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Fast track bill implications
I don't usually consider posting links to paywalled content but this Newsroom article sums up the implications of the proposed Fast track bill brilliantly.
Anne Salmond has an open submission on the bill.

Quote:The issues raised by the fast-track bill go far beyond party politics. They show an utter disregard for democracy – ‘of the people, by the people, for the people.’ The bill also declares war on the natural world – which is one we can’t win.

No MP who believes in democracy can support this bill, and stay true to their values.  It lacks any democratic mandate.  It emerged from backroom deals among politicians, advanced by a party that won just 6 percent of the vote in the recent election. 

The majority party, with 38 percent of the vote, told voters that it was “passionate about safeguarding New Zealand’s unique natural environment, abundant native biodiversity, pristine waters and spectacular landscapes for future generations.” Did it lie to the electorate? This bill is the antithesis of National’s manifesto.

The fast-track bill also excludes citizens from having any say about what happens in their own communities, in favour of ministerial fiat. In its provisions, three ministers get to decide on projects that go on the ‘fast track’ for decision-making, and which projects are finally approved. 
In addition, these ministers get to choose the members of the advisory group and the convenor of the expert panels, who must consult them about appointees to the panels. Their powers are almost untrammelled, while the members of affected communities are excluded.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
This report on submissions received so far in regard to the Fast track bill is interesting and tends to suggest that the bill has some major hurdles and potential future remedial backtracking to look forward to.
These are clearly people who do not care about other people, the environment or the planet. Money is their objective, pure & simple. If they have their way then there will be little left in the end.
To even consider what they intend to do is an indication of the type of people they are.

Quote:Stevenson Mining has been chasing consent for a coal mine on a mountaintop site near Westport.

The land is home to numerous threatened species, such as roroa great spotted kiwi, South Island fernbird, geckos, and 17 plant species.
Forest and Bird won a case against the mining company in the Environment Court last April, with the court ruling efforts to boost the economic and social wellbeing of the community and mitigate the effects of mining activities did not outweigh the threat to biodiversity, and resource consent should not be granted.

Now, opponents are worried its decision not to appeal signals an intention to try for a spot on the fast-track approvals list.
Forest and Bird group manager Richard Capie did not believe it was not a coincidence.

"I don't think Stevenson Mining has suddenly come to its senses and decided that a 150-hectare mine on a stunning part of New Zealand with incredibly rare eco-systems is a bad idea."
The way the bill allowed projects, which the judicial system had already halted, to potentially gain approval was problematic, Capie said.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Does the situation in play across the ditch seem similar to how our Fast Track Bill will work, or is it just me?

(05-05-2024, 03:27 PM)harm_less Wrote: Does the situation in play across the ditch seem similar to how our Fast Track Bill will work, or is it just me?

Its not just you - that's scarily similar, though perhaps not quite as bad.

in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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