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Conspiracy Theories in Aotearoa
A very good piece by Dylan Reeve.
Quote:People seeking a “truth” they instinctively feel is being withheld find themselves in sometimes quite extreme online communities. 
i know of one such place, crowded with aggressive anti social sentiments.

Where anything mainstream is defiled and vilified as lies by the mentally challenged halfwits.
the echo chambers that normalise this shit are getting so predictable its boring. 
They have become a meme. a type. small group of super smart, super smartererer than the rest of us, who disbelieve anything the majority accept as fact. they think we are stupid.

they dont choose right or wrong based on anything other than how the mainstream interpret it. doesnt matter what, everything, from vaccinations to politics to climate to energy. if the mainstream take one view they are compelled to take the opposite.
they say we are being manipulated. really? when all we have to do to make you act a certain way is to endorse it.
the antis are compelled to hate everything we do, have little or no choices of because of it. We the public get to pick and choose what we like, the antis are left with what remains.

Many are so impassioned its almost sad. You see some of the ways they act online and have to be a tad concerned.
It manifests itself irl in places like parliaments lawn.  most of us dont really care all that much to be honest, shit being what shit is, we just try to deal with it, why make it harder?
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
lol, so now the chch terrorist attack was staged? where will it stop...
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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(22-03-2022, 08:44 AM)king1 Wrote: lol, so now the chch terrorist attack was staged? where will it stop...
it doesnt, as one fades a new one has to replace it. otherwise adherents might start asking questions.
gotta keep the beast fed.
that election overthrow still happening in look a nuclear butterfly
barack obamas birth certificate shhh...oh look bill gates is eating african children.
the animals at the mandate riot...shh hey look clarke gayford.

dont look at that, look at this.
the same people, the same shit, rolled in different coloured glitter.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
One of the beliefs that amuses me and surfaces every year or so is that in Aotearoa citizens are prohibited from having vegetable gardens. It started on Reddit several years ago as an example of the PM's tyranny and was based on some food safety regulations that had nothing to do with vegetable gardening.

An ex-friend of mine, previously in Coromandel but now in the UK, propounded this idiocy on FB a few years ago. I posted on his timeline some photos of me surrounded by veges in our vegetable garden, he unfriended me immediately. He believes that "the elite" are poisoning the atmosphere with "chemicals" to unsettle the weather and make us believe that climate change is real, the purpose of this being unclear but something to do with us enriching the elite by buying electric vehicles.
This interview on Radio NZ earlier this morning on the language of cults relates to the subjects mentioned in this thread:
Bloody hell - they do indeed walk among us!
If we're 'prohibited from having gardens' perhaps they'd care to explain what those red things on plants are out in the backyard??!

And any damn fool who believes that the Mosque attack wasn't real would be well advised not to say that too loudly in CHCH.

I sometimes watch Moana Maniapoto on Maori TV - she has a current events show, te Ao, which is often interesting, & last night's was on the subject of CTs, including three people who'd actually gone down the rabbit hole. And includes an expert on how best to cope with those who've bought into the bollocks.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
actually olive there are elements of truth in a couple of instances that i can think of.

first the vege garden thing. as you say absolute poppycock.
however Monsanto have for years tried to corner the home vege market like they have so many other markets.
(have a look into some of the cynical tragedies performed in India by them)
one way of doing this is to control the seed stock. monsanto have developed hybrids of just about everything that grow faster, bigger and better.. except breed. their seed is sterile, hybrids do not copy well.
if monsanto can restrict the types of seed, or manipulate the legislation, they could see to it that only hybrid seed be available to the public.
viable seeds would become black market.
possible certainly, plausible? dunno.

look into monsantos background, theyre ruthless.

the other scare that was amplified and repeated was that home baking couldnt be sold at galas and fairs and had to come from registered kitchens. Even bringing homemade food to schools and kindys (birthday cakes) would be unlawful.
Common sense prevails, as it does when legislation was passed, and fundraising etc was not impacted by it.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
I think the Monsanto thing is correct, however the market they want is the commercial seed buyers. The home vege garden market is so small as to not even be on their radar, and it is a steadily shrinking market as fewer and fewer households have space for any kind of garden let alone veges.
(22-03-2022, 10:11 AM)Olive Wrote: I think the Monsanto thing is correct, however the market they want is the commercial seed buyers.  The home vege garden market is so small as to not even be on their radar, and it is a steadily shrinking market as fewer and fewer households have space for any kind of garden let alone veges.
The movie Percy vs. Goliath is based on the case Monsanto fought against Percy Schmeiser back in 1998. It's an accurate dramatisation of this precedent setting ruling and Monsanto's efforts to 'rule' the seed market.
What Im seeing besides the obvious is Telegram this and Telegram that

Telegram is a popular cross-platform messaging app that is widely used because it offers some enhanced privacy and encryption features as well as support for large group chat features.

Telegram was founded by two Russian brothers Nikolai and Pavel Durov and was originally based in Berlin. It is registered both as an American Limited Liability Company and Limited Liability Partnership in UK.

Telegram does encrypt your messages as they travel between your device and the Telegram server, but these messages sit on the server so you can access them from multiple devices. A breach of Telegram's servers could thus result in your messages being exposed.

The service offers end-to-end encryption in its secret chats, but you have to start these manually. If you forget to start one, or someone else begins a non-secret chat with you, it doesn't enjoy the same privacy protections.

I wonder if some of these conspiracy groups use this medium because of its encryption and secret chats?
Not being one that uses the likes of these chat apps I dont know if its the same for all the other apps out there but Telegram seems to be the preferred on at this stage
Despite the high cost of living it remains popular
(22-03-2022, 10:11 AM)Olive Wrote: I think the Monsanto thing is correct, however the market they want is the commercial seed buyers.  The home vege garden market is so small as to not even be on their radar, and it is a steadily shrinking market as fewer and fewer households have space for any kind of garden let alone veges.
There is actually a film based on this - based on a true story of a farmer who was a seed saver so he would gather seeds from his crop to be used next season.  However because his neighbours used Monsanto seeds it meant the seeds he was saving  contained  genetic material that was actually Monsanto property so Monsanto sued him for years worth of crops.
(22-03-2022, 10:38 AM)Oldfellah Wrote: What Im seeing besides the obvious is Telegram this and Telegram that

Telegram is a popular cross-platform messaging app that is widely used because it offers some enhanced privacy and encryption features as well as support for large group chat features.

Telegram was founded by two Russian brothers Nikolai and Pavel Durov and was originally based in Berlin. It is registered both as an American Limited Liability Company and Limited Liability Partnership in UK.

Telegram does encrypt your messages as they travel between your device and the Telegram server, but these messages sit on the server so you can access them from multiple devices. A breach of Telegram's servers could thus result in your messages being exposed.

The service offers end-to-end encryption in its secret chats, but you have to start these manually. If you forget to start one, or someone else begins a non-secret chat with you, it doesn't enjoy the same privacy protections.

I wonder if some of these conspiracy groups use this medium because of its encryption and secret chats?
Not being one that uses the likes of these chat apps I dont know if its the same for all the other apps out there but Telegram seems to be the preferred on at this stage
the ct nutbars use the medium as a platform because they can, most legitimate places want nothing to do with them
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
Biggest thing with CTs is they often have grains of Truth within them - this then fools some into believing what is being said is potentially true. Or they will point to inconsistencies in reporting at the time as "evidence" of cover up. You saw this a lot this in 911 CTs and moon landing ones. Hell I even saw one that said a person being carried from the scene of the Boston bombing showing his leg blown off was actually an actor who already had his leg amputated and that it was special FX makeup.

Some of the debates on TM around 911 were epic. One poster claimed that light poles knocked down when the plane flew over the highway towards the pentagon were prepositioned the night before and then moved onto a busy highway but no one saw these people. Same poster said wreckage in NYC from the planes like engines etc on the street were dumped there and again no one saw.
There seems no limit to the utterly daft stuff we humans can get ourselves to believe.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
genius has a measure, the depths of stupidity remain unplumbed.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
(22-03-2022, 01:53 PM)Magoo Wrote: genius has a measure, the depths of stupidity remain unplumbed.
I think we might be seeing those depths illuminated, magoo...
I do have other cameras!
And dont forget duck duck go, a good mate who is so far down the hole recomend i use this, said nah i'm happy with google, his response, thats main stream.
im sorry, but what a bunch of backwards assed mouth breathers.
ffs, use your critical thinking, use someone elses critical thinking if yours is fucked.
the whole ct set let themselves down badly the last few years.
theyve gone from improbable to impossible and gotten pissy about being laughed at.
but theyre funny. not our fault their shit is fantastic its just funny.
but its dangerous too, these nutsacks think theyre in the 'know' and that 'forces' gather against them.
paranoid and delusional, a dangerous cocktail of dumbass
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye

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