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RE: You can never have enough... - Mica - 12-06-2022

been stormy all day here, very windy heavy rain and thunder. perfect day for hunkering down in the sewing cave. Been prepping a quilt, quilt sandwich ready for me to start quilting when I an up to it. Hopefully soonsih.
It makes me so sad when I think about the human cost of the situation in the Ukraine and the knock on affect for the countries that rely on their grain etc

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 13-06-2022

morning ladies, wow, that was some storm that passed over us last night!

All the very best for your surgery today, mica Smile

The Furry One has been making us laugh. He desperately wanted to pee last night. Stuck his nose through his doggy door, nope, too wet. Went to the back door, maybe it's not wet this side of the house, mum dutifully opened it, nope, too wet here too. He did get shunted out the door this time though lol. To be fair, we live right on the cusp of where some westerly fronts come through and there are times where it's raining on one side of the house and not the other.

I have finished one butterfly wing and started the bottom left wing yesterday. If the weather refuses to play nice today I should be able to get more done. I'll take a photo later when there is better light.

Yesterday we went for a quick drive to Karapiro as the light was perfect for some moody photos of the river. We found a great spot for picnics with the grandkids too. Amazing what is in your own 'back yard' when you look around.

Better get cracking, there's a lull in the weather and I can get a couple of out door things done.

Happy crafting Smile

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 13-06-2022

Morning everyone

I must say I feel like we are having an Normal Winter like the ones when I was a kid. They have been so Namby Pamby for last decade or Two that this feels like a real winter lol.

Good luck for your surgery today Mica. I hope if you need help you ask for it.

Poor Furry one, glad Im not a dog who has to go out to toilet lol.

Off to see MrP and Bobbie today. I admit Id rather just hunker down ad stay warm, but I have to pick up my pills too.

I dont know if any of you have seen the Samoan Prime Minister on the news today or last night. Other than the colour of her Hair, she could double for a slightly older Gok Wan.. Their glasses are the same as well.

I wish my hand / thumb would sort itself out, I cant hold a pen to write and that means I cant hold one to paint either. Or any of the knitting or Crochet.. Most annoying. Means I'm getting a lot of games played.

My Twin Brother just tested positive for Covid.. a second time. He recently had a trip from Brisbane down to Melbourne and Back. All his kids and grandies have had it so Im guessing he picked it up from them again.

Have a fab day everyone

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 13-06-2022

Touching wood here, I haven't had it and am doing all I can to avoid it. According to this mornings flu tracker survey the stats are creeping up again towards 2019 levels for flu. I don't want that either.

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 13-06-2022

(13-06-2022, 08:29 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Touching wood here, I haven't had it and am doing all I can to avoid it. According to this mornings flu tracker survey the stats are creeping up again towards 2019 levels for flu. I don't want that either.

Me too OHH.. as much as I would like to go out and enjoy being with people, Id just dont want to get sick.  Ive only ever had the Flu once and dont want to repeat that.

MrP was having a down day on Saturday moaning about never going anywhere etc. I told him to stop and think for a bit. he has plenty of staff and flatmates that he can talk to daily. I said apart from visiting them and doing the shopping or my bloods I dont see people. 

In saying that tho I just want to put myself at risk. So its the catch 62? thing. Buggered if you do and buggered if you dont lol

RE: You can never have enough... - Lilith7 - 13-06-2022

Me as well; some of the family have had covid but one grandson, one granddaughter & I have so far avoided it. It's a pain having to mask up when going anywhere but when you consider the alternative, maybe not so bad.

Its very cold here & we've had the odd shower with more to come apparently; I'm hoping for a gap between showers a bit later on so I can nip out briefly.

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 13-06-2022

We just had a thunderhead pass over complete with rolling booms, big wind and then a heavy downpour. Messy outside, but the sun is back out.

Weird weather...

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 13-06-2022

I mowed the road frontage lawn this morning! We've just had a thunder and lightening storm pass through and the Furry One is still shaking.

We don't go very far either for pretty much the same reason as every one else here. And when we do go out, we mask up. I have noticed more and more people not wearing masks when shopping.

RE: You can never have enough... - Lilith7 - 13-06-2022

Managed to do a swift library run to pick a book on hold, had a few spots of rain but nothing too bad. Still cold despite the sun every now & then, might do stuffed spuds tonight I think.

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 14-06-2022

morning ladies Smile Another cold day today, but it is winter!

I'm hoping there will be a break in the weather for me to mow the lawn. The new bit of lawn needs mowing but the ground is still too soft for the mower.

Yesterday I made more bird 'pudding' for the birds. The smell of melting dripping is awful, just as well we love the birds. It's demolished pretty quickly this time of the year so worth the effort. I'll need to buy more peanut butter for them next time I'm shopping. The only reason we have peanut butter is for the bird puddings and mouse trap.

I've almost finished the lower butterfly wing so will be half way soon. These last few wintery days have given me the time I need to get it done.

Happy crafting Smile

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 14-06-2022

Morning everyone

A tad chilly here. We both hunkered down and haven't been out of bed long lol The bones kicked me out tho.

Going to be to read last night was hard lol.. I have a good book Im reading on the e-reader and one I started while the power was off yesterday. I have never read two books at the same time, but I really want to read both lol..

The dinner at the rest home was late last night. I gather the generators only run soo much and heating, alarms and lights would be first. So they got tea around 6pm but MrP was a happy boy.. bacon and egg pie. One of his faves and we were only talking about it the other day... I did manage to cut his hair so he was happy.

I might do some more photos etc later, once the meds have kicked in. I try and be productive even if the bones hate me lol.

Hope all went well yesterday Mica and that you mend soon.

Have a fab day all.

RE: You can never have enough... - Mica - 14-06-2022

Hi ladies I survived just got to recover and not grit my teeth when nurses offer me meds that are contraindicated with the other meds I am on, got to be vigilant. Otherwise I am comfortable.
Mr P dinner sounds nice

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 14-06-2022

Good to hear. I hope recovery is fast!

RE: You can never have enough... - Lilith7 - 14-06-2022

Hope all goes well Mica & you recover quickly Mica.

Did the dreaded grocery shopping. Apparently changing the entire shop around during a pandemic just isn't providing enough stress, so in a fiendish move they'd hidden the cat food.
Traditionally found in the very same aisle as the dogfood because well - it just makes sense - that seems no longer to be necessary. After the third attempt at tracking down the one tin of cat food needed, I finally cornered an assistant who was able to tell me where it presently is.
Near the entrance. At the other end of the wretched supermarket from the dog food fgs.

I bet it doesn't stay there; they'll move it again, sooner or later.
I've no idea who's responsible for the decisions regarding where to move stuff to but its fairly clear that whoever it is, they don't do their grocery shopping in a supermarket on a regular basis.

RE: You can never have enough... - Roma - 14-06-2022

Good morning.

Sure is a "hunker down and stay warm" kind of day! Have just grabbed the washing in with another cold shower passing by ... not meant until this afternoon!

Glad the op behind you Mica ... sending speedy recovery vibes.

My embroidery book has arrived ... a myriad of stitches to be found/utilised.

Not much planned today ... soup for lunch, but what do you know ... now brilliant sunshine again.

Enjoy your day all.

Lol, lilith ... I think supermarkets enjoy playing mind games with the customers with the constant product shifting!

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 14-06-2022

I started a project for a friend today and she told me to check out these...

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 15-06-2022

morning ladies Smile  Here we go again with the rain.  

Mica, I hope you are recovering well.  It's frustrating when they try to give you drugs you know are incompatible with what you already take.  Just as well you are on to it all.

Thanks for sharing that website OHH.  Some of the work I have already seen as the ladies who posted also belong to FB embroidery group I belong too.  Some amazing embroideries.  It would seem there are no bounds to the imagination when it comes to creating.

Yesterday after finishing the lawn (yep, got it done lol) I finished the first half of the butterfly.  Am quite pleased with it so far.  I also noticed I wasn't unpicking as much this time round and I think it's the stand helping with that.  Having both hands free lets me have complete control over the frame and where to lie the stitches.  MrK asked if I would like a smaller lap version for my hoops.  Well... yes thank you!  You can buy stands for hoops so he wants a picture to work from and he will make me one.  I am feeling just so spoilt.


There are some breaks in the clouds so I think I'll have a go at hanging washing out.  Even if it gets only partially dry it's got to be better than the drier or airing rack.  I hate having washing on the rack to dry, it makes the house feel damp.

Happy crafting Coffee Flower

RE: You can never have enough... - Roma - 15-06-2022

Good morning. 

The sun is out,  but who knows what the day will bring.  I have a load of washing to hang out ... somewhere (rack or line) ... when it's finished!

Enjoyed that link OHH - fabulous work on show ... who knew, embroidery on leaves and embroidered pregnancy scans ... anything goes!

Your butterfly coming along nicely KM ... lucky you having someone to make your "work" easier.

My day will depend on the weather,  as long as I get in a walk somewhere. 

Have a good day all.

RE: You can never have enough... - Mica - 15-06-2022

Morning all
Sunny out  i am having a wee lie in with 3 k9 companions they dont seem to be in a hurry to get up either.

Enjoyed looking at the embroidery link OHH,. Roma hope your book provides some inspiration.

I think that I might get some knitting done over the next couple of days

Have a good day

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 15-06-2022

Morning everyone

Kiwimade once again very Beautiful Work... Love the colours.. it will be treasured for sure.

No rain a such here but the ground is wet..

Im lucky to have two bathrooms. So the one I shower in has my clothing airer in and I keep the dehumidifier in it and that's where I dry my clothes. I could use the fan in there too but I haven't needed to. Although when I shower there's no sign of dampness when I use the fan. Its the best extractor fan I've ever had

Enjoy your lie in Mica, Missy try's to keep me hostage in the mornings but I like the Lingo game so try and be up for that lol.

I re-strapped my thumb differently yesterday and its helping a lot. I might try doing some painting today. Even a few minutes will be good to do.

But have to do the visit first. Id never admit it to MrP but I hate visiting when I know there is Covid there.. but I guess it would be worse if I didn't know.

Have a fab day everyone