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Only fools & horses had Batman funeral - Printable Version

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Only fools & horses had Batman funeral - Lilith7 - 17-02-2022

This is hilarious - a fan of the old Only fools & horses series had a funeral with a batman theme from the show's famous scene.
And what's more, a Robin Reliant pulled his hearse. Big Grin Big Grin

"His daughter and a friend ran ahead of it dressed as Batman and Robin, in a nod to an episode where Del Boy and Rodney ran through the streets in those costumes after their car broke down on their way to a party.

Mr Holloway's granddaughter Kaidie Holloway said: "It doesn't take the sadness away, but to be able to sit there and have a little giggle with your family and know that that's what grandad would have loved, it was perfect."