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Not wearing masks - Printable Version

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Not wearing masks - Oldfellah - 31-07-2022

I was in Pak N Save this morning and the amount of idiots not wearing masks was disturbing, even the very old who should have known better were not wearing them. When there is a sign at the door stating masks must be worn why is this not policed by the supermarket staff? Why are these people still allowed to shop and go to the checkout maskless? I wear a mask to protect myself and to protect others from me just in case I become positive, It just makes my blood boil these fuckwits getting away with it.  Ok rant over.

RE: Not wearing masks - Zurdo - 31-07-2022

Yes, I notice lots of people not wearing them at the supermarket and other places. A bit disappointing, but I guess they think they've had covid, so no problem. Then again I still see people alone in their car driving with a mask.

Last week a mate and I went for a drive in his hotrod, and dropped into Repco to pick up a part....and shit, we'd both left our masks in our cars back at his place ! We went in and apologized, but half of those in there didn't have masks, and the counter guy said no problem. So I'm one of those bad people too....

RE: Not wearing masks - Oh_hunnihunni - 31-07-2022

I put mine on as I leave my front door, and take it off as I come back in.

The longer I postpone being a covid patient the better.

RE: Not wearing masks - Lilith7 - 31-07-2022

Most people here seem to still be wearing them. I dislike them (although they do improve my looks) but always wear one just in case, & since the one occasion on which I forgot the damn thing, I now have a spare in my bag.

RE: Not wearing masks - SueDonim - 31-07-2022

(31-07-2022, 12:25 PM)Oldfellah Wrote: I was in Pak N Save this morning and the amount of idiots not wearing masks was disturbing, even the very old who should have known better were not wearing them. When there is a sign at the door stating masks must be worn why is this not policed by the supermarket staff? Why are these people still allowed to shop and go to the checkout maskless? I wear a mask to protect myself and to protect others from me just in case I become positive, It just makes my blood boil these fuckwits getting away with it.  Ok rant over.
I fully agree. The worst is when the staff aren't wearing them, or aren't wearing them properly - ie not over their nose. Not only is that not doing anything useful, but it means that they have touched it, and then, if the mask has been doing its job and collecting virus particles, they have just contaminated their hands. To pass on to the next thing they touch. And so on.

One thing about old people too - they seem to be the ones who pull the mask down to talk. Doh!

(31-07-2022, 01:19 PM)Zurdo Wrote: ...  I still see people alone in their car driving with a mask.

I sometimes leave a mask on when I'm just driving a short distance to the next place I'm stopping. So long as it isn't going to suddenly fog my glasses, that can be less bother than taking it off and putting another one on.

(Every mask I put on gets done in the car, using the mirror to make sure it is as well fitted as it can be. Every mask I take off goes into a queue on the back seat of the car and doesn't get touched again for a week.)

RE: Not wearing masks - C_T_Russell - 01-08-2022

(31-07-2022, 12:25 PM)Oldfellah Wrote: I was in Pak N Save this morning and the amount of idiots not wearing masks was disturbing, even the very old who should have known better were not wearing them. When there is a sign at the door stating masks must be worn why is this not policed by the supermarket staff? Why are these people still allowed to shop and go to the checkout maskless? I wear a mask to protect myself and to protect others from me just in case I become positive, It just makes my blood boil these fuckwits getting away with it.  Ok rant over.
I see many not wearing masks these days and dont blame them.
I dont wear mine in the shops anymore and never been told to put one on.
I have natural immunity now and am better protected than a vaccinated person anyway.
Ive been in contact with my friends who advised me they had tested positive after seeing them and I never caught it off them. Their whole household ended up with it and they were all fully vaxxed.

If people are paranoid of catching this damn virus then just wear a mask, simple.
Then I see all these clowns running, cycling and even driving with their masks on! WTF!

RE: Not wearing masks - king1 - 01-08-2022

(01-08-2022, 12:34 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote:
(31-07-2022, 12:25 PM)Oldfellah Wrote: I was in Pak N Save this morning and the amount of idiots not wearing masks was disturbing, even the very old who should have known better were not wearing them. When there is a sign at the door stating masks must be worn why is this not policed by the supermarket staff? Why are these people still allowed to shop and go to the checkout maskless? I wear a mask to protect myself and to protect others from me just in case I become positive, It just makes my blood boil these fuckwits getting away with it.  Ok rant over.
I see many not wearing masks these days and dont blame them.
I dont wear mine in the shops anymore and never been told to put one on.
I have natural immunity now and am better protected than a vaccinated person anyway.
Ive been in contact with my friends who advised me they had tested positive after seeing them and I never caught it off them. Their whole household ended up with it and they were all fully vaxxed.

If people are paranoid of catching this damn virus then just wear a mask, simple.
Then I see all these clowns running, cycling and even driving with their masks on! WTF!
I do wonder if you would admit to getting covid if you did end up with it...

RE: Not wearing masks - Oldfellah - 01-08-2022

(01-08-2022, 12:34 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote:
(31-07-2022, 12:25 PM)Oldfellah Wrote: I was in Pak N Save this morning and the amount of idiots not wearing masks was disturbing, even the very old who should have known better were not wearing them. When there is a sign at the door stating masks must be worn why is this not policed by the supermarket staff? Why are these people still allowed to shop and go to the checkout maskless? I wear a mask to protect myself and to protect others from me just in case I become positive, It just makes my blood boil these fuckwits getting away with it.  Ok rant over.
I see many not wearing masks these days and dont blame them.
I dont wear mine in the shops anymore and never been told to put one on.
I have natural immunity now and am better protected than a vaccinated person anyway.
Ive been in contact with my friends who advised me they had tested positive after seeing them and I never caught it off them. Their whole household ended up with it and they were all fully vaxxed.

If people are paranoid of catching this damn virus then just wear a mask, simple.
Then I see all these clowns running, cycling and even driving with their masks on! WTF!

You say you have natural immunity, is that the same as natural stupidity? Or are you getting the two mixed up?

RE: Not wearing masks - SueDonim - 01-08-2022

(01-08-2022, 01:36 PM)Oldfellah Wrote:
(01-08-2022, 12:34 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote: I see many not wearing masks these days and dont blame them.
I dont wear mine in the shops anymore and never been told to put one on.
I have natural immunity now and am better protected than a vaccinated person anyway.
Ive been in contact with my friends who advised me they had tested positive after seeing them and I never caught it off them. Their whole household ended up with it and they were all fully vaxxed.

If people are paranoid of catching this damn virus then just wear a mask, simple.
Then I see all these clowns running, cycling and even driving with their masks on! WTF!

You say you have natural immunity, is that the same as natural stupidity? Or are you getting the two mixed up?

Yep, that's about it. People who have had covid get it again. Sometimes worse the second time. and there have been some up to their third round. For CT's friends who were positive after his visit, maybe he gave it to them. Or maybe not. It was just luck that he either didn't get it or didn't show symptoms.

The other big issue at the moment is that the problems are far from just being covid. Colds, flu and other viruses are also around, making people sick and stressing the health providers. Being sick is not fun, for yourself or for those around you. So anyone with half a brain will do whatever they can to avoid being sick. With whatever.

RE: Not wearing masks - king1 - 01-08-2022

Speaking for myself personally - I would want some actual proof that I actually have copious amounts of this Natural immunity before I get to the point of totally disregarding the science - I just dont think I would be that lucky...

For now, not having had covid, I guess I have no Natural Immunity, but since i'm vaccinated and haven't had Covid maybe I don't need it...

RE: Not wearing masks - Lilith7 - 01-08-2022

Perhaps its those who think they have a 'natural immunity' who may be responsible for spreading covid; not realising or perhaps not wanting to acknowledge that they have it.

Why some people don't want the vaccine; USA. According to this there are 4 different kinds of people who don't want to be vaccinated.
8% are waiting to see what happens next, 9% can't afford either the time or the cost, 4% distrust the system
& 14% are covid sceptics.

"Fortunately, scientists began studying vaccine hesitancy long before Sars-Cov-2 was first identified in Wuhan in December 2019, and they have explored various models which attempt to capture the differences in people's health behaviour. One of the most promising is known as the 5Cs model, which considers the following psychological factors:

Confidence: the person's trust in the vaccines efficacy and safety, the health services offering them, and the policy makers deciding on their rollout

Complacency: whether or not the person considers the disease itself to be a serious risk to their health

Calculation: the individual's engagement in extensive information searching to weigh up the costs and benefits

Constraints (or convenience): how easy it is for the person in question to access the vaccine

Collective responsibility: the willingness to protect others from infection, through one's own vaccination."

RE: Not wearing masks - Praktica - 01-08-2022

They missed out Dunning Kruger syndrome, and general ignorant stupidity.

RE: Not wearing masks - Lilith7 - 01-08-2022

(01-08-2022, 03:39 PM)Praktica Wrote: They missed out Dunning Kruger syndrome, and general ignorant stupidity.
Agreed - its a terrible oversight!   Big Grin Big Grin

RE: Not wearing masks - C_T_Russell - 09-08-2022

I know a number of people both vaxxed and unvaxxed who never caught covid from their covid positive partner even though they were sleeping together, but then had their turn to catch covid months later.
Its weird how it works, from my experience its extremely contagious, but in some circumstances, its surprising how some in close contact in the same household dont pass it on!

RE: Not wearing masks - Oldfellah - 09-08-2022

(09-08-2022, 11:42 AM)C_T_Russell Wrote: I know a number of people both vaxxed and unvaxxed who never caught covid from their covid positive partner even though they were sleeping together, but then had their turn to catch covid months later.
Its weird how it works, from my experience its extremely contagious, but in some circumstances, its surprising how some in close contact in the same household dont pass it on!
I have to agree, my daughter in law and my grand daughters caught it but my son never did, just goes to show even if you live in the same house its the luck f the draw.

RE: Not wearing masks - SueDonim - 19-08-2022

GRRRRR. Just been to the supermarket and there are more unmasked people than ever. At the fruit bins, one was pushing in next to me (I was filling my bag as fast as I could). I told him if he isn't wearing a mask he should keep a distance. Got told that it's all codswallop so I said keeping a distance was only polite. A few more words were exchanged and when I moved away he was muttering something about facebook.

And people wonder why the pandemic continues.

(09-08-2022, 01:30 PM)Oldfellah Wrote:
(09-08-2022, 11:42 AM)C_T_Russell Wrote: I know a number of people both vaxxed and unvaxxed who never caught covid from their covid positive partner even though they were sleeping together, but then had their turn to catch covid months later.
Its weird how it works, from my experience its extremely contagious, but in some circumstances, its surprising how some in close contact in the same household dont pass it on!
I have to agree, my daughter in law and my grand daughters caught it but my son never did, just goes to show even if you live in the same house its the luck f the draw.

There are a number of possibilities. The odd one out may have had the disease without symptoms. It can happen. Or maybe the household dynamics mean that the mother has all the close contact with the kids, and/or the father just happens to be more meticulous about hand washing etc. Or sometimes for no obvious reason.

RE: Not wearing masks - Oldfellah - 19-08-2022

You should know that the only true source of information comes from Facebook and other social media platforms  Doh Doh

RE: Not wearing masks - king1 - 19-08-2022

The muttering about Facebook does tell you everything you need to know about the tosser... and I got taught the concept of personal space when I was about 5, but there seems to be little respect for it these days...