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Israel freezes funding to ultra orthodox - Printable Version

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Israel freezes funding to ultra orthodox - Lilith7 - 31-03-2024

It may eventually be an end to their govt. but it seems unlikely to happen quickly & the ultra orthodox tend to be very right wing.

"Israel's High Court has issued an order in the long-running dispute over ultra-Orthodox military exemptions, deepening a crisis in the government.
It instructed a funding freeze for ultra-Orthodox, or Haredi, educational institutions whose students are eligible for conscription.

Haredi parties in the government have reacted angrily, while a secular party has threatened to quit over the issue.
Ultra-Orthodox exemptions are opposed by a majority of Israelis.
The Haredi community comprises about 12% of the population but those in full-time Torah study are exempt from mandatory military service.

Conscription applies to almost all other Israelis, apart from Israeli Arabs, from the age of 18 for both men and women.
The government is debating a bill which reportedly seeks to strike a compromise by allowing exemptions with limitations.

But the draft plan is fiercely opposed by Haredi parties. Two of those parties - Shas and United Torah Judaism (UTJ) - hold 18 seats in the 72-seat emergency government.
On the other hand, the secular, centrist National Union party, which holds eight seats, is insisting exemptions are scrapped altogether.
The party's leader, Benny Gantz, a former army chief of staff, has threatened to pull out of the government over the current plan."