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Does CCleaner delete stored Solitaire score?
A friend thinks when he runs CCleaner it deletes his Solitaire result history.
Is this so?
How can he keep his result history intact, but continue to run CCleaner to clear Cookies etc?
He is on Win-11.
TIA, Peter.
Best way I found not to delete Cookies ( at least) is run Ccleaner 1st. Then open the program or site, right away -- On the left - Options - Cookies - Move everything that is on the left window to Cookies to Keep.

The reason for running it 1st - it clears out the hundreds of Cookies and references not related to  what you are trying to save.

This setting ignores what ever is selected when running Cccleaner.

Have similar problem with Wordle -- lost streaks sometimes Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Upgrades = Old bugs replaced with new Bugs.
Probably it does delete that yes, I haven't used it for a while, the latest versions are naggy crapware and by rights it should clean itself off your computer.
Ive moved away from Ccleaner too, its become nagware these days and does the opposite of what it was originally designed to do.

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