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Arizona back to 19th entury, abortion law - Printable Version

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Arizona back to 19th entury, abortion law - Lilith7 - 10-04-2024

Its just amazing, the lengths to which these women hating people will go. Now they've dredged up a law from the 19th century, in which the only grounds for an abortion are 'when it  is necessary  to save the life of the woman.',law%20enforceable%20in%20the%20state.

[b]"The state Supreme Court has delayed enforcement of the law for 14 days to give the plaintiffs an opportunity to pursue other challenges in a lower court if they wish to do so, including whether the law is constitutional.[/b]
Speaking in a news conference after the court’s decision was published, Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes vowed, “No woman or doctor will be prosecuted under this draconian law … as long as I am attorney general. Not by me, nor by any county attorney serving in our state. Not on my watch.”
Her office is looking to pursue options available to ensure the law is not implemented in the state, Mayes said.
“Today’s decision to reimpose a law from a time when Arizona wasn’t a state, the Civil War was raging, and women couldn’t even vote will go down in history as a stain on our state,” she said in a release posted online."

RE: Arizona back to 19th entury, abortion law - Oh_hunnihunni - 11-04-2024

Brave woman...

RE: Arizona back to 19th entury, abortion law - Lilith7 - 11-04-2024

(11-04-2024, 01:39 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Brave woman...

Indeed; especially if the disaster which is Trump becomes president again.

RE: Arizona back to 19th entury, abortion law - Agent_24 - 12-04-2024

This is what you get when religious nutters get their way

RE: Arizona back to 19th entury, abortion law - Lilith7 - 12-04-2024

(12-04-2024, 12:27 PM)Agent_24 Wrote: This is what you get when religious nutters get their way

Yes, it really doesn't work well at all. We only need to look at the likes of Gloriavale to see some of the awful possibilities.

RE: Arizona back to 19th entury, abortion law - Agent_24 - 12-04-2024

Yeah, and then look at "project 2025" where certain groups want to take the US very backwards in many respects.

RE: Arizona back to 19th entury, abortion law - Lilith7 - 12-04-2024

(12-04-2024, 03:30 PM)Agent_24 Wrote: Yeah, and then look at "project 2025" where certain groups want to take the US very backwards in many respects.

Its really quite scary when there are such ideas, in supposedly enlightened times.

RE: Arizona back to 19th entury, abortion law - zqwerty - 13-04-2024

We are all the same creature (more or less evolved ape-like being) no matter what time (epoch) you may think it is and the only difference is the sophistication of the software (your education and upbringing) you are running and to a smaller extent how much you exercise your free will.

As you can see/may be aware, there are a lot of primitives still active in the world and they are running very much less than adequate software.

Some of this is due to poor or completely off-beam education (fundamentalist religion) but some of it is surely due to years and generations of running this poor software so that it becomes at least part of their built in hardware and will require intensive drumming in of newer software over generations to compensate, cf Israelis and Palestinians, "eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth" instead of "turn the other cheek".

RE: Arizona back to 19th entury, abortion law - Oh_hunnihunni - 13-04-2024

If you analyse 'religious nutters' - especially the ones who rise into prominence within our societies, you see a common thread that isn't religion at all. They are driven by much baser drives, greed, dominance, and sex. They are using religion as their trojan horses to hoodwink the gullible into providing them with hoards of gold, enormous palaces, harems of concubines, and armies of sacrificial lambs, be they world wide organisations led by venerated popes and ayatollahs, or your local macbish leading his motorcycle gang of faithful followers...

RE: Arizona back to 19th entury, abortion law - zqwerty - 13-04-2024

Very good point Oh_hunnihunni. I totally agree with you.

RE: Arizona back to 19th entury, abortion law - Lilith7 - 13-04-2024

(13-04-2024, 08:54 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: If you analyse 'religious nutters' - especially the ones who rise into prominence within our societies, you see a common thread that isn't religion at all. They are driven by much baser drives, greed, dominance, and  sex. They are using religion as their trojan horses to hoodwink the gullible into providing them with hoards of gold, enormous palaces, harems of concubines, and armies of sacrificial lambs, be they world wide organisations led by venerated popes and ayatollahs, or your local macbish leading his motorcycle gang of faithful followers...

Indeed; for some it seems all about power, control & wealth. Perhaps its time we taught kids in high school about the pitfalls of such things - Gloriavale is a good example currently but there are always others.
Having brought up 3 kids, that is as close as I ever want to get to power over anyone (its akin to herding cats, & not anything I'd ever want to do on a  wider scale) & I find it difficult to understand those who do. Dodgy Rolleyes