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maori protest first day of parliament
Nothing in the treaty demands two classes of people, nor does it require a maori health authority.
The maori today were protesting against democracy.
NZ has been far too divided and it's time to treat everyone here in this country as one people regardless of race or ancestry.
Equal rights and treatment for everyone, no place for race based Healthcare.
Luxon is undoing all the divisive policies labour put in place.
Nz first and act both have maori MPs along with national anyway, but get slammed as racist.
Good news is winston and Seymour won't back down and I'm sure luxon will demonstrate that he can unite everyone with a health system treats everybody the same.
Unapologetic NZ first voter, white cis male, climate change skeptic.
(05-12-2023, 07:02 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote: .....
Good news is winston and Seymour won't back down and I'm sure luxon will demonstrate that he can unite everyone with a health system treats everybody the same.
You're ignoring the fact that the over-representation of Maori in our health system is largely the result of a racial underclass that has for New Zealand's period since colonisation been denied fair representation in employment, education, the judicial system and political voice. Today's protests should be a warning to Luxon and his 2ICs not to roll back measures that were implemented to rebalance those racial injustices or the voices will only get louder.
The issue is its not an efficient way to spend the money with two separate health systems and for what purpose?
It also doesn't look good when patients race is taken preference for waiting lists, etc.
You can see why the public were mad about this don't you?
Most hospitals have maori wards anyway and generally I got the impression that maori needs were catered for quite well.
I really hate the division and I hope luxon can address it.
Unapologetic NZ first voter, white cis male, climate change skeptic.
Before we can treat everyone the same, we need to raise up those who are obviously suffering discrimination, however that might be brought about.

Most of the public are not mad about those who need prioritising, getting it. It is the way we do things.

The impression you get is obviously not based on the facts that come out of every survey - including the census, which clearly demonstrate Maori and Pasifika need prioritising. To pretend otherwise is either deliberate, or sheer ignorance.

Btw, Maori wards are not in hospitals. I think you are confusing those with representational arrangements.
(05-12-2023, 10:52 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote: The issue is its not an efficient way to spend the money with two separate health systems and for what purpose?
It also doesn't look good when patients race is taken preference for waiting lists, etc.
You can see why the public were mad about this don't you?
Most hospitals have maori wards anyway and generally I got the impression that maori needs were catered for quite well.
I really hate the division and I hope luxon can address it.

Two points...

I have never heard of there being separate hospital wards for Maori - given that hospitals are generally laid out by medical need, it would seem impractical to have specific maori only wards?  

The division you talk of has been caused by historical injustice decades in the making - the only way to truly fix the problem is to address the historical injustice.  Platitudes and burying your head in the sand only delays the process and can never fix the division in such a way that ALL New Zealanders will not feel marginalised.
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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Protesting against democracy?

Rubbish. Protesting IS DEMOCRACY!
(06-12-2023, 07:39 AM)king1 Wrote: "Two points...

I have never heard of there being separate hospital wards for Maori - given that hospitals are generally laid out by medical need, it would seem impractical to have specific maori only wards?   

The division you talk of has been caused by historical injustice decades in the making - the only way to truly fix the problem is to address the historical injustice.  Platitudes and burying your head in the sand only delays the process and can never fix the division in such a way that ALL New Zealanders will not feel marginalised."

Well said.   As for CT's remark (joke?) about Maori wards in hospitals, that is an ignorant error first perpetuated by Chantelle Baker, the conspiracy "influencer" who had a brief moment of notoriety during the occupation of Parliament.  She is mainly known for being thick as a plank and twice as ignorant.   It's becoming clear where CT gets his/her ideas from.
(06-12-2023, 08:02 AM)Olive Wrote:
(06-12-2023, 07:39 AM)king1 Wrote: "Two points...

I have never heard of there being separate hospital wards for Maori - given that hospitals are generally laid out by medical need, it would seem impractical to have specific maori only wards?   

The division you talk of has been caused by historical injustice decades in the making - the only way to truly fix the problem is to address the historical injustice.  Platitudes and burying your head in the sand only delays the process and can never fix the division in such a way that ALL New Zealanders will not feel marginalised."

Well said.   As for CT's remark (joke?) about Maori wards in hospitals, that is an ignorant error first perpetuated by Chantelle Baker, the conspiracy "influencer" who had a brief moment of notoriety during the occupation of Parliament.  She is mainly known for being thick as a plank and twice as ignorant.   It's becoming clear where CT gets his/her ideas from.

I wonder if they're getting it confused with local body election wards? I believe there was discussion about introducing Maori wards into local elections similar to what they do with the general election. Not sure it got off the ground though...
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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(06-12-2023, 08:02 AM)Olive Wrote:
(06-12-2023, 07:39 AM)king1 Wrote: "Two points...

I have never heard of there being separate hospital wards for Maori - given that hospitals are generally laid out by medical need, it would seem impractical to have specific maori only wards?   

The division you talk of has been caused by historical injustice decades in the making - the only way to truly fix the problem is to address the historical injustice.  Platitudes and burying your head in the sand only delays the process and can never fix the division in such a way that ALL New Zealanders will not feel marginalised."

Well said.   As for CT's remark (joke?) about Maori wards in hospitals, that is an ignorant error first perpetuated by Chantelle Baker, the conspiracy "influencer" who had a brief moment of notoriety during the occupation of Parliament.  She is mainly known for being thick as a plank and twice as ignorant.   It's becoming clear where CT gets his/her ideas from.

Same place perhaps as that 'only one tobacco outlet in Northland' lie came from...
(06-12-2023, 08:05 AM)king1 Wrote:
(06-12-2023, 08:02 AM)Olive Wrote: Well said.   As for CT's remark (joke?) about Maori wards in hospitals, that is an ignorant error first perpetuated by Chantelle Baker, the conspiracy "influencer" who had a brief moment of notoriety during the occupation of Parliament.  She is mainly known for being thick as a plank and twice as ignorant.   It's becoming clear where CT gets his/her ideas from.

I wonder if they're getting it confused with local body election wards? I believe there was discussion about introducing Maori wards into local elections similar to what they do with the general election.  Not sure it got off the ground though...

Yes, my recollection is that Chantelle thought local body wards were hospital wards. Thick as a plank.
(05-12-2023, 07:02 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote: Nothing in the treaty demands two classes of people, nor does it require a maori health authority.
The maori today were protesting against democracy.
NZ has been far too divided and it's time to treat everyone here in this country as one people regardless of race or ancestry.
Equal rights and treatment for everyone, no place for race based Healthcare.
Luxon is undoing all the divisive policies labour put in place.
Nz first and act both have maori MPs along with national anyway, but get slammed as racist.
Good news is winston and Seymour won't back down and I'm sure luxon will demonstrate that he can unite everyone with a health system treats everybody the same.

That really is utter nonsense. The democratic right to protest is something which is vital in any democracy; the day we lose that is the day we no longer have democracy.

The present govt has cynically used anti Maori feeling to get where they are, but they have badly underestimated the value most Kiwis place on the treaty in their rush to grab the racist vote.
They prefer to ignore the appalling health statistics & pretend that somehow, Maori might get/have been getting in some way 'special treatment'.

The differnce between equality & equity.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(06-12-2023, 07:39 AM)king1 Wrote:
(05-12-2023, 10:52 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote: The issue is its not an efficient way to spend the money with two separate health systems and for what purpose?
It also doesn't look good when patients race is taken preference for waiting lists, etc.
You can see why the public were mad about this don't you?
Most hospitals have maori wards anyway and generally I got the impression that maori needs were catered for quite well.
I really hate the division and I hope luxon can address it.

Two points...

I have never heard of there being separate hospital wards for Maori - given that hospitals are generally laid out by medical need, it would seem impractical to have specific maori only wards?   

The division you talk of has been caused by historical injustice decades in the making - the only way to truly fix the problem is to address the historical injustice.  Platitudes and burying your head in the sand only delays the process and can never fix the division in such a way that ALL New Zealanders will not feel marginalised.

My grandmother was in hospital shortly before they passed away and put into the maori ward because there was no room elsewhere at the time.

I didn't know they were even a thing prior.

Now I never said they were exclusively for maori people only(my grandmother was not), there were maori nurses present, and it was clear to me that they were designed for maori needs, which I dont have any problem with.

We also have maori health clinics around the country as it stands, so personally, I don't see what benefits we have with a separate race based health authority.
I've also been told by a maori friend that you can register at these practices and pay less to see a GP, even if you a non maori.
So clearly not race based, buy they primarily are there to help maori, since they are operated by their own people, you would think the system works well.

My view is we can't dig up the past, nor are we responsible for any historical injustices.
But we should look to the future and work together for everyone's benefit.
We were just seeing more divisive policies with the last government.
This time round, we will see more inclusion and everyone treated equal.
I should also point out that this government has a record number of maori MPs.
What's there to complain?
Unapologetic NZ first voter, white cis male, climate change skeptic.
I was registered at Te Puna Hauora for a while. It wasn't any cheaper or any different to any other practice.

As for not being responsible, I disagree. We are always responsible if we see injustice or inequity and do nothing about it. It is called being complicit by neglect.

As for this government, record number of Maori MPs? Really? How about women? Pasifika? Disabled? The proof will be in the eating I think. Bit early to be singing their praises seeing so far the tails have been wagging the dog...
More Māori in parliament. Yes.
More Māori in government. No.

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