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Gmail text running over right side of screen - Printable Version

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Gmail text running over right side of screen - Pato - 09-06-2023

Our gmail messages are suddenly running over the right side of the screen and I can't remember how to rectify the problem. Using Firefox, but same happens

when using another browser. Can someone tell me how to tackle this please.

RE: Gmail text running over right side of screen - zippity - 09-06-2023

Click on the Maximise box top right corner of your reader.

RE: Gmail text running over right side of screen - Pato - 09-06-2023

Thanks, but that made no difference. That is where the problem is and I thought I could adjust the screen but it isn't working.

RE: Gmail text running over right side of screen - Wainuitech - 09-06-2023

By any chance do you have the page Zoomed above 100%  You can press CTRL +  or Ctrl - to change the zoom level.

RE: Gmail text running over right side of screen - Pato - 09-06-2023

No. It appears that the maximise button isn't working so perhaps I screwed things up when trying to adjust the screen writing by right clicking the mouse to make an


RE: Gmail text running over right side of screen - Pato - 10-06-2023

HELP!!  Still not been able to fix problem of long lines on incoming gmail. Any further help would be appreciated. Searched the net but nothing helped, so perhaps there is no fix.?

No further trouble with the minimize function.

RE: Gmail text running over right side of screen - king1 - 10-06-2023

are you able to post a screenshot of it, using the snipping tool maybe

RE: Gmail text running over right side of screen - zqwerty - 10-06-2023

Look for "word wrap" and turn it on in the options.

RE: Gmail text running over right side of screen - Pato - 11-06-2023

Where are the 'Options' in gmail?

RE: Gmail text running over right side of screen - zqwerty - 11-06-2023

I don't know, just thought that it generally sounds like a "word wrap" problem from your description.

Sorry if not helpful.

RE: Gmail text running over right side of screen - Pato - 11-06-2023

No problem. I appreciated you trying to help. I thought it might be 'word wrap' also but I now find that this problem is being experienced by many and

it appears that no one has the answer. At least it keeps this old brain active.

RE: Gmail text running over right side of screen - Wainuitech - 11-06-2023

Just had a look at 3 of my own gmail accounts all working 100%, so it not a system wide problem.

Something to try -- Open your browser in safe mode -- This disable all addons, extensions etc. In FF you hold down the Shift key while double clicking the icon to open FF.

You may have to search and locate gmail sign in and you will have to enter your email and password manually.

See if it makes any difference.
"IF" it does then theres something on your compute causing the problem.

RE: Gmail text running over right side of screen - zqwerty - 11-06-2023


With Gmail open click on the Cog symbol and then choose "see all settings", there are plenty, maybe one of them will alter the page layout in a useful way.