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Oh dear - Gloriavale heads not happy.
They claim they didn't get a fair hearing fgs.  They're going to the appeal court because they claim the women workers are really 'volunteers.'

As if they have any choice in the matter - having been brainwashed from birth, they're extremely unlikely to be able to refuse to take part in working.
Dodgy Angry

"The leaders have gone to the Appeal Court to ask for leave to appeal the Employment Court’s decision to recognise former Gloriavale women as employees and not as volunteers.

The decision meant the women had rights under employment law, including minimum working conditions and pay.
The leaders did not appeal a similar finding in an earlier case brought by three former Gloriavale men who were found to be employees when they worked in the community’s commercial businesses from the age of 6.

The leaders’ application claims the Employment Court misdirected itself on the meaning of employee.
It also claims the court conducted the trial in a manner that breached natural justice, with the judge “failing to recuse herself, in circumstances that gave rise to a risk of apparent bias” and admitting evidence that was prejudicial and irrelevant.
It said the Court of Appeal should grant leave to appeal because the judgment was likely to affect the rights and interests of many other community members who lived and worked in similar circumstances, including other communal and religious groups.

The women’s lawyer, Brian Henry, said the leaders had a right to seek leave to appeal.
They didn’t appeal the boys’ case. This time they have decided to appeal the girls’ case.
We will work through the process and I will be seeking an early hearing because it has huge ramifications for a lot of people, particularly the young girls inside Gloriavale,” he said."
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
“They didn’t appeal the boys’ case. This time they have decided to appeal the girls’ case."

Says it all really.

(11-08-2023, 04:12 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: “They didn’t appeal the boys’ case. This time they have decided to appeal the girls’ case."

Says it all really.


Utter bastards indeed - but a pound to a penny, that lot will have some 'reason' for  only appealing the girl's case. If they can get themselves to believe that their glorious leader is destined by god to be leader, they can believe pretty much anything. When its convenient for them to do so, obviously.

I hope they bloody lose & have to pay all the women who work massive amounts of back pay as well. Including & especiallly those who managed to leave.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
the blokes were working in the cults organisations commercial operations so they probably didn't have a leg to stand on...

But with the girls it might be a bit more of a grey area *if* they were just doing the usual stuff any good house hubby might do... If they were working in a commercial laundry doing the laundry for local hotels for example, it would be a different story...
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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This isn't a family home. This is an enormous live in working institution that exploits the many in order to profit from and promote the power dreams of the few. Just like any other large commercial organisation.

Religion, through the abuse of the sacred, is simply their marketing campaign.

The trouble with our growing focus on 'consent', is that consent is based on understanding. When understanding is blocked by propaganda and long term - multigenerational? - brainwashing then it simply does not exist. And, in 21st century Aotearoa that is simply unacceptable, be it religion, culture, ethnicity, or gender based.
Of course the heads won't be happy, if they are required to pay all the women slaving for them!
(12-08-2023, 06:51 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: This isn't a family home. This is an enormous live in working institution that exploits the many in order to profit from and promote the power dreams of the few. Just like any other large commercial organisation.

Religion, through the abuse of the sacred,  is simply their marketing campaign.

The trouble with our growing focus on 'consent', is that consent is based on understanding. When understanding is blocked by propaganda and long term - multigenerational? - brainwashing then it simply does not exist. And, in 21st century Aotearoa that is simply unacceptable, be it religion, culture, ethnicity, or gender based.

Perhaps it may be time to look very carefully at religious schools of all kinds, including what we think of as mainstream religion & what they're teaching kids.  It may not be so bad now when virtually everyone has access to the net & wider knowledge (both good & bad) but it might not be such a bad idea to take measures to prevent places such as Gloriavale from brainwashing kids while claiming  education.

That's likely to be an extremely thorny thing to set up & not without some controversy.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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