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Trump Immunity Ruling - zqwerty - 02-07-2024

Extreme but possible, the Supreme Court Ruling sets this up, with Trump possibly in power you never know:

RE: Trump Immunity Ruling - Lilith7 - 02-07-2024

They're not wrong - the future now is deeply scary.

HOW the hell anyone in any country, let alone what was once the leading democratic country in the western world can make such a ruling which allows anyone, particularly such a person as Trump to still stand for President is beyond comperhension.

We should expect an influx od American refugees in the not too distant future. The wealthy will mostly be able to escape, once again it will be the poor who are going to suffer.

The book I started this morning is called I seek a kind person, Julian Borger & is about Jewish refugees - which is somewhat ironic in view of what's going in America.

RE: Trump Immunity Ruling - harm_less - 02-07-2024

(02-07-2024, 03:21 PM)zqwerty Wrote: Extreme but possible, the Supreme Court Ruling sets this up, with Trump possibly in power you never know:
Does this also mean that Biden can do whatever the f*ck he likes for the next few months? If so I have a few suggestions Tongue

RE: Trump Immunity Ruling - Oh_hunnihunni - 02-07-2024

We already have a fair few US citizens here, especially the rich. Peter Thiel for instance, Trump supporter, and worth around seven billion.

As if any human being needs that much wealth.

RE: Trump Immunity Ruling - zqwerty - 02-07-2024

Biden says:

RE: Trump Immunity Ruling - Oh_hunnihunni - 02-07-2024

Interesting that the Court has now given the current president immunity. But it knows HE won't abuse it. He might be old and wobbly but he isn't dangerous. Or an abuser. Or immoral.

And they know it.

RE: Trump Immunity Ruling - Lilith7 - 02-07-2024

A suggestion earlier wondered if perhaps Biden declaring all golf courses as protected federal wildlife reserves & seizing them by eminent domain might be a good idea - it would be an official

(02-07-2024, 04:32 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: We already have a fair few US citizens here, especially the rich. Peter Thiel for instance, Trump supporter, and worth around seven billion.

As if any human being needs that much wealth.

They're everywhere; one of sweeties darling no.2's former neighbour's is an American Trump supporter.

I think that David Tipple,owner of the gun city shops may be as well but not sure.

Surely they can't have realised the possible long term consequences of this. But then - how can they not have? Dodgy

RE: Trump Immunity Ruling - zqwerty - 02-07-2024

What is Project 2025 And Why Is It Alarming?

RE: Trump Immunity Ruling - C_T_Russell - 02-07-2024

(02-07-2024, 03:42 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: They're not wrong - the future now is deeply scary.

HOW the hell anyone in any country, let alone what was once the leading democratic country in the western world can make such a ruling which allows anyone, particularly such a person as Trump to still stand for President is beyond comperhension.

We should expect an influx od American refugees in the not too distant future. The wealthy will mostly be able to escape, once again it will be the poor who are going to suffer.

The book I started this morning is called I seek a kind person, Julian Borger & is about Jewish refugees - which is somewhat ironic in view of what's going in America.
It's because of policy, many don't like trump, but they have no choice but to vote him because policy counts, not personality and they can't afford another term with that old fart Biden, he's resthome material.
America is fucked and bidens party is quickly causing a huge influx if migrants across the border, many who are criminals and they are being given voting rights and been caught handed out voting registrations without any verification or proof of residency.

RE: Trump Immunity Ruling - Oh_hunnihunni - 03-07-2024

If it is policy that matters as you say, then your dismissal of Biden could equally be applied to Trump on ethical grounds.

For me, both are too old and way too unsuitable as candidates, but fit rather well into the corruption that is politics in the US. It is all about money and power grabbing, democracy has long been drowned in that filth.

May we never come to such ruin.

RE: Trump Immunity Ruling - harm_less - 03-07-2024

The most likely outcome as I see it is that the Democrats win the coming election with either Biden or Kamala Harris leading them but either way Kamala (or another Democrat) will complete the coming presidential term as I don't think Biden will last the distance.

Trump is increasingly being recognised as being corrupt and a liar of the highest order and the dismal attendance at his rallies of late is evidence of this dismissal by his followers. The recent Supreme Court Ruling on Presidential immunity may well confirm marginal Trump supporters with a red flag regarding the harm he will be capable of if reelected. His January 6th actions have also now become a premonition of a Presidency under him with potentially unbridled powers. Only the most hard core MAGA voter can ignore the implications of the Supreme Court Ruling.

RE: Trump Immunity Ruling - Lilith7 - 03-07-2024

The biggest problem I think, is that Trump seems to be completly immoral. Zero integrity, zero compassion & empathy.

Power seems to be his only goal, & I suspect he's likely to be ruthless to attain it. And if he becomes President again, then heaven help America.

RE: Trump Immunity Ruling - harm_less - 03-07-2024

(02-07-2024, 03:42 PM)harm_less Wrote:
(02-07-2024, 03:21 PM)zqwerty Wrote: Extreme but possible, the Supreme Court Ruling sets this up, with Trump possibly in power you never know:
Does this also mean that Biden can do whatever the f*ck he likes for the next few months? If so I have a few suggestions Tongue
Seems I'm not the only one who thinks like I do Wink

RE: Trump Immunity Ruling - zqwerty - 03-07-2024

Trump put some of the Supreme Court Justices in power, others were already conservative:

RE: Trump Immunity Ruling - Oh_hunnihunni - 03-07-2024

The justices gave the president unlimited power. The interesting bit is they know Biden won't abuse it.

RE: Trump Immunity Ruling - zqwerty - 03-07-2024

Five SCOTUS Justices’ Comments on Prez Immunity Come Back to Haunt Them

RE: Trump Immunity Ruling - Lilith7 - 03-07-2024

They really need to do something to prevent Trump ever being president again; & quickly.

RE: Trump Immunity Ruling - C_T_Russell - 25-07-2024

Here is some good news for Trump.

Supreme Court casts doubt on hundreds of Jan 6 cases

RE: Trump Immunity Ruling - king1 - 25-07-2024

(25-07-2024, 12:40 AM)C_T_Russell Wrote: Here is some good news for Trump.

Supreme Court casts doubt on hundreds of Jan 6 cases

if you keep reading the article it becomes less convincing anyone will have convictions overturned