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nanoplastics in bottled water - Printable Version

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nanoplastics in bottled water - C_T_Russell - 12-01-2024

And they say to use tap water.
Well the council replaced our asbestos pipes with plastic ones, so we are now getting plastic in our tap water.
Apparently there are no known health issues ingesting asbestos fires, but I probably would feel better about plastic than asbestos!

Microplastics are everywhere, not too sure how to get away from it.

RE: nanoplastics in bottled water - Oh_hunnihunni - 12-01-2024

They are in mothers milk. But that's okay, male fertility is down so much, soon we won't have babies to feed...

RE: nanoplastics in bottled water - Lilith7 - 13-01-2024

(12-01-2024, 08:39 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: They are in mothers milk. But that's okay, male fertility is down so much, soon we won't have babies to feed...

And our species might move on to another planet to destroy.... Dodgy

RE: nanoplastics in bottled water - zqwerty - 13-01-2024

We probably won't find anyplace as good as Earth, it's as close to paradise as we'll get, and even we could find suitable planets, faster than light travel is impossible for anything constructed of atoms, ie, us.

Nearest two stars are four light years away, all the rest are further.

RE: nanoplastics in bottled water - C_T_Russell - 17-01-2024

(12-01-2024, 08:39 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: They are in mothers milk. But that's okay, male fertility is down so much, soon we won't have babies to feed...

You need to look up about PFOA, they reckon that stuff is in every living thing and you cant get rid of it.