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Stupid things from 2022 - Printable Version

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Stupid things from 2022 - Kenj - 30-12-2022


Just thought others may have photos/thoughts on this subject!

Ken  Big Grin Big Grin

RE: Stupid things from 2022 - piroska - 30-12-2022

It annoys me all this BS about pronouns and this sort of idiocy.

Unless you have been spayed, or are a eunuch, no-one is genderless.
Even the ones that have altered theirs via hormones etc.

RE: Stupid things from 2022 - Oh_hunnihunni - 30-12-2022

I dunno, people have feelings, and hurting them is best avoided. Imagine for instance any of us being routinely addressed as the wrong gender - that would inspire very definite feelings I suspect. The fact that our gender is clear and unambiguous is something we straights take for granted, but the reality is, many people do not have that privilege.

So if someone tells us they have gender issues that can be offset by the rest of us simply adjusting the pronouns, or the language we use when we address them, I think that is a courtesy we privileged ones can afford to go with...

No matter what we feel about it in our hearts. It is after all, just a common courtesy.

RE: Stupid things from 2022 - Olive - 30-12-2022

(30-12-2022, 07:40 AM)piroska Wrote: It annoys me all this BS about pronouns and this sort of idiocy.

Unless you have been spayed, or are a eunuch, no-one is genderless.
Even the ones that have altered theirs via hormones etc.

It is not idiocy to be well mannered and considerate of other people's feelings.     I agree with Hunni.

RE: Stupid things from 2022 - CliveM - 30-12-2022

(30-12-2022, 06:45 AM)Kenj Wrote: Just thought others may have photos/thoughts on this subject!

Ken  Big Grin Big Grin

Yes it is stupid. Go that way and to be logical they need to provide Male, Female and one for each of the many other dreamed up genders.

RE: Stupid things from 2022 - Agent_24 - 30-12-2022

(30-12-2022, 07:40 AM)piroska Wrote: It annoys me all this BS about pronouns and this sort of idiocy.
What about pronouns?
You do realise that almost everyone uses pronouns, including yourself, presumably.

(30-12-2022, 07:40 AM)piroska Wrote: Unless you have been spayed, or are a eunuch, no-one is genderless.
Even the ones that have altered theirs via hormones etc.
Relevance? I think perhaps you don't understand what "non-binary" means in this context.

RE: Stupid things from 2022 - Oldfellah - 30-12-2022

Yep all this binary bullshit is exactly what it states ..... BULLSHIT there are only 2 physical sexes male and female , it doesnt matter what goes on in your head as to what you think you are you are either MALE or FEMALE

RE: Stupid things from 2022 - Pato - 30-12-2022

(30-12-2022, 11:34 AM)Oldfellah Wrote: Yep all this binary bullshit is exactly what it states ..... BULLSHIT there are only 2 physical sexes male and female , it doesnt matter what goes on in your head as to what you think you are you are either MALE or FEMAL
I agree with you. They have stuffed NZ up.

RE: Stupid things from 2022 - Garysixtyseven - 30-12-2022

Stupid things just this week.

32C yesterday 14C today

RE: Stupid things from 2022 - Kenj - 30-12-2022

This is all a bit serious. I thought a thread where we could practice our wit and repartee by posting funny/unusual things to make our daily smile even more bright.

Ken Tongue Tongue

RE: Stupid things from 2022 - Oh_hunnihunni - 30-12-2022


Sorry, but you are so wrong. Hermaphrodites have been part of various life forms since time began, including human beings. Sometimes nature experiments and makes life that can be either, or, or both, non binary is nothing new, it is a medical fact.

If you do not believe me, google it and educate yourselves.

The difference between today, and the world some of us grew up in, is simply science, and the awareness of it. These days we don't assume we know best when a babe is born with indeterminate physical evidence of gender, we wait and see what that person actually is. That way we do not artificially create a gender that may not be a good fit, as we used to do under the likes of Dr Money...

Another wee google for you perhaps?

And sorry for any offence taken from my plain speaking. I grew up with a person who was born hermaphrodite, and had a gender assigned. Turned out to be the wrong gender, something revealed much later in their life. Imagine for a moment enduring all those years in the wrong body, chosen by someone else...

RE: Stupid things from 2022 - CliveM - 30-12-2022

Hermaphrodites are an example of how on very rare occasions things can go wrong in the womb as are heart defects etc. Fortunately genetic defects such as this are rare and that is not the issue being discussed here.
Rather what is is the  mental health of anyone that thinks that they can decide to choose to pretend that they are the opposite sex on a whim and expect the rest of the world to go along with it.
I would add that I have no problem with gays of either gender just as long as they don't want me to join in.

RE: Stupid things from 2022 - Oh_hunnihunni - 30-12-2022

While gender dysmorphia is in fact a very real condition, enduring life in the wrong body is not a state assumed on a whim. If it was it would be a mental health issue, because obviously no one in their right mind would willingly subject themselves to the level of social rejection, abuse, insult, and physical assault that being non binary brings with it. Even for the most supported individual going through it.

To not understand that might indicate a severe lack of imagination, let alone empathy.

RE: Stupid things from 2022 - king1 - 30-12-2022

Vladimir Putin

RE: Stupid things from 2022 - Oh_hunnihunni - 31-12-2022

(30-12-2022, 08:21 PM)king1 Wrote: Vladimir Putin

Definitely a very stupid thing.

As is that misfit who took on Greta and got a kicking from her supporters worldwide.

People are so good at being the stupidest things.

RE: Stupid things from 2022 - zqwerty - 31-12-2022

Apparently when he retorted back to Greta he posted whilst eating a pizza with the box on a table in front of him, the police knew the place that the pizza was from and realized he was in town and went and arrested him lol.

The retort was because in response to his initial insult to her about polluting the world using his collection of sports cars she replied that he had "small dick energy" which is what made him furious and led to his posting pizza mistake.

"small dick energy" refers to his love of fancy fast cars lol.

RE: Stupid things from 2022 - piroska - 31-12-2022

(30-12-2022, 10:24 AM)Agent_24 Wrote:
(30-12-2022, 07:40 AM)piroska Wrote: It annoys me all this BS about pronouns and this sort of idiocy.
What about pronouns?
You do realise that almost everyone uses pronouns, including yourself, presumably.

(30-12-2022, 07:40 AM)piroska Wrote: Unless you have been spayed, or are a eunuch, no-one is genderless.
Even the ones that have altered theirs via hormones etc.
Relevance? I think perhaps you don't understand what "non-binary" means in this context.

Zie, Sie, Ey, Ve, Tey, E, Zim, Sie, Em, Ver, Ter, Em, Zir, Hir, Eir, Vis, Tem, Eir
Zis, Hirs, Eirs, Vers, Ters, Eirs, Zieself, Hirself, Eirself, Verself, Terself, Emself

I do understand actually. And a few of my "LGBTQIA+" friends aren't impressed either and don't even like what they call the "alphabet" fashion.

RE: Stupid things from 2022 - R2x1 - 31-12-2022

(30-12-2022, 12:37 PM)Garysixtyseven Wrote: Stupid things just this week.

32C yesterday 14C today

Anyplace that can grow wheat is prone to having idiotically frenetic temperature swings, but just think how much worse it'd be in Fahrenheit Wink