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Indoor pot plants.
I want one big indoor pot plant...maybe a maidenhair fern or similar.

But, I also want a small one, to put on my bookshelves, that will trail down. Not big though.
This smaller plant will be sitting under the heatpump/air con, so maybe needs to be able to live in all conditions.

Any ideas please?
For your large plant consider a 'ZZ plant'. These are bold, upright and very low maintenance. They grow from a tuber a bit like a potato and they grow relatively fast so you don't need to buy a large one because it soon will be.

I'm still thinking about your small trailing plant as near a heat pump/aircon will expose it to low humidity which will brown leaf edges in many such plants and especially ferns. Maybe the reliable old spider plant?
Get fake ones then you'll have no bother just the occasional wipe over.
(25-02-2020, 02:23 PM)crafters_corner Wrote: I want one big indoor pot plant...maybe a maidenhair fern or similar.

But, I also want a small one, to put on my bookshelves, that will trail down. Not big though.
This smaller plant will be sitting under the heatpump/air con, so maybe needs to be able to live in all conditions.

Any ideas please?
From attending indoor plant parties [new version of tupperware party]  all the
demonstrators told us that maidenhair plants love moist type like areas  like in
a bathroom as they love the steam from showers/bath etc.

However many homes now have ventilation/shower domes etc that could hinder the foliage growth
Maidenhairs hate air movement, the wrong light, irregular watering and being looked at wrong. Avoid them like the plague. Peace lilies are bullet proof for your non trailer, and they flower. Very efficient air cleaners. The trailer could be a pothos. There are a number of forms, from plain dark green Jade, to bright lime green Neon, to various speckled ones, and they grow without fuss. Heart leafed philodendrons are good too - and all of these are readily available. I can send you cuttings that you can pop in a glass of water, and all will grow happily like that, or you can plant them into potting mix. Water culture is easy because you don't need to remember they might dry out, lol. A few drops of liquid ferts and they are happy.

My jungle is happy to share if you can wait till I am in the mood to do a courier thing.
Which reminds me, I have some seeds for Autumn. Must stop procrastinating...
(14-11-2021, 01:45 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Maidenhairs hate air movement, the wrong light, irregular watering and being looked at wrong. Avoid them like the plague. Peace lilies are bullet proof for your non trailer, and they flower. Very efficient air cleaners. The trailer could be a pothos. There are a number of forms, from plain dark green Jade, to bright lime green Neon, to various speckled ones, and they grow without fuss. Heart leafed philodendrons are good too - and all of these are readily available. I can send you cuttings that you can pop in a glass of water, and all will grow happily like that, or you can plant them into potting mix. Water culture is easy because you don't need to remember they might dry out, lol. A few drops of liquid ferts and they are happy.

My jungle is happy to share if you can wait till I am in the mood to do a courier thing.
Which reminds me, I have some seeds for Autumn. Must stop procrastinating...
I to have a jungle  my mother in laws tongue has just taken off in a prolific manner
I am going to add one of those to the collection one day. I just need the right pot. Stunning plants.

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