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What is a woman? documentary streaming for free next 24 hours
Most animals do not operate under delusions of superiority. of course, with cats, it isn't a delusion.
(03-06-2023, 06:45 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Why?

Why do we have to impose our standards, our beliefs, on people who are perfectly capable of developing their own, especially if they are OUR children who we have raised to be intelligent rational thoughtful people? What gives us the right to be bosses of other people? You really think we know best?

I certainly don't. And frankly, I think young people today are way more prepared to live good lives than we ever were. Latest research indicates they are drinking less, far less likely to get into drugs, are more picky about their sexual partners and are altogether more responsible that their parents and grandparents were, so just who do we think we are laying down rules?

It is a very different world today. Let them navigate it their way. After all, they have to live with the consequences. We'll be long dead...

Well that's just it, this sort of crap is being sold to children as a choice.
There shouldn't even be a choice. Nature chooses your gender at birth and shouldn't need to be messed around with surgery, drugs or any other sort of shit put into your body to try and mess around with your gender.
How about actually teaching children to enjoy who they are, rather than making them into something they are not?
Unapologetic NZ first voter, white cis male, climate change skeptic.
Exactly. Nature chooses... And sometimes she experiments and throws in wild cards. And it is not up to us to lay down our belief and attitude framework on top of those choices because in many instances our science, our knowledge simply isn't up to understanding her ways just yet.

With gender, so many things are in play alongside the physical, that insisting the physical be the only measure is simply naive. It is assuming the whole is only determined by the outside, and we know that is a huge mistake. We cannot measure human beings by the standards of previous generations either. As you so aptly put it - we didn't hear of trans when we were growing up. We did know though of folk who were comfortable stepping into other gender roles, putting on different personalities, and doing it all for our entertainment. We also knew of the tragedies of those who never did quite fit into the lives they had, though we might not have spoken about it except quietly, when the kids were asleep.

We know better these days. Our understanding and our science has advanced. I know adjusting to the changes is uncomfortable for many of us older ones, learning new stuff is a painful process as we shed old knowledge and make our brains accept new truths. But doing so is how we stay useful and contribute, and not get left behind, muttering denial into our morning cuppa...

Btw, this story is the perfect illustration of how things change. For the better.
(03-06-2023, 09:47 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote:
(03-06-2023, 06:45 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Why?

Why do we have to impose our standards, our beliefs, on people who are perfectly capable of developing their own, especially if they are OUR children who we have raised to be intelligent rational thoughtful people? What gives us the right to be bosses of other people? You really think we know best?

I certainly don't. And frankly, I think young people today are way more prepared to live good lives than we ever were. Latest research indicates they are drinking less, far less likely to get into drugs, are more picky about their sexual partners and are altogether more responsible that their parents and grandparents were, so just who do we think we are laying down rules?

It is a very different world today. Let them navigate it their way. After all, they have to live with the consequences. We'll be long dead...

Well that's just it, this sort of crap is being sold to children as a choice.
There shouldn't even be a choice. Nature chooses your gender at birth and shouldn't need to be messed around with surgery, drugs or any other sort of shit put into your body to try and mess around with your gender.
How about actually teaching children to enjoy who they are, rather than making them into something they are not?

"Nature chooses your gender at birth"

Then clearly nature gets it very badly wrong sometimes; if someone has been born into the wrong body & is distressed by that then the option for change should be available. 

How about accepting children/adults as who they truly feel & say they are rather than an  imposed gender which feels entirely wrong to that unfortunate person, thus making them who they truly are rather than what is comfortable for the narrow (& often right wing Christian) views of some.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(04-06-2023, 11:41 AM)Lilith7 Wrote:
(03-06-2023, 09:47 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote: Well that's just it, this sort of crap is being sold to children as a choice.
There shouldn't even be a choice. Nature chooses your gender at birth and shouldn't need to be messed around with surgery, drugs or any other sort of shit put into your body to try and mess around with your gender.
How about actually teaching children to enjoy who they are, rather than making them into something they are not?

"Nature chooses your gender at birth"

Then clearly nature gets it very badly wrong sometimes; if someone has been born into the wrong body & is distressed by that then the option for change should be available. 

How about accepting children/adults as who they truly feel & say they are rather than an  imposed gender which feels entirely wrong to that unfortunate person, thus making them who they truly are rather than what is comfortable for the narrow (& often right wing Christian) views of some.

Well at least leave it to adulthood for them to choose.
None of this shit at the age of 11 giving them puberty blockers.
And in the US at least, the medical industry is promoting it because it brings them lots of $$$$, especially for the drugs that they have to stay on for the rest of their life.
Unapologetic NZ first voter, white cis male, climate change skeptic.
(05-06-2023, 11:46 AM)C_T_Russell Wrote:
(04-06-2023, 11:41 AM)Lilith7 Wrote: "Nature chooses your gender at birth"

Then clearly nature gets it very badly wrong sometimes; if someone has been born into the wrong body & is distressed by that then the option for change should be available. 

How about accepting children/adults as who they truly feel & say they are rather than an  imposed gender which feels entirely wrong to that unfortunate person, thus making them who they truly are rather than what is comfortable for the narrow (& often right wing Christian) views of some.

Well at least leave it to adulthood for them to choose.
None of this shit at the age of 11 giving them puberty blockers.
And in the US at least, the medical industry is promoting it because it brings them lots of $$$$, especially for the drugs that they have to stay on for the rest of their life.

While I definitely agree with regard to the American medical industry, I think the problem is that obliging them to endure puberty in what would be for them, entirely the wrong body isn't helpful. Perhaps in time some way can be found to manage things better, since this is a relatively new area for medicine.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Looks like elon musk got into hot water for tweeting this.
Can see why elon purchased twitter to make it into a free speech platform.
Unapologetic NZ first voter, white cis male, climate change skeptic.

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