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Intermittent Graphical Glitch
Last few days, after a random amount of time the taskbar gets a glitch.
Reboot fixes it. It may happen once a day, early, later no pattern.

Nothing I can find...driver been the same for a while, it's up to date, system up to date.

When it glitches a reboot is the only solution, while rest of screen/desktop is there, you can't access anything.        
1st thoughts, faulty drivers someplace. Even though its random, it can still happen, esp where you mention "while rest of screen/desktop is there, you can't access anything." Sounds like the Drivers have frozen or crashed, and restart on a reboot.

If it were windows, I'd use Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) and completely rip them all out then reinstall fresh drivers (but not the latest) you would really need to get them all out, as simply reinstalling over the top can leave behind old corrupted fragments, sometimes the latest isn't always the best.

The other thought is disable hardware acceleration and see if that makes any difference.

Does linux have an event viewer like windows, (or similar) that you can have a look at and see if anything went phhhttttt or crashed ?
Upgrades = Old bugs replaced with new Bugs.
usually when I see that sort of pixilation I think hardware fault, maybe graphics chip or memory. But being specifically localised to the taskbar is odd.

I'd be checking the update history to see if any updates occurred that might have caused it, and I think a memory test would be a good idea as well. I usually use memtest86 for that - usual practice is to test memory modules individually...

I'm not to familiar with linux though so hopefully someone else can chip in...
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The drivers remain the same. It's not like Windows where that can be changed by an update, And there is no further driver available for this rather old card. So no changes there.
HW acceleration made no difference to anything.
Ram is fine.
Event Viewer, yes there is assorted of these, Nothing mentioned about graphics in any way.
Of course since posting this, it hasn't done it.
I am on the latest Kernel too so oh well, I'll see how it goes.

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