got the binding on I am saving the hand sewing to do at guild meeting next Tuesday.

My morning at the warehouse  not sure what I will get up to this afternoon DGD1 and DSIL  are coming the share our dinner with us tonight not sure what DD up to.

Enjoy your day

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 11-04-2024

You sparked a memory Mica, my gran always said parsley plants should be sown or purchased, but never gifted because it was bad luck shared, lol. She also insisted no container should ever be gifted empty, every handbag donated should have a coin left in it - for luck. She had lots of little rituals and many of them I carry on to this day. My weirdness is genetic...

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 11-04-2024

Morning everyone

No rain here as yet. Warm tho. I have the fan on again.

Woke up earlier and not in good nick, so a good cry and cuddle with my nurse and we have started the day again. Im afraid my patience has left me.

Yes I always put a coin in purses (usually for little girls) as I was taught too Hunni.

Had a lovely visit with my new Sister, one of the Daughters from the rest home, yesterday. We get on really well and oddly it ended up a show and tell of scars lol. We are a mottled lot, she has keloid's to add to hers. She brought me a beautiful mince and cheese pie for my tea. Now I know I can get a nice pie in town, rather than having to wait for trips to Papakura.

Ill investigate online shopping today. I only need Missy food so it might just be easier to get a friend to get some for me. but Ill be ok for a week or so.

Have a fab day all

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 11-04-2024

Pain plays havoc with our physical, mental, and emotional states popeye, all of this is part of the healing so hang in there. And spoil yourself! Do exactly as you please - along with the exercises, lol. It will get easier every day.

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 11-04-2024

(11-04-2024, 12:44 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Pain plays havoc with our physical, mental, and emotional states popeye, all of this is part of the healing so hang in there. And spoil yourself! Do exactly as you please - along with the exercises, lol. It will get easier every day.

You are right Hunni. 

Im having a day off.. not making plans, or doing anything extra that I need to do.

RE: You can never have enough... - zqwerty - 11-04-2024

Oh_hunnihunni, you remember you said you needed to see a bud to possibly identify an old ancient rose type, well here are 2 pictures, sorry they are both a bit blurred, I only have an old iPhone and I am unable to find the original pictures of the actual flower that I posted on this thread ages ago:



RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 11-04-2024

Well, I know it isn't an old moss rose, but we'll have to wait and see for further clues...

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 12-04-2024

morning ladies Smile Another stormy day, I hope everyone is dry and safe.

oohh a rose challenge Tongue What colour is it zqwerty? And what sort of flower, Austin, hybrid tea... Are the leaves a dark glossy green? How big are the flowers?

MrK made the comment the scrap metal $$$ could be spent on a rose lol. He knows me so well. But no, after the school holidays we plan to have a tiki tour around Whakatane where MrK was raised. It can go towards that.

The plumber did the measuring again and agreed we won't need to replace the iron on the roof Big Grin Big Grin and the gutters will be done at the end of next week. The TV ariel is flapping in the breeze so we have been live streaming the news and other programs which has given us pause for thought. We should be able to watch the tv channels permanently via the internet instead of having another ariel on the roof. The new wireless internet company we have is awesome, no buffering and the like. Worth a look, we think.

Popeye, I hope you are being kind to yourself. Tears and frustration would be all part of it but worth it all in the long run.

Back to painting and by the end of the day it should be like nothing was ever screwed to the wall.

Happy crafting Smile

RE: You can never have enough... - zqwerty - 12-04-2024

Ok I found the original post, half an hour of searching lol, here's a link

The Flower:

The Bud:

I want to know the name of this Rose, I posted the original picture and much later a bad picture of the bud.
