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Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - C_T_Russell - 21-03-2023

Kellie-jay keen-minshull is planning to enter NZ this week and speak in Auckland and Wellington but there are attempts to block her entering over some BS claims that she is a nazi (apparently there were some people giving nazi salutes where she was speaking in Australia, and that makes her a nazi somehow)
We need more women to stand up against this crap.
We can't even call a woman pregnant anymore, the politically correct term is "pregnant person"
WTF is going on?
I'm actually quite keen to go and listen to her knowing she is actually coming here.

RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - king1 - 21-03-2023

everything I have read has called her an anti-trans, which i assume is anti-transgender. Not sure i've read anywhere anyone calling her a Nazi...

She seems rather undesirable and divisive - like we need any more of that in NZ

RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - Oldfellah - 21-03-2023

I dont think she is undesirable and divisive, she only wants a woman to be called a women for gods sake, she is only sticking up for females, these gay (male and female) things make me want to puke! You were either born male or female, you weren't born transgender gay lesbian [REMOVED: Rule 2F]  and as for this "oh you must be a pregnant person" we know your a person but we also know your a woman because males cant get pregnant as far as I know.
The Aussie meeting was hijacked by the Neo Nazi sector because they didnt want her to speak.

The gay greens in this country are trying to stop her coming in because she might offend them and hurt there feelings (bollocks) 
Yes Im anti gay anti transgender etc and bloody proud of it.

RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - C_T_Russell - 21-03-2023

(21-03-2023, 09:40 AM)king1 Wrote: everything I have read has called her an anti-trans, which i assume is anti-transgender.  Not sure i've read anywhere anyone calling her a Nazi...

She seems rather undesirable and divisive - like we need any more of that in NZ
Instead of believing everything you read about her, how about listening to what she actually says and make your own mind up.
Regarding nazi claims, it all stems from this.

She is not divisive at all. It's the woke and pro trans community that are the divisive ones here.
We are living in a world now where woman's rights are being eroded away by transgender men who want to pretend they are a woman and be entitled to woman's rights.
Now they are teaching the kids at school all this sort of crap.
You think its OK for men to go into a woman's bathroom just because they are dressed as one?
This world is so messed up and they are calling tbis progress? I think humanity is taking a serious step backwards if you ask me.
This is what we are up against.

RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - Oh_hunnihunni - 21-03-2023

Please stop deliberately using the word 'woke' incorrectly, in what appears to be an attempt to ridicule what is actually term for enlightened social awareness.

If you lack such a quality may I respectfully suggest you educate yourself courtesy of google.

This is not the first time I have drawn attention to your and other people's rather heavy handed attempt to recast what is a very positive political term that rose to common use from the Black Lives Matter movement.

If you must appropriate the word, at least use it with respect.

RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - Olive - 21-03-2023

(21-03-2023, 11:07 AM)Oldfellah Wrote: I dont think she is undesirable and divisive, she only wants a woman to be called a women for gods sake, she is only sticking up for females, these gay (male and female) things make me want to puke! You were either born male or female, you weren't born transgender gay lesbian [REMOVED: Rule 2F] , and as for this "oh you must be a pregnant person" we know your a person but we also know your a woman because males cant get pregnant as far as I know.
The Aussie meeting was hijacked by the Neo Nazi sector because they didnt want her to speak.

The gay greens in this country are trying to stop her coming in because she might offend them and hurt there feelings (bollocks) 
Yes Im anti gay anti transgender etc and bloody proud of it.

I think you are breaching Rules 2 (f) and (h).  Care to amend these hateful remarks?

RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - SueDonim - 21-03-2023

(21-03-2023, 11:07 AM)Oldfellah Wrote: I dont think she is undesirable and divisive, she only wants a woman to be called a women for gods sake, she is only sticking up for females, these gay (male and female) things make me want to puke! You were either born male or female, you weren't born transgender gay lesbian or whatever else these weirdos can come up with, and as for this "oh you must be a pregnant person" we know your a person but we also know your a woman because males cant get pregnant as far as I know.
The Aussie meeting was hijacked by the Neo Nazi sector because they didnt want her to speak.

The gay greens in this country are trying to stop her coming in because she might offend them and hurt there feelings (bollocks) 
Yes Im anti gay anti transgender etc and bloody proud of it.

"You were either born male or female". Sorry, but a number of people aren't but are assigned to one or the other at birth and that can cause problems as they mature. There are three aspects to what the ignorant think of as "sex". There is the anatomical - the bits that you have that define you as physically male or female. Some people have a mix that is indeterminate. Then there is the how you perceive yourself. For most of us it is straight forward but not for some. They are "trapped" in the wrong body. And finally there is who you are attracted to. Everyone is on a continuum from extreme heterosexuality to extreme homosexuality. Again, mostly reasonably clear-cut but not for everyone. What is great is that today people have much more opportunity to be who they are rather than having to fit an incorrect social "norm" for no good reason.

"..males cant get pregnant..". Technically yes, but who is "male"? Years ago I read a very good autobiography of a woman who married a man and had a natural child. In the 1940s when we had far less idea about gender and all its complexities. In later life she started to spontaneously become more masculine and it was found that she actually did have a Y chromosome. "Her" marriage broke up and "she" ended up having surgery in the UK. When he returned to NZ as a man the son had to accept that his mother was now a man. It was a very good book that interested me at the time because a couple of people around me in my childhood were of indeterminate gender and we just happily accepted them for who they were and didn't need labels.

On the other hand, I disagree that someone should be stopped from coming here because of their views. We might disagree with them, but in a country with supposed freedom of speech we should not allow politicians to dictate who we might listen to. Who comes here is up to immigration, not the politicians. Our freedom of speech and thought is being seriously undermined and this is an example of that. If we want to keep our right to freedom of speech, we have to allow that there are those that disagree.

RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - king1 - 21-03-2023

(21-03-2023, 01:33 PM)SueDonim Wrote:
(21-03-2023, 11:07 AM)Oldfellah Wrote: I dont think she is undesirable and divisive, she only wants a woman to be called a women for gods sake, she is only sticking up for females, these gay (male and female) things make me want to puke! You were either born male or female, you weren't born transgender gay lesbian or whatever else these weirdos can come up with, and as for this "oh you must be a pregnant person" we know your a person but we also know your a woman because males cant get pregnant as far as I know.
The Aussie meeting was hijacked by the Neo Nazi sector because they didnt want her to speak.

The gay greens in this country are trying to stop her coming in because she might offend them and hurt there feelings (bollocks) 
Yes Im anti gay anti transgender etc and bloody proud of it.

"You were either born male or female". Sorry, but a number of people aren't but are assigned to one or the other at birth and that can cause problems as they mature. There are three aspects to what the ignorant think of as "sex". There is the anatomical - the bits that you have that define you as physically male or female. Some people have a mix that is indeterminate. Then there is the how you perceive yourself. For most of us it is straight forward but not for some. They are "trapped" in the wrong body. And finally there is who you are attracted to. Everyone is on a continuum from extreme heterosexuality to extreme homosexuality. Again, mostly reasonably clear-cut but not for everyone. What is great is that today people have much more opportunity to be who they are rather than having to fit an incorrect social "norm" for no good reason.

"..males cant get pregnant..". Technically yes, but who is "male"? Years ago I read a very good autobiography of a woman who married a man and had a natural child. In the 1940s when we had far less idea about gender and all its complexities. In later life she started to spontaneously become more masculine and it was found that she actually did have a Y chromosome. "Her" marriage broke up and "she" ended up having surgery in the UK. When he returned to NZ as a man the son had to accept that his mother was now a man. It was a very good book that interested me at the time because a couple of people around me in my childhood were of indeterminate gender and we just happily accepted them for who they were and didn't need labels.
very well put...

RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - king1 - 21-03-2023

(21-03-2023, 01:33 PM)SueDonim Wrote:
(21-03-2023, 11:07 AM)Oldfellah Wrote: I dont think she is undesirable and divisive, she only wants a woman to be called a women for gods sake, she is only sticking up for females, these gay (male and female) things make me want to puke! You were either born male or female, you weren't born transgender gay lesbian or whatever else these weirdos can come up with, and as for this "oh you must be a pregnant person" we know your a person but we also know your a woman because males cant get pregnant as far as I know.
The Aussie meeting was hijacked by the Neo Nazi sector because they didnt want her to speak.

The gay greens in this country are trying to stop her coming in because she might offend them and hurt there feelings (bollocks) 
Yes Im anti gay anti transgender etc and bloody proud of it.

On the other hand, I disagree that someone should be stopped from coming here because of their views. We might disagree with them, but in a country with supposed freedom of speech we should not allow politicians to dictate who we might listen to. Who comes here is up to immigration, not the politicians. Our freedom of speech and thought is being seriously undermined and this is an example of that. If we want to keep our right to freedom of speech, we have to allow that there are those that disagree.

Up until a point - Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequence.

and because she has already been very vocal on her beliefs and opinions, the powers that be already know what she is going to say, so a judgement could be made in advance if it is likely to break NZ laws.  Definitely on the cards IMHO...

RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - king1 - 21-03-2023

(21-03-2023, 11:15 AM)C_T_Russell Wrote:
(21-03-2023, 09:40 AM)king1 Wrote: everything I have read has called her an anti-trans, which i assume is anti-transgender.  Not sure i've read anywhere anyone calling her a Nazi...

She seems rather undesirable and divisive - like we need any more of that in NZ
Instead of believing everything you read about her, how about listening to what she actually says and make your own mind up.
Regarding nazi claims, it all stems from this.

She is not divisive at all. It's the woke and pro trans community that are the divisive ones here.
We are living in a world now where woman's rights are being eroded away by transgender men who want to pretend they are a woman and be entitled to woman's rights.
Now they are teaching the kids at school all this sort of crap.
You think its OK for men to go into a woman's bathroom just because they are dressed as one?
This world is so messed up and they are calling tbis progress? I think humanity is taking a serious step backwards if you ask me.
This is what we are up against.
It's the same nonsense the bible has been peddling for millenia... Man, Woman, they get it on and have babies.  

Life is more complicated than that nowadays and you or Kellie or Oldfellah have no right to say what or how people should feel, or identify themselves as.  These people are not pretending CT, they feel the way they do about themselves exactly as you and I do, the only difference is that the way they feel doesn't actually align with their physical body...

Yes it may seem uncomfortable or strange to some, but are we to be an inclusive society or one full of hate and anger?   Kellie-jay seems to be deceitfully piggybacking off a woman's rights platform to peddle her own brand of anti/hatred

I also don't buy this eroding woman's rights guise either - yes there will be issues to deal with in terms of perhaps a need for unisex loos perhaps but nothing that is insurmountable for the majority.

RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - king1 - 21-03-2023

(21-03-2023, 11:45 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Please stop deliberately using the word 'woke' incorrectly, in what appears to be an attempt to ridicule what is actually term for enlightened social awareness.

If you lack such a quality may I respectfully suggest you educate yourself courtesy of google.

This is not the first time I have drawn attention to your and other people's rather heavy handed attempt to recast what is a very positive political term that rose to common use from the Black Lives Matter movement.

If you must appropriate the word, at least use it with respect.

On that subject, I think this comment in the last paragraph explains the behaviour...
Quote:Criticising “woke culture” has become a way of claiming victim status for yourself rather than acknowledging that more deserving others hold that status.

RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - Oh_hunnihunni - 21-03-2023

I have often wondered to myself if those who insist on not only swimming against the tide but doing it while waving 'look at me' flags in both hands are actually doing so because they desperately need attention.

RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - Olive - 21-03-2023

(21-03-2023, 09:40 AM)king1 Wrote: It's the same nonsense the bible has been peddling for millenia... Man, Woman, they get it on and have babies.  

Life is more complicated than that nowadays and you or Kellie or Oldfellah have no right to say what or how people should feel, or identify themselves as.  These people are not pretending CT, they feel the way they do about themselves exactly as you and I do, the only difference is that the way they feel doesn't actually align with their physical body...

Yes it may seem uncomfortable or strange to some, but are we to be an inclusive society or one full of hate and anger?   Kellie-jay seems to be deceitfully piggybacking off a woman's rights platform to peddle her own brand of anti/hatred

I also don't buy this eroding woman's rights guise either - yes there will be issues to deal with in terms of perhaps a need for unisex loos perhaps but nothing that is insurmountable for the majority.

I agree with all of this. And I think the loo aspect of TERF is a red herring and always has been. Nobody thinks twice about using a domestic lavatory that is available to all genders, the only virtue I can see in a public women-only loo is that men's public loos tend to be untidier and smellier. But this is hardly a deal breaker.

RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - C_T_Russell - 21-03-2023

(21-03-2023, 11:45 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Please stop deliberately using the word 'woke' incorrectly, in what appears to be an attempt to ridicule what is actually term for enlightened social awareness.

If you lack such a quality may I respectfully suggest you educate yourself courtesy of google.

This is not the first time I have drawn attention to your and other people's rather heavy handed attempt to recast what is a very positive political term that rose to common use from the Black Lives Matter movement.

If you must appropriate the word, at least use it with respect.
It is because this is woke.
NZ first, ACT along with the likes of Sean Plunket are all referring to this as "woke"
Disney is woke and so is BLM.
We need to learn to tolerate and respect the trans community, but that's all. It's not an excuse to grant transgender people the same rights as a woman if they are biologically a man, same the other way round. It's plain ridiculous.

RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - girlgeorgina - 21-03-2023

there are issues starting to arise from men seeming to identify as female out of nowhere, especially in terms of crimes. this case i found quite interesting.

to me, there should be 3 types of bathrooms, changing rooms at pools/gyms etc. mens and womens should always remain as such, and then a third for anyone to use. granted, its not often i go to the pool or anywhere that requires public changing, but there is no way i would be happy doing such in front of an unknown male, no matter how they identify. i dont even like getting changed in front of other women.
as to domestic toilets that everyone can use, thats different as generally, you are in there by yourself. i have never, as an adult, shared a toilet with another adult in the same room. the issue is not whos backside is on the seat, its who is in the same room.
schools especially would be a minefield. girls have enough to worry about with changing hygiene products without a smart alec boy in the next cubicle making comments. anyone who thinks that wouldnt happen has their head in the sand. teenagers of both sexes can be nasty.

RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - king1 - 21-03-2023

(21-03-2023, 04:56 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote:
(21-03-2023, 11:45 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Please stop deliberately using the word 'woke' incorrectly, in what appears to be an attempt to ridicule what is actually term for enlightened social awareness.

If you lack such a quality may I respectfully suggest you educate yourself courtesy of google.

This is not the first time I have drawn attention to your and other people's rather heavy handed attempt to recast what is a very positive political term that rose to common use from the Black Lives Matter movement.

If you must appropriate the word, at least use it with respect.

We need to learn to tolerate and respect the trans community
most people already do CT

RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - Praktica - 21-03-2023

(21-03-2023, 04:56 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote:
(21-03-2023, 11:45 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Please stop deliberately using the word 'woke' incorrectly, in what appears to be an attempt to ridicule what is actually term for enlightened social awareness.

If you lack such a quality may I respectfully suggest you educate yourself courtesy of google.

This is not the first time I have drawn attention to your and other people's rather heavy handed attempt to recast what is a very positive political term that rose to common use from the Black Lives Matter movement.

If you must appropriate the word, at least use it with respect.

NZ first, ACT along with the likes of Sean Plunket are all referring to this as "woke"

Really? We must follow them, then...they are the masters.

RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - Oh_hunnihunni - 21-03-2023

(21-03-2023, 04:56 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote:
(21-03-2023, 11:45 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Please stop deliberately using the word 'woke' incorrectly, in what appears to be an attempt to ridicule what is actually term for enlightened social awareness.

If you lack such a quality may I respectfully suggest you educate yourself courtesy of google.

This is not the first time I have drawn attention to your and other people's rather heavy handed attempt to recast what is a very positive political term that rose to common use from the Black Lives Matter movement.

If you must appropriate the word, at least use it with respect.
It is because this is woke.
NZ first, ACT along with the likes of Sean Plunket are all referring to this as "woke"
Disney is woke and so is BLM.
We need to learn to tolerate and respect the trans community, but that's all. It's not an excuse to grant transgender people the same rights as a woman if they are biologically a man, same the other way round. It's plain ridiculous.

Woke means being aware, having respect, educating ourselves, identifying attitudes and biases we need to change and doing the work. Just because other people disrespect the concept doesn't excuse us following along without challenge. That is how people end up diving head first down the rabbit hole...

Btw, trans rights are human rights. We are all human, before we are anything else. That is being woke. It isn't about toleration, it is about acceptance of all people's human rights, no matter who or how they identify as. Equality.

RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - Olive - 21-03-2023

I will copy here a concise remark from an anonymous Twitter user:

".....women want their safe spaces back ? dear we have never been safe anywhere , especially in our own homes and on the street. It’s not trans folk we need protection from, it’s MEN . Straight men."

Absolutely! Exactly! Yes indeed!

RE: Woke attempting to block woman's rights activist entering NZ - harm_less - 21-03-2023

(21-03-2023, 11:45 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Please stop deliberately using the word 'woke' incorrectly, in what appears to be an attempt to ridicule what is actually term for enlightened social awareness.

If you lack such a quality may I respectfully suggest you educate yourself courtesy of google.

This is not the first time I have drawn attention to your and other people's rather heavy handed attempt to recast what is a very positive political term that rose to common use from the Black Lives Matter movement.

If you must appropriate the word, at least use it with respect.
Absolutely agree. Most of those who spray the term woke about with gay abandon have no idea of its original definition.

To enlighten it may be easier for them to realise that being 'anti-woke' is essentially promoting bigotry. Criticising woke doesn't sound so great in that perspective does it cowboy!