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Why Are We Here? On the Philosophical Possibilities of “Cosmic Purpose” - Printable Version

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Why Are We Here? On the Philosophical Possibilities of “Cosmic Purpose” - zqwerty - 28-06-2024

Posted without comment, except to say that this is a fairly good reasonably concise summary of the salient theories of today and yesteryear.:

RE: Why Are We Here? On the Philosophical Possibilities of “Cosmic Purpose” - Oh_hunnihunni - 28-06-2024

Nature abhors a vacuum?

RE: Why Are We Here? On the Philosophical Possibilities of “Cosmic Purpose” - Zurdo - 28-06-2024

I'm not a religious person, but I am suspicious about ''life.''

RE: Why Are We Here? On the Philosophical Possibilities of “Cosmic Purpose” - Lilith7 - 29-06-2024

When I was in my twenties, the Vietnam war was on & the My Lai massacre happened, which made me an atheist.
A bit later in life I had some experiences which made me instead an agnostic, which I still am. For me its the most honest stance because I don't know with any certainty what this world is all about, or whether or not there are gods of some sort. (Apart from the most revered cat goddess, Bastet obviously.)

My dad used to say that he believed that we're here to learn & the older I get, the more sense that makes to me.
But still, the world's a weird place. And humans are crazy. Smile