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If a kid...
... say a preteen, brutalised by abuse and parental addictions, responds to an adult attack and kills a parent in defense of themself and a sibling, are they responsible for a criminal act? And if, as a result of that extended trauma they go on to more violence are they then responsible for that too?

Or are they so broken the community has no alternative but to put them down? Child, or not...
We can't put them down though so we'd have to do as much as possible to try to get the person through what they've suffered & healed as far as is possible.
If they kill an abusive parent in defence of themselves or sibling, then I think that might be in some way justifiable while still being a crime - but legally, I'm not sure how they'd deal with it.

It might mean though that they can't be allowed to live among the general public & need some more secure & supervised place to live if they're definitely likely to be a danger to others. Perhaps it might depend on the extent of the damage done, as to whether they can recover or not.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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