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ANTIFA declared a terrorist organization
(05-06-2020, 12:07 PM)nzoomed Wrote:
yeah. Unfortunate to not be understanding your government is still there for our good. it is the ignorance of what things are that brings the ignorance of ourselves to the front, if any, hopefully none. Protest, keep it peaceful that right belongs to us all and look forwards to the coming changes. We can not do this by ourself. We CAN stand up for our rights but when compromised by violence there is no longer credibility. Man will think what he will for himself first.
Explainer: Can President Trump designate ‘antifa’ as a terrorist group?
(15-11-2021, 02:42 PM)Zak410 Wrote: Explainer: Can President Trump designate ‘antifa’ as a terrorist group?

Ex president Trump?, who lost the House, Senate and WhiteHouse in one term.
A stunning display of ineptitude and farcial buffoonery hitherto unseen anywhere.
He can declare it, but you'd have to be bonkers to believe it based on his track record of lies.
So if you disappear out of view You know I will never say goodbye
ANTIFA was preferable to Trump
"Peaceful protest" demands seem to ignore that significant change in history has come from violent struggle; the French Revolution, Civil Rights movement in the US (when thinking of Black Panthers fighting against police brutality in black neighbourhoods), the American Civil War, workers strikes in the 1800s to better working conditions, etc.

2 million people peacefully marched against a new extradition law in Hong Kong and the Government ignored it. 2 million. So the protesting turned dangerous and violent and, if it had not been for COVID putting the breaks on things, there was no sign that things were going to get better.
(24-11-2021, 09:21 AM)reigns Wrote: "Peaceful protest" demands seem to ignore that significant change in history has come from violent struggle; the French Revolution, Civil Rights movement in the US (when thinking of Black Panthers fighting against police brutality in black neighbourhoods), the American Civil War, workers strikes in the 1800s to better working conditions, etc.

2 million people peacefully marched against a new extradition law in Hong Kong and the Government ignored it. 2 million. So the protesting turned dangerous and violent and, if it had not been for COVID putting the breaks on things, there was no sign that things were going to get better.

There seems to be a terrible fault in our species, in that we'll exploit others for our own gain rather than comprehending that improving things for everyone also benefits us all in the long term. Samuel Parnell founded the 8 hour day here, the idea being no one should work more than 8 hours each day, which left 8 for leisure/education & 8 for sleep.

That lasted a while, but then some of us got greedy. I really wonder sometimes at the idiocy of humans - but also at our ingenuity.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
What about BLM they were murdering & destroying property of innocent people but guess thats too hot for woke r politicians . Crime has run rampant since the election & those woke police depts are now desperatly trying to recruit more police to replce those that left in disgust
Goodmorning Joe 90! Back again then?

How nice.
(18-12-2021, 08:31 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Goodmorning Joe 90! Back again then?

How nice.
Or something... Rolleyes Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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