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ChatGPT SQL Query
Had a need for a small project, a database query on three different database types, since I only use mysql I asked ChatGPT - here's the answer. 

A lot of industries should be rightly worried I would think...

Anyone know how correct these results are?

Question: can you convert a MYSQL query to be compatible with pgsql
ChatGPT Answer

Yes, I can help you convert a MySQL query to be compatible with PostgreSQL (pgsql).
Here's an example MySQL query:
FROM users
WHERE age > 25
ORDER BY last_name DESC

Here's the equivalent PostgreSQL query:
FROM users
WHERE age > 25
ORDER BY last_name DESC

As you can see, the syntax for the SELECT statement is almost identical in both MySQL and PostgreSQL. However, there may be slight differences in the syntax for certain functions or clauses. For example, PostgreSQL uses "ILIKE" instead of "LIKE" for case-insensitive pattern matching, and it uses "::" to cast a value to a specific data type.
If you have a specific MySQL query that you need help converting to PostgreSQL, feel free to provide it and I can assist you with the conversion.

Question : I Provide the query

Quote:CREATE TABLE mybb_chkProxyPlus (
dateline int unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
ipaddress varbinary(16) NULL default NULL,
giiScore DECIMAL(7,2) NOT NULL default 0,
sfsConf DECIMAL(7,2) NOT NULL default 0,
errorMsg text,
PRIMARY KEY (eventid)

[/font][/color]Here's the equivalent PostgreSQL statement for creating the mybb_chkProxyPlus table

CREATE TABLE mybb_chkProxyPlus (
    dateline integer NOT NULL default 0,
    ipaddress inet NULL default NULL,
    giiScore NUMERIC(7,2) NOT NULL default 0,
    sfsConf NUMERIC(7,2) NOT NULL default 0,
    errorMsg text

The SERIAL type in PostgreSQL is equivalent to the AUTO_INCREMENT attribute in MySQL. PostgreSQL also has an inet data type for storing IP addresses. The NUMERIC data type in PostgreSQL is equivalent to the DECIMAL data type in MySQL.

Note that the varbinary data type in MySQL is not directly supported in PostgreSQL. The closest equivalent is the bytea data type, but since the ipaddress column is not used as a binary field in this case, I've used the inet data type instead.

Question :  and in sqlite?

Here's the equivalent SQLite statement for creating the mybb_chkProxyPlus table

CREATE TABLE mybb_chkProxyPlus (
    ipaddress BLOB,
    giiScore NUMERIC(7,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    sfsConf NUMERIC(7,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    errorMsg TEXT

The INTEGER data type in SQLite is equivalent to the INT data type in MySQL and integer data type in PostgreSQL. SQLite also has an AUTOINCREMENT attribute to generate auto-incrementing primary keys.

The BLOB data type in SQLite is equivalent to the varbinary data type in MySQL. The NUMERIC data type in SQLite is equivalent to the DECIMAL data type in MySQL and NUMERIC data type in PostgreSQL.

Note that SQLite does not have a specific data type for storing IP addresses. In this case, I've used the BLOB data type to store the IP address as a binary field.
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I have no idea as my coding skills are practically zero, however ive found it rather useful for generating basic arduino code with good results, you can even tell it to make corrections if you know something is not right.
I must say I was surprised at its capability
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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The theft of over 100,000 ChatGPT accounts has sent shockwaves through the digital landscape. Cybercriminals executed a targeted attack, infiltrating the platform’s security infrastructure and gaining unauthorized access to a vast number of user accounts. This breach has left users understandably concerned and highlights the growing sophistication of cyber threats.

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