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Sports taking precedence yet again - Printable Version

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Sports taking precedence yet again - Lilith7 - 25-02-2024

Getting fed up with the all too constant intrusion of sports into virtually everything  on TV; most often the news but just now I switched on to catch The Chase - & there were two people standing in what was a sports ground of some kind, discussing the just played game which was over!

Fgs - this seems to be happening more & more often. Not content with an extremely high percebtage of sports of all kinds (even, this year the American bloody superbowl for pity's sake!!) already all over television, we're apparently heading for a time when little, or  nothing else can be seen on TV.

I have a cunning plan to fix this:

1) Give sports their own channel - nothing but sports, of all kinds, 24 hours sports from everwhere in the world.

2) Ban all mention of sports from all other channels, apart from a brief (5 mins maximum) summing up of the day's sports events at the end of the evening news.


Big Grin Big Grin

RE: Sports taking precedence yet again - Lilith7 - 25-02-2024

(25-02-2024, 04:21 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Getting fed up with the all too constant intrusion of sports into virtually everything  on TV; most often the news but just now I switched on to catch The Chase - & there were two people standing in what was a sports ground of some kind, discussing the just played game which was over!

Fgs - this seems to be happening more & more often. Not content with an extremely high percebtage of sports of all kinds (even, this year the American bloody superbowl for pity's sake!!) already all over television, we're apparently heading for a time when little, or  nothing else can be seen on TV.

I have a cunning plan to fix this:

1) Give sports their own channel - nothing but sports, of all kinds, 24 hours sports from everwhere in the world.

2) Ban all mention of sports from all other channels, apart from a brief (5 mins maximum) summing up of the day's sports events at the end of the evening news.


Big Grin Big Grin

And furthermore, I'd like to see the flow of bazillions to sports of all kinds stemmed to a more reasonable one which doesn't resemble a tsunami. 

And just by way of a  change, direct that tsunami into arts of all kinds for say, the same number of centuries its been helping sports... Smile Big Grin Angel

RE: Sports taking precedence yet again - nzoomed - 26-02-2024

They even had to reschedule coronation street!

RE: Sports taking precedence yet again - Lilith7 - 26-02-2024

(26-02-2024, 01:21 PM)nzoomed Wrote: They even had to reschedule coronation street!

Bloodyhell! There'll be rioting in the streets if they keep that up.. Rolleyes Big Grin Big Grin