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Putin's demands for peace deal, Turkey as go between - Lilith7 - 18-03-2022

What a colossal cheek the man has - he wants Ukraine to 'undergo a disarmament process to ensure it wasn't a threat to Russia' fgs! Russia attacked Ukraine, not the other way around. Angry

And also Ukraine should be neutral & not apply to join NATO.

I'd like to see his own staff remove Putin from office.

RE: Putin's demands for peace deal, Turkey as go between - king1 - 18-03-2022

so he can keep doing what he is doing.. what an idiot

RE: Putin's demands for peace deal, Turkey as go between - Outsider - 18-03-2022

They can't let him have anything, the man's a danger to us all. They have to defeat him or he'll come back again in the future to do more damage.
The guy has to go, no two ways about it.

RE: Putin's demands for peace deal, Turkey as go between - Lilith7 - 18-03-2022

America is to send long range anti aircraft systems to Ukraine. Because we SO need more weapons to kill more people fgs! We don't need more weapons, we need peace, an end to the idiocy of war.
The world is a weird place. And humans are crazy.

RE: Putin's demands for peace deal, Turkey as go between - king1 - 18-03-2022

(18-03-2022, 06:24 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: America is to send long range anti aircraft systems to Ukraine. Because we SO need more weapons to kill more people fgs! We don't need more weapons, we need peace, an end to the idiocy of war.
The world is a weird place. And humans are crazy.
people like Putin will only respond to a bigger stick though...

There won't be any incentive for him to honor any deals if Ukraine have no weapons and no Nato alliance.  All that will happen is Putin will pull back until his finances and supply chain are sorted, then he will be right back there...

He needs to be hit hard immediately imho, their will be no peace while he is at the helm...

RE: Putin's demands for peace deal, Turkey as go between - Lilith7 - 19-03-2022

(18-03-2022, 08:06 PM)king1 Wrote:
(18-03-2022, 06:24 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: America is to send long range anti aircraft systems to Ukraine. Because we SO need more weapons to kill more people fgs! We don't need more weapons, we need peace, an end to the idiocy of war.
The world is a weird place. And humans are crazy.
people like Putin will only respond to a bigger stick though...

There won't be any incentive for him to honor any deals if Ukraine have no weapons and no Nato alliance.  All that will happen is Putin will pull back until his finances and supply chain are sorted, then he will be right back there...

He needs to be hit hard immediately imho, their will be no peace while he is at the helm...
Logically, yes I know this. That however doesn't make it right - its as wrong as a wrong thing can possibly be.

RE: Putin's demands for peace deal, Turkey as go between - Oldfellah - 19-03-2022

The only problem is Putin is so crazy he wont think twice about pushing the big red button and bugger the consequences, he needs to be taken out but then who to say if that happens the next in line might be just as crazy.
It will be too late for the Russian people to realise that when the war is over and the world wants nothing to do with Russia that the lifestyle they once had is also over, then they might realise what a big mistake they made and how much of a madman Putin is.

RE: Putin's demands for peace deal, Turkey as go between - Lilith7 - 19-03-2022

(19-03-2022, 11:37 AM)Oldfellah Wrote: The only problem is Putin is so crazy he wont think twice about pushing the big red button and bugger the consequences, he needs to be taken out but then who to say if that happens the next in line might be just as crazy.
It will be too late for the Russian people to realise that when the war is over and the world wants nothing to do with Russia that the lifestyle they once had is also over, then they might realise what a big mistake they made and how much of a madman Putin is.
Exactly - he's brutal & unpredictable, which is why I think the best move would be for his own people to remove him from office.

There have been protests across Russia because people don't want this war, so the people there would perhaps be happy to see him removed.

RE: Putin's demands for peace deal, Turkey as go between - Oldfellah - 19-03-2022

(19-03-2022, 02:30 PM)Lilith7 Wrote:
(19-03-2022, 11:37 AM)Oldfellah Wrote: The only problem is Putin is so crazy he wont think twice about pushing the big red button and bugger the consequences, he needs to be taken out but then who to say if that happens the next in line might be just as crazy.
It will be too late for the Russian people to realise that when the war is over and the world wants nothing to do with Russia that the lifestyle they once had is also over, then they might realise what a big mistake they made and how much of a madman Putin is.
Exactly - he's brutal & unpredictable, which is why I think the best move would be for his own people to remove him from office.

There have been protests across Russia because people don't want this war, so the people there would perhaps be happy to see him removed.
The thing is the people might not want this war but its going to have to be someone from his inner circle that doesnt want it and they have to not want it enough to get rid of him one way or the other, I cant see the ordinary folk being able to do much, they would be far too scared anyway because it will be 15 years jailtime.

RE: Putin's demands for peace deal, Turkey as go between - Lilith7 - 19-03-2022

(19-03-2022, 05:32 PM)Oldfellah Wrote:
(19-03-2022, 02:30 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Exactly - he's brutal & unpredictable, which is why I think the best move would be for his own people to remove him from office.

There have been protests across Russia because people don't want this war, so the people there would perhaps be happy to see him removed.
The thing is the people might not want this war but its going to have to be someone from his inner circle that doesnt want it and they have to not want it enough to get rid of him one way or the other, I cant see the ordinary folk being able to do much, they would be far too scared anyway because it will be 15 years jailtime.
Yes, agreed - someone (or several someones) from his immediate subordinates who's perhaps keen to become leader, or with a lot of luck, set up a democratic system with actual voting.