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Starlink article
I saw this earlier today about Starlink. Obviously some people haven't yet heard about it so having an article is good, but why does the beginning of what is an otherwise good article assume all readers are ignorant? EgĀ  ".... The lights were also seen above Warkworth earlier in the year ... ". The lights are above us everywhere all the time although are mostly unable to be seen with the naked eye. The newest chains do put on a good show when they're in the right place at the right time in a clear sky. We've seen the most recent chain three times in the last two weeks around 7pm-ish.

I use to see what is where. For those who haven't seen it before, it's overwhelming to see just how many satellites there are, but also great to select just the most recent and follow its orbit to see when it's going to go over where you are. The dusk times on a recent chain are the best to view while the sun is reflecting off them.

I fully understand the astronomers' perspective of "pollution" of the clear sky view, but if we want universal internet coverage we need to accept that it's happening.
In deepest darkest Auckland, we are lucky if we see the Moon..

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