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Power grid Sabotuer
Interesting; this bloke considers himself a political prisoner apparently. He has a rather odd background & is an anti vaccer who tried to bring down the national power grid.

[b]on by Auckland University Law Lecturer Fuimaono Dylan A[/b]
[b]s"[/b]New Zealand's first and only convicted saboteur, who attempted to bring down the country's national power grid to cause mass disruption, will remain behind bars.
A psychological assessment found Graham Philip still poses a "reasonable risk" of undertaking further disruptive action to garner attention for his cause, and the Parole Board has ruled he should remain in prison.
Philip, a 63-year-old former IT professional from Taupō, appeared before the board nearly three weeks ago seeking release from Tongariro Prison. He has been held in custody since he was first arrested in the days after his attack in December 2021.
Details of Philip's offending are subject to a permanent suppression order, although it can be reported his attack was against Transpower infrastructure and resulted in a fire, causing $1.25 million in damage.
Philip's goal was to cause mass disruption to the New Zealand population to draw attention to the government's Covid-19 response, which he felt was harming people.

"There is no evidence Mr Philip has ever taken into consideration that vulnerable members of the public and agencies/hospitals etc are dependent upon uninterrupted power supply. Mr Philip believes his offending was the result of a 'rational thought process'."

[b]pini[/b]His conviction in his beliefs saw him turn into an almost fulltime campaigner. He had hundreds of followers online, with his postings garnering significant traction within Aotearoa's conspiracy and "doomsday prepper" circles.
The 62-year-old's lead supporters created hype around him and convinced others he was innocent.
In 1988, his brother David was tried after being alleged to have killed Kyung Eup Lee, a South Korean fisherman, at the Melbourne Railway Station. He was sprung after a letter he wrote saying he had "done in a Korean" was intercepted by New Zealand authorities.
Philip, still in London, flew to Melbourne weeks later to visit his brother.
He arrived to discover it had been alleged David also cooked the man's body parts in a wok and displayed Lee's severed penis in the station's female bathrooms.
David was later found not guilty by reason of insanity and remains in a mental health institution today. Philip was convinced the murder occurred as a result of childhood trauma.
"I became a Christian when I was 19 and Jesus Christ has healed me of all that. Otherwise, I'd be just like David," he wrote."
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I hope they haven't reproduced.
In and out of jobs, running free
Waging war with society
(16-08-2023, 05:27 PM)Zurdo Wrote: I hope they haven't reproduced.

And so say all of us...

They must have had a fairly awful upbringing.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
If he was doing this in Russia, I would have commended him

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