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Nurses union warns that people will die - Printable Version

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Nurses union warns that people will die - Lilith7 - 27-09-2024

If the downgrade of Dunedin hospital goes ahead; govt might want to take heed. Quite a lot of farming people need that hospital & they tend to often be Nat voters.

RE: Nurses union warns that people will die - Praktica - 27-09-2024

More fools them...

RE: Nurses union warns that people will die - harm_less - 27-09-2024

What's the chance these prats do a U-turn on the Dunedin Hospital decision when they see the depth of feeling in tomorrow's protest down there? You would have thought they had wised up about breaking electioneering promises after the budget cancer funding debacle. It's about time they started to appreciate the power of those who elected them, and those who they need to get them beyond being a single term government. How long before those Nat's who can see how inept Luxon's leadership is put his neck on the block?

RE: Nurses union warns that people will die - Lilith7 - 27-09-2024

(27-09-2024, 07:01 PM)harm_less Wrote: What's the chance these prats do a U-turn on the Dunedin Hospital decision when they see the depth of feeling in tomorrow's protest down there? You would have thought they had wised up about breaking electioneering promises after the budget cancer funding debacle. It's about time they started to appreciate the power of those who elected them, and those who they need to get them beyond being a single term government. How long before those Nat's who can see how inept Luxon's leadership is put his neck on the block?

Tomorrow's good.... Rolleyes Big Grin Big Grin

RE: Nurses union warns that people will die - Praktica - 28-09-2024

This will be a ploy - suggest that the whole thing will be scrapped, then when the announcement is made of just a significant downgrade, we will all be eternally grateful.

RE: Nurses union warns that people will die - Lilith7 - 28-09-2024

Massive protests happening - not often people in the south protest anything. And I can't recall the last time people in Westport protested anything.