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An ode for King Luxon
An ode for King Luxon, Victor Billot

"Performance Review

King Luxon sat behind
His massive polished oak desk.
It is Performance Review time.
There is a knock on the door.
“Enter!” says the King.
In steps Minister of Disabilities and Carer Pedicures, Penny Simmonds.
“I can explain everything …” she begins.
“Fine,” says King Luxon, pressing the eject button.

Minister Simmonds is blasted through the ceiling
And disappears into the night sky.

There is another knock on the door.
“Enter!” says the King.
In steps Minister for the Abolition of the Media, Melissa Lee.
“I can explain everything …” she begins.
“Fine,” says King Luxon, pressing the eject button.

A trapdoor opens up under Minister Lee
And she is plunged into the basement shark tank.
There is another knock on the door.
“Enter!” says the King.

In steps the Queen in Waiting, Lady of the Strait,
Numbers Girl and Neighbourhood Tobacconist, Nicorette Willis.
“What are you doing here?” Asks the King in surprise.
“You aren’t due for a Performance Review.”

The Queen in Waiting silently hands over a parchment.
On it is written in ornate calligraphy:
“Popularity poll results for King amongst serfs and peons – Minus 900%.”
King Luxon looks up, but it is too late:
Queen in Waiting Nicorette
Is reaching for his eject button."

Rolleyes Big Grin Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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