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Luxon will have blood on his hands - Printable Version

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Luxon will have blood on his hands - king1 - 05-06-2024

when one of the cancer patients die. 

'Be patient' he says...  

Colourful Expletive

I imagine he only just realized the drug suppliers weren't too keen to negotiate after the fact, since already promising the country he would supply them... 

Rant over...

RE: Luxon will have blood on his hands - Oh_hunnihunni - 05-06-2024

It is hard to inagine how someone else feels, when they are going through something we have no experience of. It is hard to imagine the reality of parenthood when we have no children, hard to imagine wealth when we are poor, and being poor when we aren't, homeless from the security of a warm safe home, or terminally ill when we are healthy and strong.

It is a blessed ignorance, and it seems so many of our leaders are blissfully ignorant of the realities their constituents are facing.

We need to elect better people.

RE: Luxon will have blood on his hands - Lilith7 - 06-06-2024

They need the experience of being poor - if they want to be politicians then let them live in a modest Kainga Ora flat & be paid the equivalent of the lowest wage/benefit (with modest funds available for necessary travels etc.) so they will thyen know the reality for many these days.

It would I think, make for better, more grounded politicians & far more realistic policies. And with the added bonus that virtually no wealthy person will want to become a politician...