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The vitriolic venom directed at the PM & others - Lilith7 - 16-03-2022

Most of us know of  those who these days, seem to so  enjoy making spiteful little comments online about others, & probably have seen some of the stuff aimed at public figures, much of it in the USA, particularly under former president Trump.

There's quite a lot of it here, too both in online forums & I came across these articles about its effect here recently.

In particular when aimed at the PM, there's often a large dollop of not-even-slightly-concealed misogyny included.

" It's probably not an overstatement to say Ardern is presently one of the most reviled people in Aotearoa New Zealand, attracting vitriol that violates the bounds of normal, reasoned political debate.
During the recent illegal occupation of parliament grounds, the apparent hatred was fully evident. There were ludicrous claims the prime minister is a mass murderer, and demands she be removed from office and executed for "crimes against humanity".

Even on the supposedly professional social networking site LinkedIn, false claims that Ardern is a "tyrant" or "dictator" have been increasingly commonplace. For those making such claims, factual, constitutional, electoral and legal realities seemingly hold no weight.

Rather, it's clear this is rooted in sexist and misogynistic attitudes and beliefs, further amplified by conspiratorial mindsets.

Overall, the sexism and misogyny inherent in these traditionalist beliefs mean Ardern is treated more harshly than a male prime minister pursuing the same policies would be.

Worryingly, the 2021 Gender Attitudes Survey (carried out by the New Zealand National Council of Women) showed such traditional views about leadership and gender are on the rise.
Insults and abuse commonly directed at Ardern on social media reflect the generally gendered nature of cyberviolence, which disproportionately targets women. These insults translate traditionalist beliefs into sexist and misogynistic acts.

Referring to Ardern as "Cindy", for example, infantilises her. Calling her a "pretty communist" not only reflects the sexist and misogynist view that a woman's worth is measured by her appearance, but also suggests her looks disguise her real aims.
This plays on the traditional trope of woman as evil seductress. From there it's a short leap to the conspiracy theories that depict Ardern as part of an evil international cabal."

And then there's this utter nonsense:

"fabricated Newshub headline alleging Jacinda Ardern filed to have AM co-host Ryan Bridge banned from media platforms appears to have come from a "package of disinformation", a sociologist says.

The bogus headline, which emerged last week and was interpreted as genuine by some social media users, reads: 'PM Jacinda Ardern has filled [sic] to have Ryan Bridge banned from all major platforms, and rejects any further interviews with the reporter.' The headline had spelling and style errors. "

The internet has definitely brought us into contact with others around the world, & in many ways has brought us all closer, but there are those who just seem to use it to spread hatred or misinformation & disinformation. And those who appear to be bordering on being loony tunes.

You really do have to wonder what might happen if that continues unhindered.

RE: The vitriolic venom directed at the PM & others - Olive - 16-03-2022

The full piece is in the NZ Herald. I think it's a very good explainer.

RE: The vitriolic venom directed at the PM & others - Oh_hunnihunni - 16-03-2022

I save my vitriolic venom for the cat when she upchucks on my oriental rug (which I love way more than her) at 2am.

Idiot humanity doesn't deserve such dedicated energy.

RE: The vitriolic venom directed at the PM & others - Wainuiguy - 16-03-2022

Read that and while there are aspects of those things that doesn't explain it all. Ardern is the front person of some very devisive policies and a large part of this vitriol comes from that. Sexism and misogyny don't apply when women are the ones condemning her.

RE: The vitriolic venom directed at the PM & others - Olive - 16-03-2022

Women can certainly be sexist and misogynist - a form of self-hatred and not uncommon.

RE: The vitriolic venom directed at the PM & others - Magoo - 16-03-2022

(16-03-2022, 03:46 PM)Wainuiguy Wrote: Read that and while there are aspects of those things that doesn't explain it all.  Ardern is the front person of some very devisive policies and a large part of this vitriol comes from that.  Sexism and misogyny don't apply when women are the ones condemning her.
this is exactly the sort of rhetoric i was talking about over the road.
its extreme, hateful. the stupid names Jabcinda et etc
90 pages speculating some of the nastiest shit on her husband.
its fucking disgraceful, and yes its lead by the same morons as the trump lovers.
not just our people, they say the sickest, ugliest venom about Joe Biden, and his son Hunter, and anyone else
not a trump cultist.
its the same sickos who are antivax, and try to influence others as well. no different to the animals we saw being herded out of parliament grounds earlier this month. 
ive never seen such a toxic environment anywhere as there is there.
defending it is every bit as sick as participating in it

i inhabit some ugly places out on the interwebby, in my quest to abuse every single piece of dirt antivaxxer on the planet.
that place might be one of the worst.

RE: The vitriolic venom directed at the PM & others - yousnoozeyoulose - 16-03-2022

(16-03-2022, 03:46 PM)Wainuiguy Wrote: Sexism and misogyny don't apply when women are the ones condemning her.

Females can be misogynists, dude.

RE: The vitriolic venom directed at the PM & others - Magoo - 16-03-2022

i dont know how legitimate sites like linkd in are going to deal with it.
or free or alls like Facebook Intsagram etc
the people doing this are very quick to push the free speech button.

RE: The vitriolic venom directed at the PM & others - Wainuiguy - 16-03-2022

(16-03-2022, 04:09 PM)yousnoozeyoulose Wrote:
(16-03-2022, 03:46 PM)Wainuiguy Wrote: Sexism and misogyny don't apply when women are the ones condemning her.

Females can be misogynists, dude.
Well yeah but then they must also hate themselves.

(16-03-2022, 04:04 PM)Magoo Wrote:
(16-03-2022, 03:46 PM)Wainuiguy Wrote: Read that and while there are aspects of those things that doesn't explain it all.  Ardern is the front person of some very devisive policies and a large part of this vitriol comes from that.  Sexism and misogyny don't apply when women are the ones condemning her.
this is exactly the sort of rhetoric i was talking about over the road.
its extreme, hateful. the stupid names Jabcinda et etc
90 pages speculating some of the nastiest shit on her husband.
its fucking disgraceful, and yes its lead by the same morons as the trump lovers.
not just our people, they say the sickest, ugliest venom about Joe Biden, and his son Hunter, and anyone else
not a trump cultist.
its the same sickos who are antivax, and try to influence others as well. no different to the animals we saw being herded out of parliament grounds earlier this month. 
ive never seen such a toxic environment anywhere as there is there.
defending it is every bit as sick as participating in it

i inhabit some ugly places out on the interwebby, in my quest to abuse every single piece of dirt antivaxxer on the planet.
that place might be one of the worst.
One thing I am always careful of and that is calling politicians names.  I don't.  I also don't care about their partners, wives or husbands.   And don't have time for those who do.  And that isn't just those on the right either - the left do it also.

RE: The vitriolic venom directed at the PM & others - king1 - 16-03-2022

(16-03-2022, 04:51 PM)Wainuiguy Wrote:
(16-03-2022, 04:09 PM)yousnoozeyoulose Wrote: Females can be misogynists, dude.
Well yeah but then they must also hate themselves.
A lot of people do...

RE: The vitriolic venom directed at the PM & others - Lilith7 - 16-03-2022

(16-03-2022, 04:12 PM)Magoo Wrote: i dont know how legitimate sites like linkd in are going to deal with it.
or free or alls like Facebook Intsagram etc
the people doing this are very quick to push the free speech button.
And that's how they justify it - to themselves & everyone else; sheer nastiness, childish spite  & far-fetched speculation can, in some places online be 'justified' by claiming 'free speech', if only to themselves & like-minded people who love to hate.

I hadn't realised until recently but apparently hatred can be addictive & is particularly so among white supremacists.

RE: The vitriolic venom directed at the PM & others - Magoo - 16-03-2022

and addiction is a sickness
sick bastards

RE: The vitriolic venom directed at the PM & others - Oldfellah - 17-03-2022

I don't hate Jacinda or any other politician; hate is a big term; there are politicians I don't like, and Jacinda is one of them; David Seymor is another; and there are people I used to work with who I didn't like, but I never hated them.

I'm not sure how these people manage to go about their regular lives while harbouring such hatred for others.

RE: The vitriolic venom directed at the PM & others - Magoo - 17-03-2022

i try to reserve my hatred for those that need it.
randomly chosen on a case by case basis
the criteria is not extensive

RE: The vitriolic venom directed at the PM & others - Lilith7 - 17-03-2022

Politicians for me are in their own special category, most are untrustworthy & on the same level as smarmy used car sales people, some have a slightly worse character & others are slightly better.
There are one or two I'd trust implicitly which might possibly be due to their having been slightly dead for a while, but only two I have any actual admiration for - & one is also dead, the other very old.

RE: The vitriolic venom directed at the PM & others - Magoo - 17-03-2022

the housing lie was the worst.
such a blatant untruth said with a straight face
actually had her 'look of concern' glasses on blasting the nats over it
went into power on it.

never had any intention of building a house
or affecting the housing market in any other way.
they achieved their goal, which was nothing
in a breath-taking display of useless.

RE: The vitriolic venom directed at the PM & others - C_T_Russell - 22-03-2022

(16-03-2022, 02:30 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Most of us know of  those who these days, seem to so  enjoy making spiteful little comments online about others, & probably have seen some of the stuff aimed at public figures, much of it in the USA, particularly under former president Trump.

There's quite a lot of it here, too both in online forums & I came across these articles about its effect here recently.

In particular when aimed at the PM, there's often a large dollop of not-even-slightly-concealed misogyny included.

" It's probably not an overstatement to say Ardern is presently one of the most reviled people in Aotearoa New Zealand, attracting vitriol that violates the bounds of normal, reasoned political debate.
During the recent illegal occupation of parliament grounds, the apparent hatred was fully evident. There were ludicrous claims the prime minister is a mass murderer, and demands she be removed from office and executed for "crimes against humanity".

Even on the supposedly professional social networking site LinkedIn, false claims that Ardern is a "tyrant" or "dictator" have been increasingly commonplace. For those making such claims, factual, constitutional, electoral and legal realities seemingly hold no weight.

Rather, it's clear this is rooted in sexist and misogynistic attitudes and beliefs, further amplified by conspiratorial mindsets.

Overall, the sexism and misogyny inherent in these traditionalist beliefs mean Ardern is treated more harshly than a male prime minister pursuing the same policies would be.

Worryingly, the 2021 Gender Attitudes Survey (carried out by the New Zealand National Council of Women) showed such traditional views about leadership and gender are on the rise.
Insults and abuse commonly directed at Ardern on social media reflect the generally gendered nature of cyberviolence, which disproportionately targets women. These insults translate traditionalist beliefs into sexist and misogynistic acts.

Referring to Ardern as "Cindy", for example, infantilises her. Calling her a "pretty communist" not only reflects the sexist and misogynist view that a woman's worth is measured by her appearance, but also suggests her looks disguise her real aims.
This plays on the traditional trope of woman as evil seductress. From there it's a short leap to the conspiracy theories that depict Ardern as part of an evil international cabal."

And then there's this utter nonsense:

"fabricated Newshub headline alleging Jacinda Ardern filed to have AM co-host Ryan Bridge banned from media platforms appears to have come from a "package of disinformation", a sociologist says.

The bogus headline, which emerged last week and was interpreted as genuine by some social media users, reads: 'PM Jacinda Ardern has filled [sic] to have Ryan Bridge banned from all major platforms, and rejects any further interviews with the reporter.' The headline had spelling and style errors. "

The internet has definitely brought us into contact with others around the world, & in many ways has brought us all closer, but there are those who just seem to use it to spread hatred or misinformation & disinformation. And those who appear to be bordering on being loony tunes.

You really do have to wonder what might happen if that continues unhindered.
I know that lots of people cant stand her, even those that initially supported her response to covid.
Lots of business's are hurt and thats why there were so many protesting about the restrictions in Wellington, a great deal of the public felt they were lied to because they still had restrictions when they were guranteed some form of assurance they could operate under these alert levels.
The hospitality sector was especially hurt the most.
Very convenient now that the govt decides to "lift" the mandates. Obviously the protest in Wellington made some impact.

RE: The vitriolic venom directed at the PM & others - king1 - 22-03-2022

I doubt it had anything to do with Wellington protest influence, probably more to do with the timing than anything else - couple of months have passed, infections seem to have peaked, overseas tourists pending, so now they can look at removing some of the mandates.  Their (wellington protesters) timing was stupidly wrong

RE: The vitriolic venom directed at the PM & others - Lilith7 - 22-03-2022

(22-03-2022, 12:35 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote:
(16-03-2022, 02:30 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Most of us know of  those who these days, seem to so  enjoy making spiteful little comments online about others, & probably have seen some of the stuff aimed at public figures, much of it in the USA, particularly under former president Trump.

There's quite a lot of it here, too both in online forums & I came across these articles about its effect here recently.

In particular when aimed at the PM, there's often a large dollop of not-even-slightly-concealed misogyny included.

" It's probably not an overstatement to say Ardern is presently one of the most reviled people in Aotearoa New Zealand, attracting vitriol that violates the bounds of normal, reasoned political debate.
During the recent illegal occupation of parliament grounds, the apparent hatred was fully evident. There were ludicrous claims the prime minister is a mass murderer, and demands she be removed from office and executed for "crimes against humanity".

Even on the supposedly professional social networking site LinkedIn, false claims that Ardern is a "tyrant" or "dictator" have been increasingly commonplace. For those making such claims, factual, constitutional, electoral and legal realities seemingly hold no weight.

Rather, it's clear this is rooted in sexist and misogynistic attitudes and beliefs, further amplified by conspiratorial mindsets.

Overall, the sexism and misogyny inherent in these traditionalist beliefs mean Ardern is treated more harshly than a male prime minister pursuing the same policies would be.

Worryingly, the 2021 Gender Attitudes Survey (carried out by the New Zealand National Council of Women) showed such traditional views about leadership and gender are on the rise.
Insults and abuse commonly directed at Ardern on social media reflect the generally gendered nature of cyberviolence, which disproportionately targets women. These insults translate traditionalist beliefs into sexist and misogynistic acts.

Referring to Ardern as "Cindy", for example, infantilises her. Calling her a "pretty communist" not only reflects the sexist and misogynist view that a woman's worth is measured by her appearance, but also suggests her looks disguise her real aims.
This plays on the traditional trope of woman as evil seductress. From there it's a short leap to the conspiracy theories that depict Ardern as part of an evil international cabal."

And then there's this utter nonsense:

"fabricated Newshub headline alleging Jacinda Ardern filed to have AM co-host Ryan Bridge banned from media platforms appears to have come from a "package of disinformation", a sociologist says.

The bogus headline, which emerged last week and was interpreted as genuine by some social media users, reads: 'PM Jacinda Ardern has filled [sic] to have Ryan Bridge banned from all major platforms, and rejects any further interviews with the reporter.' The headline had spelling and style errors. "

The internet has definitely brought us into contact with others around the world, & in many ways has brought us all closer, but there are those who just seem to use it to spread hatred or misinformation & disinformation. And those who appear to be bordering on being loony tunes.

You really do have to wonder what might happen if that continues unhindered.
I know that lots of people cant stand her, even those that initially supported her response to covid.
Lots of business's are hurt and thats why there were so many protesting about the restrictions in Wellington, a great deal of the public felt they were lied to because they still had restrictions when they were guranteed some form of assurance they could operate under these alert levels.
The hospitality sector was especially hurt the most.
Very convenient now that the govt decides to "lift" the mandates. Obviously the protest in Wellington made some impact.
No one has to like a politician - but making childish, misognynistic & occasionally close to libellous remarks about them or their family is totally unnecessary. 

There are those who can't comprehend that, without the lockdown & mandates, there would very possibly be far fewer people to support those businesses, because covid would have spread far more swiftly. As with every other country around the world, its something of a balancing act to try to allow businesses to remain afloat as far as is possible, while at the same time, doing the best they can to also limit the spread of covid. And compared to many other countries, NZ hasn't done all that badly, even with the mistakes.

Those now whining about mandates being lifted would no doubt also have complained loudly had they not been lifted - because their dislike is so very blind that this govt/PM can do nothing right in their eyes. Rolleyes

RE: The vitriolic venom directed at the PM & others - harm_less - 22-03-2022

(22-03-2022, 12:35 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote: Very convenient now that the govt decides to "lift" the mandates. Obviously the protest in Wellington made some impact.
You seem to confusing correlation with causation.