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Taliban at it again - Printable Version

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Taliban at it again - Lilith7 - 11-11-2022

This time, they've banned Afghan women from parks - presumably in case they might have a moment's enjoyment. What a bunch of evil, spiteful, misognynistic bastards these alleged men are.
Dodgy Angry

"The Taliban have banned women from visiting all parks in Kabul, excluding them still further from public life in Afghanistan.
A spokesman for the Vice and Virtue Ministry told the BBC those managing parks in the capital had been told not to allow women in.
The group claims Islamic laws were not being followed at parks.
Women's rights and freedoms have been severely restricted since the militant Islamists seized power in August 2021.
Under Taliban rules on segregating people by gender, women have been allowed to visit parks on three days every week - Sunday, Monday, Tuesday - and men on the remaining four.
Now women won't be allowed even if accompanied by male relatives.

A number of women have been beaten for demanding their rights.
Women are barred from going on longer distance journeys without a male chaperone. Teenage girls have still not returned to school in most of the country, despite Taliban promises to allow them to do so.
While some women still work in sectors such as healthcare and education, most were told not to go to work after the Taliban swept back to power. In May a decree was passed ordering women to wear the Islamic face veil in public, although some in urban areas can still be seen failing to comply.
The Taliban have vowed there will be no brutal repression of women as there was when they were first in power in the 1990s.
They say they now respect women's rights in line with Sharia law, and are not against women being educated or having jobs."

They may claim that they now 'respect women's rights & are not against women being educated,' but they still exclude women from some subjects, therefore they're lying, deceitful hypocrites.
I wish it was possible to remove every last woman & child from Afghanistan.