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RE: You can never have enough... - Lilith7 - 05-07-2022

The problem with the local supermarket isn't just the stock being moved, but that they're also doing renovations there at the same time which makes it all more difficult. I do feel sorry for the staff, somehow having to cope with it all but they're a really nice bunch around there - definitely the store's best asset.
That's excellent news about your brother, JanW.

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 06-07-2022

morning ladies Smile Rain, rain and more rain today. It bucketed down yesterday and most of the night. I'm just grateful though we aren't in Sydney.

I did the supermarketing yesterday and my moan isn't the staff, it's the customers who dilly dally along, stop to chat and block the aisle, then suddenly decide to do a U turn without looking and whack into me. I buy our eggs locally and yesterday the owner told me eggs were going up 50 cents a tray for winter. Ohh, I said, the chooks must be off the lay. He said yep, you get that but others don't. He had been abused by several customers over it. And he has the cheapest eggs in town even with the extra 50 cents a tray. It's so sad when you see signs in a shop asking people to be nice to the staff. I know we are all stressed by rising prices and budgets are planned down to the last cent. But being rude can't be good for anyone's blood pressure. Ohh before I forget, Pak n Save has cheese for $9.99 a block.

Our family are recovering from Covid, our daughter's partner has it now. Thank goodness for them all being vaccinated.

Jan, that is such a cool idea to be able to watch your grandson's rugby. And to cast it to the TV is awesome. You can tell him you've seen him on TV lol. I wonder if that young lad would consider other sport such as hockey or netball for other families who have kids playing.

My clematis is still flowering and has reached the top of the stick I planted with it so it could climb. When it has finished flowering I'll repot it into a bigger pot.

If I can't get outside today I'll spend a few hours with my needle and threads. I really need to get on and finish this butterfly. Other ideas are swirling around I want to have a tutu with but I like one thing on the go at a time.

Happy crafting Smile

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 06-07-2022

Heading down to Devonport today to stock up on fruit and veg with the nasty weather due back tomorrow. And coffee of course with more of that gorgeous chocolate brownie perhaps as a reward for not letting that urge to make winter puddings get past the 'I could make...' stage! Going to get even wetter so they tell us...

And there are leaves to sweep up now most of the fall is past, and still roses to prune, and copper spray to make up and apply to the peach tree. I did however work out which bug is devastating my cinerarias. Magpie moth. I had two of them on the windowsill yesterday and checked out their life history, and sure enough they are the beasties. But, being a native, I don't mind too much, we have to support our own and share the bounty...

RE: You can never have enough... - Mica - 06-07-2022

Morning all
Overcast calm day.

Had lovely time with DD&DGD at Space yesterday. Really nice to see all the mums and dads with their babies having fun.

Completed the food hunt despite leaving the list at home.

Will get some quilting done today, the emails can wait Big Grin

Machine singing its tune better go answer

Have a good day

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 06-07-2022

Morning everyone,

We have had alot of rain too, but not at present.

Oh Kiwimade, not good re the covid spreading... A friend in Tauranga he had covid, she had the flu and she was alot worse than him.

The area Manager of the home just rang. She has covid and sounds terrible. Odd that she should check up today after the blasting the home got from the hospital about MrPs insulin. I will be asking what they are doing today.

Today is his birthday, so Im taking up the other half of the banana cake I made last time I baked.

So its also a year since my Heart attack last year. So 34 kilos off and other than the joints I do feel good.

MrPs sister had a beautiful Clematis over an archway. I cant stand bees so always avoided it lol... But we could see it from our place and it was obviously in a good place.

Have a fab day everyone

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 06-07-2022

Our gutters are being cleaned as I type Big Grin Big Grin A friend has a gardening type business so we get him in to do it. MrK has been told by the doctors no more ladder climbing and I have a thing for heights. Painting our ceiling was/is a nightmare. This will be the last of the autum leaves. I was in town for a bit this morning and came home via the horse stables. Two large bags of horsey doo ended up in the boot of the car and are waiting to be put into the compost bin. We are so lucky the racing stables put their horsey-doo out for free. But omgg you have to be quick to get it.

I have to wait for a really fine day to prune the roses so that could be next week. Suits me as some of the hips haven't ripened yet as the roses were still flowering late into the season (and some have started again!)

I succumbed and made custard from scratch so we could heat up the last of the apricot loaf and have as a pudding. Was soo yummy lol. I suspect MrK is going to want it again at some stage.

RE: You can never have enough... - Roma - 06-07-2022

Good morning.

Rather bleak outside but at least not raining and not too cold. We had a huge amount of rain overnight, so everything sodden ... again.

You're very caring and sharing OHH lol,  I'm not so forgiving towards the little mouths that feast on my plants. There is "something" currently nibbling on the rocket, spinach and silverbeet in my garden, despite snail bait laid around  Angry Maybe I have to venture out after dark to catch the blighters out!

We used to throw a few bags of horse doo onto the trailer KM, when we had supplies to get in town ... it seemed to vary from one stables to another in terms of straw/shavings to doo ratio. Fairly stinky stuff but it did a great job, lol there would be neighbour complaints if we had that stored somewhere here!

Popeye I hope they can contain the covid ... it's ongoing though ... and a worry for the older residents. There was an outbreak where my mum is but the great staff managed to contain it .... until next time. They are all to get boosters soon.

Righto, better keep moving ... enjoy the day all.

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 06-07-2022

Ooooh, garden tea! One sack of horse poo, a load of comfrey, a few handfuls of oak leaves or barley straw and buckets and buckets of rain water, lid on and leave to steep for a couple of weeks. Boy it grows good vegies. Ahhhh yes, those were the days!

My outing was wonderful, lots of goodies brought home, so well planned the funny money account got down to 66 cents lol, so a top up has been done. On top of the vegies and the gorgeous multigrain loaf from the baker next door I scored one long thin hot water bottle and two gorgeous sprays of winterberry that our lovely florist got in for me specially. It was fun bringing those home on the scoot! Each winter I try to find a couple of branches, to pop in a big blue and white vase my Mum gave me for my fortieth birthday. It has a fat belly and narrow bottle neck shape so the branches look fabulous in it, and the colour just lifts the room on the dull days of winter. One year I managed to strike seed but I planted the best two shrubs in the wrong place and lost them in the second ground season. Sad too because of the four plants one was the only female... But I shall try again with the fallen berries from these two branches, and see how we go.

The coffee was great too, and my much embellished denim skirt got lots of comments, all positive too, so I came home a happy woman. Life is good here on the Shore today!

RE: You can never have enough... - Jan - 06-07-2022

Pleased to be watching the rugby from my lounge what a lousy day we have today - game is at 2.45 going to be worse by then - just grey and bleak - might rain might not - I put rain cover over my veggie pod just in case
The covid death toll is starting to mount - it’s certainly hitting the elderly - I only had two vaccines can’t have anymore had a severe reaction - so I wear a mask and I keep my distance from anybody not wearing a mask and keep my fingers crossed
Just realised my spouting must be internal - there is a new house built on the back of the section next door - she has a little tree growing in her spouting - when we had a Mums memorial her neighbour stood up talking about first meeting her - she was up the ladder cleaning out her spouting - it was just before she decided to move herself into the rest home - she was 98 - wish I had inherited her genes

RE: You can never have enough... - Lilith7 - 06-07-2022

They say dogs don't have a sense of humour.

I'd quite like 'them' to explain then why it is that a dog not a million miles away has lately come up with the idea that when the human throws the ball for her, its truly hilarious to just stand there with the ball in her mouth until the human gets fed up & walks towards her. The trick is to wait till the very last minute when the human is mere inches away, & then run like hell to the other end of the yard.
There's endless fun be had. For the dog.

Bloody dog. Smile

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 06-07-2022

MrP was a little under the weather this morning

But he has cheered up. They are certainly keeping an eye on him. And they had a huge carrot cake for everyone.

Just sad that I have to ask them to wash his fingers before they test for his BSL... Basic stuff. But he had handled his cake so it wouldnt have been a true reading. The DR will see him tomorrow and we will start from there again.

OHH I love my long skinny hotties. I keep one in the fridge for my knee, cos I'm back to front and the cold helps.. And I have one around my back and hips hot and all day.

So cool you can watch the games Jan. Saves an outing and being at risk.

I too try and avoid people when I go anywhere. I refuse to get it... Im not sure if I need to get the second Booster, I must ring.. The home are getting theirs tomorrow..... I dont want a reaction again either. Even tho it was only a rash.

Time to make a short list for the food hunt tomorrow.. Ohh what fun lol

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 06-07-2022

I spotted them last year and wanted one then, but just never seemed to do the deed. I am told there are curved ones at the supermarket that might be just the job for my occasional (touch wood) gallstone episodes, so I shall check those out next time I am in New World.

I had a dog like that years ago, a retriever by the name of Zebidee. He had such a twinkle in his eyes, and as we approached stealthily he would drop to a chest down crouch and growl through whatever prize he was tempting us with, then whip away the moment we got near, lolloping out of reach, his whole body a grin on four legs. Gorgeous dog he was. We discovered a way to get our own back though. If you played this game several times, and then turned your back on him and made soppy crying noises he would come, lean against our legs and drop the prize, almost apologetically.

Thing is, then we felt mean, tricking him...

RE: You can never have enough... - Lilith7 - 06-07-2022

(06-07-2022, 02:59 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I spotted them last year and wanted one then, but just never seemed to do the deed. I am told there are curved ones at the supermarket that might be just the job for my occasional (touch wood) gallstone episodes, so I shall check those out next time I am in New World.

I had a dog like that years ago, a retriever by the name of Zebidee. He had such a twinkle in his eyes, and as we approached stealthily he would drop to a chest down crouch and growl through whatever prize he was tempting us with, then whip away the moment we got near, lolloping out of reach, his whole body a grin on four legs. Gorgeous dog he was. We discovered a way to get our own back though. If you played this game several times, and then turned your back on him and made soppy crying noises he would come, lean against our legs and drop the prize, almost apologetically.

Thing is, then we felt mean, tricking him...
That might be worth trying...she's  Huntaway cross, & damn Huntaways are just smartarses. Big Grin

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 06-07-2022

Yes, we had one of those too. Far too bright!

RE: You can never have enough... - Lilith7 - 06-07-2022

(06-07-2022, 03:47 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Yes, we had one of those too. Far too bright!
I know!  Rolleyes Big Grin

 I know cats are telepathic, & I suspect this dog is too. Not for the first time she picked up on the fact that I'd decided to do the walk early, & I'd not done any of the usual 'getting ready to go for the walk' stuff, but smartarse knew anyway. Big Grin

RE: You can never have enough... - kiwimade64 - 07-07-2022

morning ladies Smile It's a dog thing lol. Our boy plays similar games and runs rings around us. He's very quick on his feet lol. Sometimes when you throw his toy for him he ignores it even though he instigated the game. The look on his face is, well, you threw it, you get it! And he absolutely knows when he's going in the car even when we say nothing. Smart arses, but boy, don't we love them.

It's going to be an overcast day today so I might be able to get outside for a bit. Yesterday the sun came out so washing was moved to the outside line. The outside of the house is due a gentle wash to help protect the paint so another fine day is needed for that. Or at least a warm day.

MrK is almost there with the new cabinet he's building for the laundry. He has one more door to piece together before he paints it.

happy crafting Smile

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 07-07-2022

I have a friend coming today to climb my stepladder for me. Outrageously pink wallpaper is going up with the help of a bit of double sided tape and then my freshly scrubbed blue and white plate collection can be rearranged against it. Should be fun! Last night the bloody cat slept on my legs and when the hurties finally woke me the following ruckus sent a lamp flying. Which wouldn't have been that bad except the shade was carrying my substantial earring collection - which is now all over the floor.

There will be some bending and swearing done this morning...

Bloody cat indeed.

RE: You can never have enough... - popeye333 - 07-07-2022

Morning everyone

Ohh Dogs are smart. MrP was remembering last night how one of our Foxies used to dig into his pockets cos she loved his peppermints lol.. She was a rescue and very clever.

Missy is smart. But shes like a two year old Kid. She knows when she is doing something wrong but will look over her shoulder to see if Im watching lol.

Have fun with the Paper OHH. Bet there will be plenty of laughs.

I took sausage rolls up for MrP and Bobbies tea yesterday and they promised they would heat them up for them, but No it didn't happen.. grrr.

Bloods and food hunting today. Its fine at the mo at least.

I need to try and get motivated to do something crafty... Been too long..

Have a fab day everyone

RE: You can never have enough... - Mica - 07-07-2022

Morning all
Big frost this morning, its going to be freezing in the warehouse where  I volunteer this morning, extra layers and my fingerless gloves for sure.

Got some more quilting done yesterday just the applique blocks to go not sure how I will quilt those yet.
Had a cuppa with my sewing buddy yesterday and we did a bit of a show and tell it was a nice catch up.

Oue male k9 is very good at rolling the ball to you, but my DD k9 that lives with us now runs around and won't drop it he also bullies the other for their toys. We are slowly nipping that behaviour out.
Finished the cardi last night so will get buttons today while I am out and about.
Not up to much else today

Have a good day

RE: You can never have enough... - Oh_hunnihunni - 07-07-2022

Got an email from a friend this morning, with no words, just a photo, of two shiny whisks with three dollar price tags. I told her about the apples for the birds thing and she was so intrigued she acted on the idea immediately and popped in to the local op shop on the way home. One for her, one for me...

I shall hang mine in the peach tree by my window so I can watch the gathering!